Keyword: Sod industry trends
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Spring in the step of turf producers |
Vaughan, Jim. 2013. TurfCraft International. November/December. 153: p. 66. |
291691 |
[Profile: Claudio Carter Anguita: San Joaquin Turf Ltda., Rancagua, Chile] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. November/December. 37(6): p. 75. |
232912 |
Milbergers sell Van Vleck Farm: 700 acres of sod off the market |
Anonymous. 2013. The Pallet: Newsletter of Turfgrass Producers of Texas. October. p. 1, 16. |
233833 |
Farewell Access Restrictions |
Hunter, Kirk T. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 37(5): p. 8. |
229939 |
Talking shop in Chicago Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 37(5): p. 22-24, 26, 47. |
229953 |
Industry innovator: Gerry Brouwer, Ksmac/Brouwer Turf Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 37(5): p. 32-34. |
229956 |
Benchmark to discover asset turnover ratio Access Restrictions |
Skotnicki, Greg. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 37(5): p. 42. |
229959 |
AG businesses updating recruiting strategies Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 37(5): p. 46. |
229961 |
Why you should "like" Facebook Access Restrictions |
Wagner, Drew. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 37(5): p. 50-51. |
229963 |
Come Alive Outside: The horticulture industry is teetering on the brink of something new Access Restrictions |
Gray, Jennifer. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 37(5): p. 53-54. |
229966 |
Green focus | Vaughn, Jim. 2013. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. September/October. 15(5): p. 62. |
230020 |
Payne Sod Farm hosts Field Day Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2013. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 37(4): p. 13. |
226309 |
A SOD-Urday celebration: TPI member goes to the airwaves |
Anonymous. 2013. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. June. 6(5): p. 1-2. |
228764 |
Sod production and current status of cultivation management in Korea |
Bae, Eun Ji; Lee, Kwang Soo; Kim, Dong Soo; Han, Eun Hui; Lee, Sang Myeong; Lee, Dong Woon. 2013. Weed and Turfgrass Science. March. 2(1): p. 95-99. |
265226 |
Get the Texas grass facts Access Restrictions |
Cosper, John. 2012. Turf News [TPI]. November/December. 36(6): p. 16-17. |
213672 |
Planting a new seed: With large start-up costs and varied regulations. It's best to test the hydroseeding market before jumping in |
Steffacin, Daniel. 2012. Lawn & Landscape. April. 33(4): p. 100. |
209338 |
Turf Doctor a growing practice |
Forrest, John. 2012. TurfCraft International. March/April. 143: p. 56-57. |
292247 |
Target quality and purity |
McMaugh, Peter. 2012. TurfCraft International. March/April. 143: p. 58-59. |
292248 |
Weather a concern |
Holmes, Matthew. 2012. TurfCraft International. March/April. 143: p. 64-65. |
292249 |
Outlook 2012: Climbing back Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2012. Turf News [TPI]. January/February. 36(1): p. 18-19, 22. |
196400 |
Spotlight on next generation leaders Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2012. Turf News [TPI]. January/February. 36(1): p. 36-39. |
196412 |
TPI Study Tour finds Irish producers adapting to weak economy Access Restrictions |
Fender, Doug. 2012. Turf News [TPI]. January/February. 36(1): p. 40-41. |
196415 |
2011, Annual Georgia Sod Producers Inventory Survey | Waltz, Clint; Johnson, B. J. 2011. [Athens, Georgia]: [The University of Georgia]. 13 pp. |
266288 |
Where does all that sod come from? | Han, Dave. 2011. Alabama Turf Times. Summer. p. Cover, 12-13, 15-16. |
307597 |
Mother Nature can be vicious Access Restrictions |
Dymond, Dave. 2011. Turf News [TPI]. November/December. 35(6): p. 6. |
195627 |
[TPI elects new officers, trustees, and new TPI president] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2011. TurfNews [TPI]. September/October. 35(5): p. 10. |
189265 |
Qld's turf production - The state of our state |
Corfe, Dan. 2011. TurfCraft International. March/April. 137: p. 60. |
292311 |
"Perfect storm" ahead for sod prices Access Restrictions |
Wagner, Tobey. 2011. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 35(1): p. 30, 32. |
174728 |
New York State sod industry at a glance | Anonymous. 2010. CUTT. 21(1): p. 10-11. |
169460 |
Reflecting on the season Access Restrictions |
Zander, Claus. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. November/December. 34(6): p. 6. |
172178 |
Supplemental business opportunities Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. September/October. 34(5): p. 18-19, 22, 32. |
169445 |
What's your benchmark? Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 34(2): p. 24, 26. |
161185 |
Expanding into new turf: Reacting to America's housing bubble burst, sod producers are growing a wider variety of turf, trying to convince clients not all grasses are created equal, while squeezing the most out of their bonds with landscapers and key developers |
Dezember, Ryan. 2010. Landscape Management. January. 49(1): p. 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. |
