Keyword: Runoff control
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Lawn Watering | Korb, Gary. 1999. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Extension. 3, [1] pp. |
151511 |
Moapa Valley Surge Irrigation Study | Devitt, D. A.; Andersen, J. 199X. [Reno, Nevada]: University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. [4] pp. |
211536 |
Sediment and nitrogen transport in grass filter strips Access Restrictions |
Mendez, Aida; Dillaha, Theo A.; Mostaghimi, Saied. 1999. Journal of the American Water Resources Association/AWRA. August. 35(4): p. 867-875. |
231757 |
Keeping chemicals out of our groundwater: Safe and sound turf fertilization and management practices |
Hattori, Kevin. 1999. Turf: North. February. p. A5-A7, A10, A14-A15. |
251985 |
Impacts Of Site Use On Soil Quality And Runoff Potential In A Degraded Watershed In Central Park, New York City Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Singleton, A. D. 1998. M. S. Thesis: Cornell University. |
55592 |
Guidebook of Best Management Practices for Michigan Watersheds | Peterson, Amy; Reznick, Ralph; Hedin, Sally; Hendges, Martin; Dunlap, Dennis. 1998. [Michigan]: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Surface Water Quality Division. vi, 57 pp. |
199131 |
Reducing pesticide and nutrient runoff using buffers: Taller grass in the rough can reduce the amounts of pesticides and nutrients that run off into lakes, streams and ponds Access Restrictions |
Baird, James H. 1998. Golf Course Management. September. 66(9): p. 57-61. |
54039 |
Nonpoint pollution of surface waters with phosphorus and nitrogen Access Restrictions |
Carpenter, S. R.; Caraco, N. F.; Correll, D. L.; Howarth, R. W.; Sharpley, A. N.; Smith, V. H. 1998. Ecological Applications: A publication of the Ecological Society of America. August. 8(3): p. 559-568. |
162330 |
Morrish's River Valley Ranch opens | Anonymous. 1998. Golf Course News. July. 9(7): p. 34. |
52661 |
Golf & the Environment continues | Anonymous. 1998. Golf Course News. May. 10(5): p. 24. |
44687 |
Use of grass filter strips to reduce 17Β-estradiol in runoff from fescue-applied poultry litter Access Restrictions |
Nichols, D. J.; Daniel, T. C.; Edwards, D. R.; Moore, P. A. Jr.; Pote, D. H. 1998. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. First quarter. 53(1): p. 74-77. |
42833 |
Remember the Boston Tea Party? | Leslie, Mark. 1997. Golf Course News. November. 9(11): p. 8. |
44063 |
Fertilizer may reduce runoff, improve water | Lennert, Larry. 1997. Golf Course News. October. 9(10): p. 1, 23. |
43819 |
Dubsdread to undergo yet another major renovation | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. September. 9(9): p. 5. |
43861 |
Study: Golf has minimal impact on water table | Leslie, Mark. 1997. Golf Course News. May. 9(5): p. 1, 67, 69. |
43216 |
Desert floods bedevil Las Vegas courses | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. April. 9(4): p. 7. |
43138 |
Business not as usual with Snyder at Hercules CC | Blewett, Troy. 1997. Golf Course News. April. 9(4): p. 28-29. |
43182 |
Evaluation of best management practices to protect surface water from pesticides and fertilizer applied to bermudagrass fairways | Baird, James H. 1996. 1996 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 58-59. |
46991 |
Mobility and persistence of turfgrass pesticides in a USGA green | Snyder, George H.; Cisar, John L. 1996. 1996 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 64-65. |
47084 |
Potential movement of certain pesticides following application to golf courses | Smith, Albert E.; Bridges, David C. 1996. 1996 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 72-73. |
47146 |
Vegetative filter strip design for grassed areas treated with animal manures Access Restrictions |
Edwards, Dwayne R.; Daniel, Tommy C.; Moore, Philip A. Jr. 1996. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 12(1): p. 31-38. |
232152 |
Turfgrasses benefit people and their environment |
Shearman, Robert C. 1996. Center for Grassland Studies [Newsletter]. Winter. 2(1): p. 1, 6. |
137803 |
St Andrews builds for the future | Anonymous. 1996. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 31-32. |
208356 |
Ecology on the course: Always a lot to learn | Richardson, Ken. 1996. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 35. |
208358 |
GCSANC members preview San Juan Oaks at September meeting | Anonymous. 1996. Thru the Green [Northern California]. September. p. 1. |
205597 |
