Keyword: Sand texture
Showing items 1 to 84 of 84.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Physical properties of creeping bentgrass mat layers formed with differing sand sizes | Murphy, James A.; Chen, Hui. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 159-180. |
310847 |
Like sands through the hourglass...: As a preteen, our family vacations consisted of arduous cross-country trips in a 1963 Chevrolet Bel Air station wagon. Our vacations originated in Illinois and spread to destinations in the West and Southeast |
Danneberger, Karl. 2019. Golfdom. September. 75(9): p. 42. |
308202 |
Sand topdressing: Fine or not so fine | McCarty, Bert. 2018. Carolinas Green. May/June. p. 12, 14. |
297803 |
Effects of finer-textured topdressing sand on creeping bentgrass putting green turf | Murphy, James A.; Chen, Hui; Genova, Kyle; Hempfling, James W.; Schmid, Charles J. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 180-192. |
298178 |
Effects of finer-textured topdressing sand on creeping bentgrass putting green turf | Murphy, James A.; Schmid, Charles J.; Chen, Hui; Hempfling, James W. 2016. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2016 Research Summaries. p. 170-174. |
285140 |
Assessment of topdressing sands and associated cultural practices used to manage ultradwarf bermudagrass greens | McInnes, K.; Reynolds, C.; Wherley, B.; Baker, T. 2016. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2016 Research Summaries. p. 175-178. |
285141 |
Successful drainage is real: Science, not science fiction | McCarthy, Bert. 2016. Carolinas Green. July/August. p. 12, 14. |
273660 |
Use of medium-fine sands for topdressing velvet bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting greens | Wang, Ruying; Hempfling, James; Gimenez, Daniel; Clarke, Bruce; Murphy, James. 2015. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 41. |
263743 |
Evaluating the effects of removing coarse and medium sand from topdressing on velvet bentgrass turf | Hempfling, James W.; Murphy, James A. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94371. |
266691 |
Sustaining "as new" putting greens: The history of greens constructing and top-dressing has been one of trial and error in Northern New Zealand. Finally, a winning formula means long-term performance is achievable |
Glasgow, Alex. 2014. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 31(1): p. 19-22. |
237513 |
Golf Club Belgrade | Connaughton, Simon. 2013. Greenside. April. p. 28-32. |
228806 |
Athletic field cultivation & topdressing: How much field area does your program actually impact? | Minner, Dave. 2011. SportsTurf. October. 27(10): p. 20-21. |
192397 |
[Topdressing following aeration; Bunkers] Access Restrictions |
Woodham, Paul. 2011. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. July. 254: p. 5-7. |
185615 |
Are your bunkers up to scratch? |
Shiels, George. 2010. Pitchcare. October/November. 33: p. 42-45. |
172010 |
Quantifying the complexity of sand particle shape using current digital image analysis technology | Miller, Nathaniel A.; Henderson, Jason. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 45688. |
145601 |
Physical analysis of sands for golf course bunker use: Are current laboratory tests good predictors for bunker sand performance in the field? |
Skorulski, Jim. 2008. USGA Green Section Record. September/October. 46(5): p. 6-8. |
138782 |
Building better bunkers Access Restrictions |
Mingay, Jeff. 2008. GreenMaster. June. 43(3): p. 25-27. |
138030 |
How they measure up: Lab study analyzes physical properties of bunker sand | Bigelow, Cale; Smith, Douglas. 2008. Golf Course Industry. May. 20(5): p. 70-72, 74, 76, 78. |
143014 |
How they measure up: Lab study analyzes physical properties of bunker sand | Bigelow, Cale; Smith, Douglas. 2008. Golf Course Industry. March. 20(3): p. 86, 88, 91-93, 96, 98. |
142798 |
Evaluating five sand topdressing programs on three creeping bentgrass cultivars | Moeller, Adam; Bigelow, Cale; Nemitz, Jared; Hardebeck, Glenn. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
132524 |
A balancing act |
Vavrek, Bob. 2007. USGA World Wide Web Site. December 15. p. [1-2]. |
138909 |
Understanding bunker sand behaviour: Bunkers are an obsession of modern strategic golf course design and among golfers an emerging attitude is that the sand surface must to be uniform and predictable. For superintendents and club committees, are there solutions to satisfy golfer's demands of bunker sand? Gary Beehag outlines the fundamental properties of sands to gain a better understanding | Beehag, Gary W. 2007. Australian Turfgrass Management. July/August. 9(4): p. 18-20. |
127389 |
Saturated hydraulic conductivity of coarse-textured rootzone mixes | Chong, She-Kong; Zhang, Anquan; Boniak, Richard; Huang, Yanhe; Ok, C.-H. 2006. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. June 1. 5(11): p. [1-10]. |
