Keyword: Regeneration
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Responses to elevated carbon dioxide for postdrought recovery of turfgrass species differing in growth characteristics Access Restrictions |
Chapman, Cathryn; Burgess, Patrick; Bingru, Huang. 2021. Crop Science. November/December. 61(6): p. 4436-4446. |
316769 |
Effects of elevated carbon dioxide on drought tolerance and post-drought recovery involving rhizome growth in Kentucky bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Chapman, Cathryn; Burgess, Patrick; Huang, Bingru. 2021. Crop Science. September/October. 61(5): p. 3219-3231. |
317080 |
The relationship between morphology changes and antioxidant enzymes activity during somatic embryogenesis of long-term-maintained callus of Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. |
Lin, Tianyi; Zhou, Ren; Wu, Yange; Gu, Minxia; Bi, Bo; Chai, Mingliang. 2021. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. August. 101(4): p. 500-507. |
315927 |
Hormone regulation of tiller and stolon regrowth following drought stress in creeping bentgrass | Chapman, Cathryn; Huang, Bingru. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118911. |
309464 |
Direct and indirect in vitro plant regeneration of two commercial cultivars of perennial ryegrass |
Esmaeili, S.; Salehi, Hassan; Khosh-Khui, M. 2018. Advances in Horticultural Science. 32(2): p. 273-280. |
340777 |
Genetic resources and genetic transformation in bermudagrass - a review |
Huang, Shilian; Wang, Chen; Liang, Junsong. 2018. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 32(1): p. 1-9. |
327341 |
Optimisation and establishment of a high frequency regeneration system for Lolium multiflorum 'Tetragold' and L. perenne 'Four seasons' |
Zeng, Qing-fei; Wei, Xin; Chen, Xi; Chen, Guang-jie; Ma, Pei-jie; Wu, Jia-hai; Wang, Xiao-li. 2017. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. August 20. 34(8): p. 1649-1660. |
288720 |
Cerium improves the copper tolerance of turf grass Poa pratensis by affecting the regeneration and biosynthesis of ascorbate and glutathione in leaves Access Restrictions |
Liu, Runqiang; Shan, Changjuan; Gao, Yangfan; Wang, Jianhua; Xu, Zhaolin; Zhang, Lihang; Ma, Wenzhe; Tan, Runfa. 2016. Revista Brasileira de Botânica / Brazilian Journal of Botany. June. 39(2): p. 779-785. |
269536 |
Fire hits vegetation, but recovery buoys spirits |
Forrest, John. 2016. TurfCraft International. March/April. 167: p. 16, 18-20, 22. |
290498 |
Research progress on influencing factors of seedling establishment |
Zhang, Wei-zhen; Liu, Zhong-kuan; Zhao, He-jing; Liu, Gui-xia. 2016. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. March 20. 33(3): p. 479-488. |
280591 |
In vitro regeneration, somatic hybridization and genetic transformation studies: An appraisal on biotechnological interventions in grasses Access Restrictions |
Giri, C. C.; Praveena, M. 2015. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. March. 120(3): p. 843-860. |
270208 |
Drought resistance analysis of regenerated plants from calli of Lolium perenne carried by the Shenzhou No. 7 spaceship |
Peng, Limei; Cao, Li; Han, Lei; Qian, Yongqiang; Sun, Zhenyuan. 2015. [Caoye Xuebao] [Acta Prataculturae Sinica]. January 20. 24(1): p. 64-71. |
273488 |
Plant regeneration system of wild Kentucky bluegrass in Longxi, Gansu Province | Yu, Ling; Ma, Hui-ling. 2014. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. June 15. 31(6): p. 1063-1069. |
260390 |
Sprouting and plant regeneration capability in saline conditions of seashore paspalum, manilagrass, and hybrid bermudagrass stolons Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Gaetani, Monica; Lulli, Filippo; Andreucci, Andrea; Masini, Antonio; Vittori, Gabriele; Volterrani, Marco. 2013. Propagation of Ornamental Plants. 13(2): p. 57-64. |
275427 |
Establishment of regeneration system for seashore paspalum Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Li, Wei-ling; Liu, Jun; Yu, Jing-jin; Yang, Zhi-min. 2013. Zhongguo Caodi Xuebao [Chinese Journal of Grassland]. 4: p. Unknown. |
282540 |
Influence of different hormone combinations on Kentucky bluegrass 'ABBY' callus induction |
Jiang, Xin-min; Yang, Chun-hua; Liu, Yu. 2013. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. December 15. 30(12): p. 1974-1979. |
280633 |