163995 |
Martin and Ruth Massengale Lectureship: [The history of sod production] | Beard, James B. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 56823. |
159173 |
Cherish the past......and embrace the future Access Restrictions |
Graff, Betsy. 2009. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 33(2): p. 6. |
146008 |
Hail, North Carolina sod farmers! |
Slater, Dave. 2008. North Carolina Turfgrass. July/August. p. 36. |
137670 |
Ending the way it began Access Restrictions |
Brandt, George P. Jr. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 31(4): p. 6. |
137635 |
2007 (U.S.) Farm Bill to impact turfgrass sod Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 31(4): p. 10, 12. |
137637 |
How to survive a weak market |
Harper, Chuck; Morrow, Ken; Massey, Paul; McWhorter, Aaron. 2008. Georgia Sod Producers Association News. July. 18(2): p. 1-3, 6-7, 10. |
138162 |
Water conservation and sod industry |
Carrow, R. N. 2008. Georgia Sod Producers Association News. July. 18(2): p. 23-24, 26-27. |
138163 |
Overview of the sod industry development Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 31(3): p. 75. |
135623 |
Weather extremes threaten local sod crop | Hazard, J. Jude. 2008. The Daily Gazette. April 30. p. [1]. |
137066 |
Placing a dollar value on Australian turf production |
Aldous, David E.; Haydu, John J.; Satterthwaite, Loretta N. 2008. Australian Turfgrass Management. March/April. 10(2): p. 40-44. |
138042 |
Regional turfgrass groups: Turf production in the Fraser Valley Access Restrictions |
Wick, Bob. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 31(1): p. 34, 36-38. |
132170 |
Manufacturers & suppliers: Diversification and belt tightening is in order Access Restrictions |
Reeve, John. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 31(1): p. 38. |
132172 |
[Sprigger's Choice meeting the needs] Access Restrictions |
Grimsley, Jesse. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 31(1): p. 38, 40. |
132173 |
From installing turfgrass sod to producing it Access Restrictions |
Cloete, Fanus. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 31(1): p. 86. |
132217 |
Sprouting new ideas: Seed developments during drought conditions |
Millgate, Kris. 2007. Mountain West Turf. Winter. 7(4): p. 20-21. |
292347 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts I: [The economy and housing starts] Access Restrictions |
Seiders, David F. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 20-22. |
120048 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forcasts III: [Larger equipment is becoming more common] Access Restrictions |
Taylor, David. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 24. |
120062 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts V: [Demand for forklifts should stay strong] Access Restrictions |
Ward, Timothy. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 26. |
120068 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts VI: [Housing demand effect on sod sales] Access Restrictions |
Brouwer, Gerry. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 26. |
120072 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts VII: [The sod industry's continued growth] Access Restrictions |
Williams, Michelle. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 26, 36. |
120075 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts IX: Despite global issues, turf business continues Access Restrictions |
Poyntz, Philip. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 36. |
120080 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts XI: [Strong growth for wear-parts] Access Restrictions |
Van Den Berg, Pieter. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 38, 42. |
120082 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts XII: Pivot Irrigation Outlook - 2007 Access Restrictions |
Kostal, Jim. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 42. |
120084 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts XIII: Continued prosperity, or a bubble waiting to burst? Access Restrictions |
True, Ian. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 42, 46. |
120085 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts XV: A good year to be in the sod business Access Restrictions |
Lechlider, Doug; Lechlider, Robin. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 48. |
120089 |
2007 turfgrass industry and business forecasts XVI: The changing turf business of 2007 and beyond - are you ready? Access Restrictions |
Wagner, Toby. 2007. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 30(1): p. 48, 50. |
120090 |
What makes quality topsoil? |
Fahey, Nigel. 2007[2006]. Pitchcare. December/January. 10: p. 66-68. |
119665 |
Texas sod sales is going to square feet! Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2006. TurfNews [TPI]. September/October. 29 [30](5): p. 87. |
115836 |
Grass prices continue to rise: Taking a closer look at the 2006 Sod Production Survey |
Waltz, Clint; Johnson, B. J. 2006. Through the Green [Georgia]. May/June. p. 15-16, 18-19. |
296570 |
Where it all began: A brief history of sod farming |
Dale, Don. 2006. Turf: West. May. 16(5): p. B4. |