111620 |
Topdressing sands are not all alike |
Lowe, Todd. 2006. USGA World Wide Web Site. January 6. p. [1]. |
111378 |
Selection of bunker sands | Crum, James. 2005. Michigan Turfgrass Field Day. p. 18. |
106335 |
Examination of the physical properties of recycled glass-derived sands for use in golf green rootzones Access Restrictions |
Owen, A. G.; Hammond, L. K. F.; Baker, S. W. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 1131-1137. |
106356 |
An evaluation of recycled glass-derived sand for use in golf course bunkers Access Restrictions |
Owen, A. G.; Woollacott, A. R.; Baker, S. W. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 1138-1143. |
106357 |
How coarse for the course? Access Restrictions |
Frunchak, Bradley; Satterwhite, Kerry; Thuer, Chris; Harris, Steven; Neves, Tracey; Gelwick, Don. 2005. Golf Course Management. October. 73(10): p. 30. |
107133 |
Physical properties of sand amended with inorganic materials or sphagnum peat moss | Bigelow, Cale A.; Bowman, Daniel C.; Cassel, D. Keith. 2004. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March 15. 3(6): p. [1-14]. |
97530 |
Synthetically coated sand makes debut: Synthetically coated sand offers nutrient and moisture retention and coarse texture for putting green rootzone mixes | Sartain, J. B. 2003. Grounds Maintenance. November. 38(11): p. G25-G26, G28-G29. |
136525 |
[Intermediate coarse-sand layer in the USGA method] | Beard, James B. 2002. TURFAX. March/April. 10(2): p. 8. |
80285 |
Characterization of sands (Part 1) |
McCoy, Ed. 2001. OTF Turf News. May/June. 63(3): p. 20-25. |
141713 |
Understanding the hydrology of modern putting green construction methods | McCoy, Edward. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 3. |
72090 |
Selecting bunker sands: Between a rock and a hard place? Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2000. PACE Insights. February. 6(2): p. 1-4. |
104957 |
Water and nutrient retention properties of internally porous inorganic amendments in high sand content root zones Access Restrictions |
McCoy, Edward L.; Stehouwer, Richard C. 1999. Journal of Turfgrass Management. 2(4): p. 49-69. |
62726 |
A world tour of sand |
Els, Ernie. 1999. Golf Digest. July. 50(7): p. 88-90. |
61256 |
Help your bunkers make the grade | Hartwiger, Chris. 1998. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 36(6): p. 1-4. |
55996 |
[Fluffy bunkers] Access Restrictions |
Witteveen, Gordon. 1998. GreenMaster. October/November. 33(5): p. 60-61. |
116244 |
Winter damage study to look at topdressing Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1998. Golf Course Management. May. 66(5): p. 14. |
52402 |
Sportsturf construction specifications: Differences and limitations |
Beehag, Gary W. 1998. Turf Craft International. January/February. 58: p. 46-49. |
54351 |
Sandbunkers! Meeting the demands of modern golf course management and play Access Restrictions |
Tucker, Jonathan. 1997. International Turfgrass Bulletin. October. 198: p. 12-13. |
54953 |
Effectiveness of sediment removal boxes- a hydraulic model study |
Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Pandit, Ashok. 1997. International Erosion Control Association Proceedings 28:Erosion Control and the Environment...Working in Harmony. February. p. 363-376. |
55785 |
Of specs, crumbs & broken pottery | Phillips, Hal. 1996. Golf Course News. March. 8(3): p. 10, 13. |
44316 |
The top ten turf tips ever |
Oatis, David. 1995. 1994 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. June. 26: p. 41-46. |
168843 |
Physical problems of coarse-textured soils |
Carrow, Robert N. 1994. p. 85-90. In: Leslie, Anne R., ed. Handbook of Integrated Pest Management for Turf and Ornamentals. Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, Inc. |
30708 |
Get your greens up to speed |
Baker, Stephen. 1994. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. October. 90(1): p. 3-4, 6. |
34598 |
Sando guriin no shiryou (Sand and greens materials) |
Hasegawa, M.; Inoue, H.; Harada, Yukito; Miyauchi, Kouichi; Yamamoto, Kunio; Maekubo, Nobuo. 1993. Turf Research Bulletin [Kansai Golf Union Green Section. March. 64: p. 29-71. |
43006 |
Sands for sports turf use | Heiss, David. 1992. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 21: p. 221-222. |
26241 |
Getting a good lie with power sand-trap rakes |
Hiscock, Ed. 1992. Grounds Maintenance. January. 27(1): p. 68-70. |
22727 |
Sand for bunkers |
Dixon, Charles R. 1992. Grounds Maintenance. January. 27(1): p. 71,73. |
22728 |
Evolution of sand-based turf systems |
Field, Tony; Murphy, Jim. 1991. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. May. 5(2): p. 19. |
21538 |
Studies on sand root zones |
Voroney, Paul. 1991. The Turf Line News. February/March. 102: p. 19. |
253037 |
Sand greens: Pros and cons | Gilbert, William B. 1989. Proceedings of the 27th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 10: p. 9-12. |