Recent advance in genetic transformation of zoysiagrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Liu, Yonghai; Yu, Le; Cui, Tiecheng. 2012. Zhaoqing Xueyuan Xuebao [Journal of Zhaoqing University]. 33(5): p. Unknown. |
285731 |
In vitro selection of glyphosate-tolerant variants from long-term callus cultures of Zoysia matrella [L.] Merr Access Restrictions |
Chen, Shu; Chai, Mingliang; Jia, Yufang; Gao, Zhongshan; Zhang, Li; Gu, Minxia; Lin, Wendan; Wang, Liping. 2012. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. November. 111(2): p. 199-207. |
270198 |
Effects of shoot clipping-soil disturbance frequency and tuber size aboveground and belowground growth of purple and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus and Cyperus esculentus) Access Restrictions |
Bangarwa, Sanjeev K.; Norsworthy, Jason K.; Gbur, Edward E. 2012. Weed Technology. October-December. 26(4): p. 813-817. |
247253 |
Establishment of high efficient regeneration system of perennial ryegrass and PEPC gene transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumafaciens | Li, Wei; Zhang, Na; Li, Ren; Zhao, Bing; Guo, Yang-dong. 2012. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. July. 20(4): p. 747-752. |
270146 |
Callus induction, plant regeneration, and long-term maintenance of embryogenic cultures in Zoysia matrella [L.] Merr Access Restrictions |
Chai, Mingliang; Jia, Yufang; Chen, Shu; Gao, Zhongshan; Wang, Hefei; Liu, Lulu; Wang, Peijia; Hou, Daqiang. 2011. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. February. 104(2): p. 187-192. |
270355 |
A simple and reproducible regeneration protocol for Zoysia japonica based on callus cultures Access Restrictions |
Song, In-Ja; Ganesan, Markkandan; Kang, Eun Jeong; Sun, Hyeon-Jin; Bae, Tae-Woong; Lim, Pyung-Ok; Song, Pill-Soon; Lee, Hyo-Yeon. 2010. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology. 51(3): p. 222-225. |
214853 |
Optimization of common bermudagrass tissue culture and plantlet regeneration | Jiang, Qian; Zhang, Qi; Zheng, Li-ping; Cai, Ping. 2010. [Bei Fang Yuan Yi] [Northern Horticulture]. 10: p. 162-166. |
271228 |
Rapid and efficient callus induction and plant regeneration from seeds of zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) Access Restrictions |
Wang, Xun; Hoshino, Yoichiro; Yamada, Toshihiko. 2010. Grassland Science. December. 56(4): p. 198-204. |
173898 |
An Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system using callus of Zoysia tenuifolia Willd. ex Trin Access Restrictions |
Li, Meiru; Li, Hongqing; Hu, Xiaoying; Pan, Xiaoping; Wu, Guojiang. 2010. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. September. 102(3): p. 321-327. |
273135 |
Morphological mutants of St. Augustinegrass induced by gamma ray irradiation Access Restrictions |
Li, R.; Bruneau, A. H.; Qu, R. 2010. Plant Breeding. August. 129(4): p. 412-416. |
168003 |
Highly efficient regeneration system for multiple shoots in perennial ryegrass | Liu, Zhen; Yuan, Qing-hua; Wang, Yu; Wang, Suo-min. 2010. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. July. 18(4): p. 576-583. |
271288 |
New kid on the block: A new variety of ryegrass is giving superintendents another option to consider Access Restrictions |
Trusty, Steve. 2010. Golf Course Management. May. 78(5): p. 74, 76. |
162631 |
Drought tolerance and regeneration of different turf grass mixtures for Middle Europe Access Restrictions |
Nonn, H.; Bartels, H.; Lock, R.; Kühbauch, W. 2010. 2nd European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May 21. 2: p. Unknown. |
164187 |
Study on callus induction and plant regeneration of zoysiagrass |
Liu, Yong-hai; Yu, Le; Cui, Tie-cheng. 2010. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. March 15. 27(3): p. 107-111. |
237288 |
Embryogenic callus induction of tall fescue and its plant regeneration Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Li, Lan. 2009. Xumu yu Siliao Kexue [Animal Husbandry and Feed Science]. 30(1): p. 58-60. |
282808 |
Embryogenic cell suspension culture and plant regeneration in zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud) | Fang, Wenjuan; Han, Liebao; Qi, Chunhui; Li, Deying. 2009. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 23(2): p. 345-352. |
215193 |
High frequency plant regeneration from mature seed-derived callus of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) cultivars | Lee, Ki-Won; Choi, Gi Jun; Kim, Ki-Yong; Ji, Hee Chung; Park, Hyung Soo; Yoon, Sei Hyung; Lee, Sang-Hoon. 2009. African Journal of Biotechnology. December 15. 8(24): p. 6828-6833. |
