Keyword: Silicon sources
Showing items 1 to 7 of 7.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Creeping bentgrass nutritional, morpholigcal, and putting green performance response to Ca/Mg-silicate slag liming agent |
Pruyne, Derek T.; Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2023. Horticulturae. September. 9(9): p. 958 [1-12]. |
336991 |
That traffic will wear you down Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Beth. 2018. Golf Course Management. August. 86(8): p. 70. |
299967 |
Can Silicon Help? |
PACE Turf. [2016]. [San Diego, California]: PACE Turf. [2] pp. |
296809 |
Growth and nutrient use in four grasses under drought stress as mediated by silicon fertilizers Access Restrictions |
Eneji, A. Egrinya; Inanaga, S.; Muranaka, S.; Li, J.; Hattori, T.; An, P.; Tsuji, W. 2008. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 31(2): p. 355-365. |
232155 |
Effects of soil type, source of silicon, and rate of silicon source on development of gray leaf spot of perennial ryegrass turf |
Nanayakkara, U. N.; Uddin, W.; Datnoff, L. E. 2008. Plant Disease. June. 92(6): p. 870-877. |
136666 |
Application of silicon sources increases silicon accumulation in perennial ryegrass turf on two soil types Access Restrictions |
Nanayakkara, U. N.; Uddin, W.; Datnoff, L. E. 2008. Plant and Soil. February. 303(1/2): p. 83-94. |
143523 |
Effect of calcium silicate on feeding and development of tropical sod webworms (Lepidoptera: pyralidae) Access Restrictions |
Korndorfer, Ana Paula; Cherry, Ron; Nagata, Russell. 2004. Florida Entomologist. September. 87(3): p. 393-395. |
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