252310 |
[Coarse sand layer in USGA specifications] | Kussow, Wayne R. 1989. The Grass Roots. March/April. 16(2): p. 29. |
138390 |
Points of caution: Sand size for topdressing golf greens Access Restrictions |
Taylor, Donavon H. 1986. Golf Course Management. July. 54(7): p. 50, 52, 54, 58, 60, 62. |
8977 |
Bunker sand selection: For golfer and course manager alike, the choice of sands used in bunkers can mean the difference between success and frustration throughout the season. The study reported here provides essential guidelines Access Restrictions |
Brown, K. W.; Thomas, J. C. 1986. Golf Course Management. July. 54(7): p. 64, 66, 68, 70. |
8979 |
The ideal sand |
Anonymous. 1986. TurfComms. July 19. 2(6): p. 1-3. |
271713 |
Are aerification and topdressing solving your golf green problems? | Davis, William B. 1986. The Bull Sheet. April. 39(11): p. 20-21. |
8059 |
Survey of sand bunker maintenance & costs | Opperman, Fred D. 1986. The Bull Sheet. February. 39(9): p. 7, 9. |
8105 |
Soil drainage: Looking at the landscape from the bottom up | Shank, Bruce F. 1985. Weeds Trees & Turf. May. 24(5): p. 26. |
7875 |
Choosing Bunker Sands Access Restrictions |
O'Brien, Patrick M. 1984. Summary of Proceedings: Tenth Virginia TurfgrassConference. November. p. 27-28. |
13289 |
Predicting sand content of modified soil mixtures from sand, soil, and peat properties |
Taylor, H. D.; Blake, G. R. 1984. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 76(4): p. 583-587. |
243372 |
Shifting to sands - or shifting sands Access Restrictions |
Daniel, William H. 1982. GreenMaster. July. 18(6): p. 6-7. |
113378 |
Überlegungen zum Bau von Sportrasenflächen (Reflections in connection with the layout of turf sports grounds) |
Habegger, E. 1981. Rasen, Grunflachen, Begrunungen. Dezember. 12(4): p. 74-89. |
1874 |
Natural versus artificial turf - an economical alternative | Davis, William B. 1981. California Turfgrass Culture. Winter. 31(1): p. 1-4. |
7602 |
Evaluation of sands for rootzones |
Daniel, W. H. 1981. Proceedings of the 1981 Turf Conference of the Midwest. March. p. 32-34. |
9519 |
Sand bunkers | Zontek, Stanley J. 1981. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 19(2): p. 18. |
8622 |
Hydrophobic soils on putting greens | Henry, Michael J.; Paul, Jack L. 1978. California Turfgrass Culture. Spring. 28(2): p. 9-11. |
7847 |
Sands and your putting green | Davis, William B. 1977. California Turfgrass Culture. Autumn. 27(4): p. 31-32. |
17929 |
Physical Properties of Various Soil Mixtures Used for Golf Green Construction | Johns, Don Jr. 1976. M.S. Thesis: Texas A&M University. ix, 49 pp. |
18247 |
The effect of crystallized shale and coarse sand in golf greens |
Anonymous. 1976. Welcome: Virginia Tech 1976 Turfgrass Field Days and Trade Show. p. 36-39. |
280698 |
Golf green soil amendment: Controlling soil water and aeration | Spomer, L. Art. 1976. Proceedings of the 17th Illinois Turfgrass Conference. 17: p. 24-26. |
20612 |
Sands too soft | USGA Green Section. 1974. USGA Green Section Record. November. 12(6) |
77587 |
Effect of rootzone materials and type of construction on the growth of bentgrass (Agrostis palustris) | 1970. p. 4-54. In: Ralston, David Sloan. A Study on New Methods for Construction of Putting Green Rootzones. Ph.D. Dissertation: Purdue University. |
131434 |
Compacted rootzones for tomorrow |
Daniel, W. H. 1969. Summary of Proceedings: Ninth Virginia TurfgrassConference. June. 9: p. 9-12. |
104287 |
Sands used in soil mixes | Madison, John H. 1969. Southern California Turfgrass Culture. January. 19(1): p. 3-5. |
82382 |
The correct sand for putting greens | Wilson, Charles G. 1968. USGA Green Section Record. September. 6(3): p. 8-9. |
36105 |
Kakushu dojou kairyouzai no shibafu ni taisuru kouka (The effects on turf of all kinds of soil improvements) |
Maekubo, N. 1967. Turf Research Bulletin [Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center] [Gurin Kenkyo Hokokushu]. January. 12: p. 29-37. |
79152 |
Factors in building a green Access Restrictions |
Holmes, James L. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. March/April. 27(2): p. 38-41. |
126120 |
Notes on turf management VI. Sand supplies Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1953. Sports Turf Bulletin. April-June. 21: p. [2]. |
100698 |
An analysis in Iowa | Anonymous. 1952. USGA Journal and Turf Management. November. 5(6): p. 30. |
35811 |
Proper sand for construction and topdressing | Anonymous. 1946. Timely Turf Topics. October/November. p. 1-2. |
36630 |
Kind of sand to use in traps | USGA Green Section. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. March. 8(3): p. 61-62. |
119176 |
Use fine sand in traps near greens | Anonymous. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. October. 1(9): p. 17. |
171141 |