199649 |
Long-term cultured callus and the effect factor of high-frequency plantlet regeneration and somatic embryogenesis maintenance in Zoysia japonica Access Restrictions |
Liu, Li; Fan, Xiaoli; Zhang, Junwei; Yan, Meiling; Bao, Manzhu. 2009. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. November/December. 45(6): p. 673-680. |
244651 |
Development of a plant regeneration system from seed-derived calluses of centipedegrass [Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.) Hack] Access Restrictions |
Yuan, Xuejun; Wang, Zhiyong; Liu, Jianxiu; She, Jianming. 2009. Scientia Horticulturae. March 3. 120(1): p. 96-100. |
146985 |
Establishing an abundant and efficient explant system for the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of zoysiagrass | Wang, X.; Hoshino, Y.; Yamada, T. 2008. XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress: Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World. 2: p. 307. |
168554 |
The effect of auxin type and cytokinin concentration on callus induction and plant regeneration frequency from immature inflorescence segments of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz) Access Restrictions |
Neibaur, Isaac; Gallo, Maria; Altpeter, Fredy. 2008. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. December. 44(6): p. 480-486. |
244652 |
Root growth: Sod versus seed (reality through research): The difference of supportive root growth from sod, compared to from seed, is dramatic, as is each system's tolerance to drought. Access Restrictions |
Beasley, Jeffrey; Wilkinson, Henry. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 31(3): p. 30-32, 34, 36. |
135610 |
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides [Munro] Hack.) Access Restrictions |
Liu, Mingxi; Yang, Jing; Lu, Shaoyun; Guo, Zhenfei; Lin, Xiping; Wu, Hong. 2008. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. April. 44(2): p. 100-104. |
244659 |
Regeneration of zoysia grass (Zoysia matrella L. Merr.) cv. Konhee from young inflorescences and stem nodes Access Restrictions |
Dhandapani, Murugesan; Hong, Seung-Beom; Aswath, Channa Reddy; Kim, Doo Hwan. 2008. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. January/February. 44(1): p. 8-13. |
244650 |
Development of a Tissue Culture and Transformation Protocol for Seashore Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Neibaur, Isaac Espi. 2007. M.S. Thesis: University of Florida. 95 pp. |
171610 |
Comparison of callus induction and plant regeneration from different explants in triploid and tetraploid turf-type bermudagrass |
Zhang, Song; Hanna, Wayne; Ozias-Akins, Peggy. 2007. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. July. 90(1): p. 71-78. |
136814 |
Regeneration of native warm-season grasses Access Restrictions |
Harrison-Dunn, Melanie. 2006. 2006 Turfgrass Field Day [Georgia]. p. 13. |
141486 |
An efficient callus suspension culture system for triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon transvaalensis × C. dactylon) and somaclonal variations Access Restrictions |
Lu, Shaoyun; Wang, Zhongcheng; Peng, Xingxing; Guo, Zhenfei; Zhang, Gengyun; Han, Liebao. 2006. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 87(1): p. 77-84. |
242785 |
Qualitätseigenschaften verschiedener Gebrauchsrasenmischungen: Teil 2: Narbendichte, Regenerationsvermögen und Arteninventar ([Properties of different lawn turf mixes: Part 2: Leaf thickness, regeneration ability, and sward composition]) |
Nonn, H.; Kühbauch, W.; Lock, R. 2006. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. December. 37(4): p. 169-177. |
121785 |
Highly efficient embryogenesis and plant regeneration of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) from mature seed-derived calli Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Wan-Jun; Dong, Jiang-Li; Liang, Ben-Guo; Jin, Yong-Sheng; Wang, Tao. 2006. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. March/April. 42(2): p. 114-118. |
244655 |
Improved plant regeneration and in vitro somatic embryogenesis of St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] Access Restrictions |
Li, R.; Bruneau, A. H.; Qu, R. 2006. Plant Breeding. February. 125(1): p. 52-56. |
159921 |