Golf course study at four courses identifies environmentally responsible turf management | The Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District. 1996. Hole Notes. July. 27(5): p. 22. |
206681 |
A whole lot of turf: Permeable paving permits mall expansion in Connecticut |
White, Patrick. 1996. Turf: North. February. p. 31-32, 34-35, 37-38. |
251484 |
Guidelines for establishing warm season grass hedges for erosion control Access Restrictions |
Dewald, C. L.; Henry, J.; Bruckerhoff, S.; Ritchie, J.; Dabney, S.; Shepherd, D.; Douglas, J.; Wolf, D. 1996. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. January/February. 51(1): p. 16-20. |
36791 |
WATER SMART: How J.R. Waterer Saves Water and Has the Greenest Lawn in His Neighborhood |
Texas Agricultural Extension Service. 199X. [College Station, Texas]: Texas Agricultural Extension Service. [6] panels. |
299214 |
An assessment of metal removal from highway runoff by a natural wetland Access Restrictions |
Mungur, A. S.; Shutes, R. B. E.; Revitt, D. M.; House, M. A. 1995. Water Science and Technology. 32(3): p. 169-175. |
100059 |
Turfgrass management research summary 1993-95 | Petrovic, A. Martin. 1995. CUTT. Summer. 6(2): p. 9-13. |
158007 |
Pesticide runoff: Methods and interpretation of field studies |
Wauchope, R. D.; Graney, R. L.; Cryer, S.; Eadsforth, C.; Klein, A. W. 1995. Pure and Applied Chemistry. December. 67(12): p. 2089-2108. |
163682 |
Effectiveness of vegetative filter strips in controlling losses of surface applied poultry litter constituents | Chaubey, I.; Edwards, D. R.; Daniel, T. C.; Moore, P. A. Jr.; Nichols, D. J. 1995. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. November/December. 38(6): p. 1687-1692. |
53424 |
Depositional patterns of sediment trapped by grass hedges | Dabney, S. M.; Meyer, L. D.; Harmon, W. C.; Alonso, C. V.; Foster, G. R. 1995. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. November/December. 38(6): p. 1719-1729. |
53425 |
What you must know about turf pesticides and the environment | Cooper, Richard J. 1995. SportsTurf. November/December. 11(11): p. 44-46. |
141877 |
Soil and fecal coliform trapping by grass filter strips during simulated rain Access Restrictions |
Coyne, M. S.; Gilfillen, R. A.; Rhodes, R. W.; Blevins, R. L. 1995. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. July/August. 50(4): p. 405-408. |
51790 |
Sediment-trapping effectiveness of stiff-grass hedges | Meyer, L. D.; Dabney, S. M.; Harmon, W. C. 1995. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. May/June. 38(3): p. 809-815. |
53423 |
The benefits of golf courses |
Vermeulen, Paul. 1995. Divot News. March. 1(5): p. 3, 5. |
297144 |
Runoff and leaching of pesticides in golf course Access Restrictions |
Odanaka, Yoshitsugu; Taniguchi, Toshihiko; Shimamura, Yuji; Iijima, Kazuaki; Koma, Yukiko; Takechi, Tomoko; Matano, Osami. 1994. Nihon Nooyaku Gakkai shi / Journal of Pesticide Science. February. 19(1): p. 1-10. |
245124 |
Open space through stormwater management: Helping to structure growth on the urban fringe Access Restrictions |
Tourbier, J. Toby. 1994. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. January/February. 49(1): p. 14-21. |
30113 |
EPA head addresses golf course management practices | Browner, Carol M. 1994. Golf Course News. January. 6(1): p. 11. |
39035 |
Erosion management |
Anonymous. 1993. Turf Management Digest. p. 84-86. |
228507 |
Frictional resistance of overland flow on tropical turfed slopes Access Restrictions |
Ferro, Vito. 1993. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. January. 119(1): p. 145-147. |
251517 |
Closure Access Restrictions |
Chiew, Yee-Meng; Tan, Soon-Keat. 1993. Journal of Hydrolic Engineering. January. 119(1): p. 147. |
251520 |
Architectural cooperation yields advances in irrigation technology | Poellot, J. Michael. 1992. Golf Course News. October. 4(10): p. 9-10. |
48919 |
Fire! A pre- and post-action plan | Anonymous. 1992. Turfgrass Matters. September. 45(7): p. 4, 7-8. |
25192 |
Fire! A pre and post action plan | National Agricultural Chemicals Association. 1992. The Greenerside. July/August. 15(4): p. 1, 4-6. |
296967 |
Natural waterway management |
Kupchanko, Mike. 1992. The Turf Line News. June/July. 110: p. 33-34, 36-37. |
253104 |
Pennington completing work on new plants | Anonymous. 1992. Golf Course News. February. 3 [4](2): p. 71. |
49144 |
Frictional resistance of overland flow on tropical turfed slopes Access Restrictions |
Chiew, Yee-Meng; Tan, Soon-Keat. 1992. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. January. 118(1): p. 92-97. |
251515 |