Optimization of in vitro multiple shoot clump induction and plantlet regeneration of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) Access Restrictions |
Hu, X.R.; Yang, A.F.; Zhang, K.W.; Wang, J.; Zhang, J.R. 2006. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. January. 84(1): p. 89-98. |
242824 |
Efficient plant regeneration from mature seed derived embryogenic callus of turf-type bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum flugge) Access Restrictions |
Altpeter, F.; Positano, M. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 479-484. |
105429 |
Genetic transformation of turf-type bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum flugge) by biolistic gene transfer Access Restrictions |
Altpeter, F.; James, V. A. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 485-489. |
105430 |
Regeneration of transgenic buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) with glyphosate resistance using particle bombardment Access Restrictions |
Fei, S.; Riordan, T.; Bishnoi, U.; Clemente, T. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 550-554. |
105440 |
Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of manilagrass |
Qin, Chao; Lu, Shaoyun; Yang, Jinfen; Guo, Zhenfei; Han, Liebao. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 555-557. |
105441 |
Plant Regeneration and Genetic Transformation of Zoysiagrass Access Restrictions |
Liebao, Han; Chunhui, Qi; Xiaohong, Liang; Wenjuan, Fang; Weifei, Wang. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 588-592. |
105447 |
Embryogenic callus induction and regeneration in a pentaploid hybrid bermudagrass cv. Tifton 85 |
Jain, Mukesh; Chengalrayan, Kudithipudi; Gallo-Meagher, Maria; Mislevy, Paul. 2005. Crop Science. May/June. 45(3): p. 1069-1072. |
104615 |
Effects of genotype ad plant growth regulator on callus induction and plant regeneration in four important turfgrass genera: A comparative study Access Restrictions |
Salehi, H.; Khosh-Khui, M. 2005. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. March/April. 41(2): p. 157-161. |
105587 | |
High efficiency breeding techniques and breeding of new turfgrass cultivars with excellent resistance |
Liebao, Han; Zhengfei, Guo; Chunhui, Qi; Jinna, Xin. November 2002 - November 2004. In: Golf Research Database 2004. Bingley, The Sports Turf Research Institute on behalf of The R&A, St. Andrews. |
103201 |
Rasen Und Wiese im Hausgarten (Lawn and Meadow in the Garden) |
LWG Gartenakademie. 2004. Veitshöchheim, Germany: Bayerische Landesanstalt Für Weinbau und Gartenbau. 7 pp,. |
130543 |
Ploidy variation among herbicide-resistant bermudagrass plants of cv. TifEagle transformed with the bar gene Access Restrictions |
Goldman, J. J.; Hanna, W. W.; Fleming, G. H.; Ozias-Akins, P. 2004. Plant Cell Reports. March. 22(8): p. 553-560. |
94789 |
A study on the technique of plant regeneration from mature seed embryo of Kentucky bluegrass in vitro Access Restrictions |
Zuo, Jianming; Zhang, Baolong; Chen, Zhiyi; Ni, Wanchao. 2003. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. 1: p. 58-62. |
261986 |
A vernalization protocol for obtaining progenies from regenerated and transgenic tall fescue plants Access Restrictions |
Wang, Z. Y.; Bell, J.; Scott, M. 2003. Plant Breeding. December. 122(6): p. 536-538. |
93167 |
Plant regeneration from callus of apomictic and sexual lines of Paspalum simplex and RFLP analysis of regenerated plants Access Restrictions |
Molinari, L.; Busti, A.; Calderini, O.; Arcioni, S.; Pupilli, F. 2003. Plant Cell Reports. July. 21(11): p. 1040-1046. |
90359 |
Green care in extreme conditions | Vermueulen, Paul. 2003. USGA World Wide Web Site. June 23. |
93289 |
Efficient callus formation and plant regeneration of goosegrass [Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.] Access Restrictions |
Yemets, A. I.; Klimkina, L. A.; Tarassenko, L. V.; Blume, Y. B. 2003. Plant Cell Reports. February. 21(6): p. 503-510. |
86162 |
Breeding turfgrass for better golf: Turfgrass breeders have been modifying grasses for more than 50 years, but now they have new tools Access Restrictions |
Turner, Kevin; Nelson, Eric; Lee, Lisa; Harriman, Bob. 2003. Golf Course Management. January. 71(1): p. 184-187. |
83980 |
Stepwise decrease of 2,4-D and addition of BA in subculture medium stimulated shoot regeneration and somatic embryogenesis in buffalograss | Fei, Shui-Zhang; Riordan, Terry; Read, Paul. 2002. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. September. 70(3): p. 275-279. |
94815 |
Embryogenic callus induction and plant regeneration media for bentgrasses and annual bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Wang, Yuexia; Ruemmele, Bridget A.; Chandlee, Joel M.; Sullivan, W. Michael; Knapp, Jane E.; Kausch, Albert P. 2002. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. September. 38(5): p. 460-467. |
244649 |
In vitro somatic embryogenesis in turf-type bermudagrass: Roles of abscisic acid and gibberellic acid, and occurrence of secondary somatic embryogenesis Access Restrictions |
Li, L.; Qu, R. 2002. Plant Breeding. April. 121(2): p. 155-158. |
80176 |
Effective population size during grass germplasm seed regeneration |
Johnson, R. C.; Bradley, V. L.; Evans, M. A. 2002. Crop Science. January/February. 42(1): p. 286-290. |
78176 |
Plantlet regeneration from meristemoid cultures of zoysiagrass and hybrid bluegrass |
Genovesi, A. D.; Engelke, M. C.; Read, J. C. 2001. 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
78652 |
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of creeping bentgrass with TLP gene |
Fu, D. L.; Muthukrishnan, S.; Liang, G. H. 2001. 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
78699 |
Germplasm development and management of buffalograss varieties | Riordan, Terrance. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 26. |
78360 |
Hybrid bermudagrass improvement by genetic transformation | Qu, Rongda. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 27. |
78361 |
Establishment of embryonic suspension culture derived from leaflets of sexual bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) with regeneration ability in long term Access Restrictions |
Chen, Lanzhuang; Guan, Liming; Anami, Eiko; Adachi, Taiji. 2001. Plant Biotechnology. 18(3): p. 209-214. |
149477 |
Establishment of transformation systems of zoysiagrass by particle bombardment | Lim, Sun-Hyung; Byung-Chorl, Kang; Yong, Namgung; Hong-Gyun, Shin. 2001. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 15(1): p. 9-14 [275-280]. |
128472 |
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from suspension cultures of timothy | Guo, Y. D.; Pulli, S. 2001. IXth International Turfgrass Research Conference. 9: p. 70. |
74459 |
Scanning electron microscopic study on in vitro somatic embryogenesis of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue |
Bradley, D. E.; Bai, Y.; Tallury, S. P.; Qu, R. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 146-151. |
74250 |
Effects of cultivar, explant treatment, and medium supplements on callus induction and plantlet regeneration in perennial ryegrass |
Bradley, D. E.; Bruneau, A. H.; Qu, R. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 152-156. |
74252 |
Embryogentic callus induction and plant regeneration of buffalograss through leaf base and seedling segment culture Access Restrictions |
Fei, S.; Bishnoi, U. S.; Riordan, T.; Read, P. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 162-164. |
74273 |
Nodal segment explant as a potential target for the genetic engineering of buffalograss Access Restrictions |
Fei, S.; Yu, T.; Clemente, T.; Riordan, T. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 165-168. |
74275 |
Improved young inflorescence culture and regeneration of 'Tifway' bermudagrass (cynodon transvaalensis x C. dactylon) Access Restrictions |
Qu, R.; Chaudhury, A. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 198-201. |
74281 |
Forage and turf grass biotechnology Access Restrictions |
Wang, Zengyu; Hopkins, Andrew; Mian, Rouf. 2001. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. November. 20(6): p. 573-619. |
160553 |
Scanning electron microscopic study on in vitro somatic embryogenesis of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue |
Bradley, David E.; Bai, Yuyu; Tallury, S. P.; Qu, Rongda. 2001. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 18 [19](6): p. 41-42. |
78339 |
Effects of cultivar, explant treatment, and medium supplements on callus induction and plantlet regeneration in perennial ryegrass |
Bradley, David E.; Bruneau, Art H.; Qu, Rongda. 2001. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 18 [19](6): p. 42. |
78357 |
Improved young inflourescence culture and regeneration of Tifway bermudagrass (Cynodon transvaalensis x C. dactylon) |