Turfgrass helps control fires, slides, experts say Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1992. Golf Course Management. January. 60(1): p. 182-183. |
22569 |
Surface runoff of pesticides and nutrients applied to golf turf | Wastchke, Thomas. 1991. 1991 Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 8-9. |
44769 |
Soil Facts: Managing Lawns and Gardens to Protect Water Quality |
Baird, J. V.; Cook, M. G.; Bruneau, A. H. 1991. [Raleigh, North Carolina]: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 4 pp. |
136668 |
Controlled-release N not as likely to leach to H2O | Anonymous. 1991. Lawn Care Industry. July. 15(7): p. 8, 11, 13. |
280303 |
How cool is bluegrass? | Beard, James B. 1991. The Greenerside. July/August. 14(4): p. 1, 4. |
296948 |
Environmental fate: Mobility and local conditions influence leaching potential | Wauchope, Dan. 1991. Turfgrass Matters. June. 44(4): p. 5-6. |
215687 |
Wash-off data surprises pesticide planners | Anonymous. 1991. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. June. 12(6): p. 10, 14. |
21238 |
Important benefits of turfgrass | Gray, Ilona. 1991. The Greenerside. May/June. 14(3): p. 2. |
296943 |
Open-channel design |
Hedman, Bob. 1991. TurfComms. April 20. 6(2): p. 1-4. |
272343 |
A Study of the Application Practices of Lawn Chemicals and Household and Garden Pesticides in Residential Properties and a Plan to Reduce the Potential Impacts of Household and Garden Pesticides and Lawn Chemicals in the Urban Environment |
Virginia Cooperative Extension Service. 1990. Blacksburg, Virginia: Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture and Life, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. ii, 22, A-1 pp. |
297719 |
Do turfgrass pesticides threaten the environment? | Cooper, Richard J. 1990. Proceedings of the 28th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 11: p. 5-8. |
268294 |
Wetlands and water quality | Miller, Brain K. 1990. Purdue Cooperative Extension Agronomy Publications. November. |
45609 | |
Nitrogen 'best management practices' for turfgrass | Kussow, Wayne R. 1990. The Grass Roots. May/June. 17(3): p. 7, 9, 11. |
18879 |
Back to basics for safety | Birch, Edmund. 1990. Golf & SportsTURF. February. 6(2): p. 44-45. |
20953 |
Pre-condition your lawn for drought success | Anonymous. 1989. Turfgrass Environment. Summer. 1(1): p. 7, 9. |
276296 |
Drainage: The safety net of sports turf management | Anonymous. 1989. SportsTURF. February. 5(2): p. 30, 32, 34, 36, 38-39. |
14122 |
An annual meeting, turf reports - and perspectives about California agriculture | Worf, Gayle L. 1989. The Grass Roots. January/February. 16(1): p. 21, 23. |
15355 |
Vegetated Filter Strips for Agricultural Runoff Treatment |
Magette, William L.; Brinsfield, Russell B.; Palmer, Robert E.; Wood, James D.; Dillaha, Theo A.; Reneau, Raymond B. 1987. Philadelphia, PA: Region III, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. xv, 125 pp. |
36362 |
Caring for your lakes and ponds Access Restrictions |
Hannigan, Michael E. 1982. Golf Course Management. October. 50(10): p. 91-92. |
97678 |
Revegetation of a critical black soil gully |
1981. Journal of Soil Conservation, New South Wales. 37(4): p. 197-200. |
7273 | |
How to solve common course drainage problems Access Restrictions |
Malpass, Richard W. 1980. Golf Course Management. May. 48(4): p. 30-31. |
97805 |
Characteristics and comparative magnitude of non-point sources Access Restrictions |
Loehr, Raymond C. 1974. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation. August. 46(8): p. 1849-1872. |
241404 |
Soil conservationist comes to the rescue Access Restrictions |
Sorenson, Douglas D. 1974. The Golf Superintendent. February. 42(2): p. 30-31. |
112471 |
Watering of greens |
Anonymous. 1973. Newsletter of the N.Z. Institute for Turf Culture. October. 87: p. 165, 167. |
289475 |
Shimpojiumu: Ko-su no haisui to sono shisetsu ni tsuite (Symposium: About course drainage and that facility) |
Kubo, T. 1967. Turf Research Bulletin [Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center] [Gurin Kenkyo Hokokushu]. January. 12: p. 15-23. |
79150 |
Wetting agents aid water penetration Access Restrictions |
Mazzeo, Albert R. 1966. The Golf Superintendent. June. 34(6): p. 24, 44. |
116627 |
[Effects of various aerifying tools and soil conditioners on water and fertilizer penetration - fellowship] | Anonymous. [1959]. [USGA Green Section Research Report, 1953-1958/June of1959]. p. [18]. |
198398 |
Protecting greens from overwash | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. July. 3(7): p. 203. |
123617 |