Qu, Rongda; Chaudhury, Ashok. 2001. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 18 [19](6): p. 42-43. |
78370 |
Factors influencing tissue culture responses of mature seeds and immature embryos in turf-type tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Bai, Y.; Qu, R. 2001. Plant Breeding. June. 120(3): p. 239-242. |
150953 |
New pitch problems need new solutions |
Pass, Carl. 2001. The Groundsman. March. 55(3): p. 18-19, 41. |
73122 |
Tissue culture and plant regeneration of blue grama grass, Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. Ex Steud Access Restrictions |
Aguado-Santacruz, Gerardo Armando; Cabrera-Ponce, José Luis; Olalde-Portugal, Víctor; Sánchez-González, Ma. Rosario; Márquez-Guzmán, Judith; Herrera-Estrella, Luis. 2001. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. March. 37(2): p. 182-189. |
244654 |
Stable transformation of a recalcitrant Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) cultivar using mature seed-derived highly regenerative tissues Access Restrictions |
Ha, Chi D.; Lemaux, Peggy G.; Cho, Myeong-Je. 2001. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. January. 37(1): p. 6-11. |
244657 |
Hybrid bermudagrass improvement by genetic transformation | Qu, Rongda. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 40. |
72142 |
In vitro screening and recovery of Rhizoctonia solani resistant creeping bentgrass: Evaluation of three in vitro bioassays Access Restrictions |
Tomaso-Peterson, M.; Sri Vanguri, A.; Krans, J. V. 2000. p. 314-324. In: Clark, J. Marshall; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
64625 |
Improvement of embryogenic callus induction and shoot regeneration of buffalograss by silver nitrate | Fei, Shuizhang; Read, Paul E.; Riordan, Terrance P. 2000. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 60(3): p. 197-203. |
94814 |
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of turf-type bermudagrass: Effect of 6-benzyladenine in callus induction medium | Chaudhury, Ashok; Qu, Rongda. 2000. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 60(2): p. 113-120. |
94813 |
Optimum conditions of plant regeneration from seed-derived callus of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) |
Hiroi, Kiyosada; Yahagi, Hisashi; Sugita, Shin-ichi. 2000. Molecular Breeding of Forage Crops 2000. 2: p. 124. |
73783 |
An evaluation of callus induction and plant regeneration in twenty-five turf-type tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) cultivars Access Restrictions |
Bai, Y.; Qu, R. 2000. Grass and Forage Science. December. 55(4): p. 326-330. |
71929 |
Production of transgenic tall fescue and red fescue plants by particle bombardment of mature seed-derived highly regenerative tissues | Cho, M.-J.; Ha, C. D.; Lemaux, P. G. 2000. Plant Cell Reports. November. 19(11): p. 1084-1089. |
71272 |
Rapid production of transgenic turfgrass (Festuca rubra L.) plants Access Restrictions |
Altpeter, Fredy; Xu, Jianping. 2000. Journal of Plant Physiology. October. 157(4): p. 441-448. |
238914 |
Comparison of techniques to increase calluna vulgaris cover on heathland invaded by grasses in Breckland, south east England Access Restrictions |
Britton, A. J.; Marrs, R. H.; Carey, P. D.; Pakeman, R. J. 2000. Biological Conservation. October. 95(3): p. 227-232. |
116975 | |
Development of vegetation on set-aside land for up to nine years from a national perspective Access Restrictions |
Critchley, C. N. R.; Fowbert, J. A. 2000. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. July. 79(2/3): p. 159-174. |
65667 |
Wurzeln - Indikator für die Pflanzengesundheit (Roots - indicator of plant health) |
Fischer, Thomas. 2000. Greenkeepers Journal. March. 1: p. 8. |
66245 |
Dynamiques de Régénération et Interactions Positives Dan les Successions Végétales. Installation de "Buxus Sempervirens L." et "Quercus humilis Miller" Sur les Pelouses des Grands Causses Gérées Par le Pâturage ([Dynamics of Regeneration and Postive Interactions in Vegetal Interactions: Installation of "Buxus Sempervirens L." and "Quercus humilis Miller" on the Lawns of Grando Causses Cared for by the Pastures]) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Rousset, Olivier. 1999. Ph.D. Dissertation: Université de Montpelliers 2. 260 pp. |
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