122020 |
Growing grass in a big way: Zooming in on America's largest sod producer |
Powell, Tracy. 2006. Turf: West. April. 16(4): p. B22, B24. |
121752 |
Florida's sod production industry: A 2003 survey Access Restrictions |
Haydu, John J.; Cisar, John. [John] L.; Satterthwaite, Loretta N. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 700-704. |
105591 |
Home turf advantage: Sod growers offer advice on how to manage major projects | Skernivitz, Thomas. 2005. Golfdom. September. 61(9): p. 80, 82, 84. |
106744 |
Thinking of re-grassing areas on the course: Annual Georgia Sod Producers inventory survey |
Waltz, Clint; Johnson, B. J. 2005. Through the Green [Georgia]. May/June. p. 25-26, 28. |
296287 |
A random survey of wholesale turfgrass sod pricing reveals extreme inconsistency Access Restrictions |
Graff, Randy. 2005. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 29(3): p. 17-18. |
103942 |
Turfgrass - Sod production: An economic evaluation | Adrian, John L.; Cain, Jennifer J.; Duffy, Patricia A.; Guertal, Elizabeth A.; Prevatt, J. Walter. 2004. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. p. 12-18. |
300992 |
TPI President provides 2005 industry perspective | Anonymous. Turfgrass Producers International. 2004. Turfgrass Producers International Website. December. p. 1-4 [1-4]. |
99981 | |
This Super Bowl on Arizona turf |
Harris, Craig. 2004. Arizona Republic. January 13. p. [1-2]. |
92845 |
2002 TPI membership farm profile survey Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 27(4): p. 19-24. |
90075 |
Market expansion strategies for turfgrass producers in the Western U. S. Access Restrictions |
Haydu, John J.; Hodges, Alan W.; Satterthwaite, Laretta N. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 27(2): p. 18-20, 22. |
86947 |
Inventories keep sod prices repressed |
Landry, Gil; Waltz, Clint. 2003. GTA Today. March/April. 18(2): p. 4, 6. |
178046 |
Dealing with the toughest part of the turfgrass sod business - competitive pricing Access Restrictions |
O'Quinn, Bob. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 27(1): p. 28, 32-34, 36. |
84025 |
Economic forecasting - industry barometers Access Restrictions |
Reeve, John; Schneider, James; Bassett, Wayne; Mulhern, Barbara; Stone, Chance; Green, Barry K.; Jones, Pat; Roche, Jerry; Mona, Stephen F.; Grunder, Martin J. Jr. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 27(1): p. 37-38, 40, 42, 44-45, 49, 51-52. |
83990 |
Profile: U.S. turfgrass sod production industry |
Anonymous. 2002. Turfgrass Producers International Website. p. [1-3]. |
170721 |
Turfing the USA |
Morgan, Roger. 2002. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 17(4): p. 32-33. |
83826 |
Combining tradition and innovation: Sod success at D.A. Hoerr & Sons |
Riggs, Nancy. 2002. Turf: North. June. 15(6): p. B6-B9. |
252101 |
General market conditions Access Restrictions |
McWhorter, Aaron; Thomas, Ike; Doguet, David. 2002. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 26(1): p. 22, 24, 26. |
80122 |
2001 business compared to projections for 2002 Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2002. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 26(1): p. 29-30, 33-34. |
80123 |
Demographic trends in the United States relevant for sod producers Access Restrictions |
Hodges, Alan W.; Haydu, John J. 2002. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 26(1): p. 36, 38, 40-41, 44-45. |
80124 |
2 sod growers mow down the competition | Alvarez, Fred. 2002. The Los Angeles Times. January 19. p. [1]. |
179938 |
N.C. sod survey: Growing NC sod industry may face oversupply |
Anonymous. 2001. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. Summer. 25(2): p. 46. |
84890 |
Demands for quality turf set to grow | Anonymous. 2001. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 6. |
197945 |
Drought has silver lining for sod users: Stable prices and higher inventories predicted for 2001 |
Landry, Gil. 2001. Through The Green. May/June. p. 23, 36. |
73698 |
The future of turfgrass: No longer need young men go West to find new turf. These days, visionaries can find success in locales from China to cyberspace |
Edminster, Craig. 2001. Seed World. February. 139(2): p. 6-8. |
73414 |
Turfgrass certification in South Carolina | Department of Fertilizer and Seed Certification Services. [2000]. Clemson University Turfgrass Program Home Page. p. [1]. |
71897 | |
Commercial Tall Fescue-Kentucky Bluegrass Sod Production in Tennessee | Holland, Rob; Buchanan, John; Samples, Tom; Cross, Tim. 2000. Knoxville, Tennessee: The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Agricultural Extension Service. 31 pp. |
210949 |
Developing markets for "turf" producers in the eastern United States Access Restrictions |
Haydu, John J.; Hodges, Alan W.; van Blokland, P. J. 2000. Acta Horticulturae. 536: p. 499-505. |
179440 |
The Lain family reviews the past, present and future of Pine Island Turf Nursery Access Restrictions |
Lain, Charles; Lain, Chip; Lain, Shari. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 24(3): p. 44, 48-49. |
66292 |
Turfgrass industry 1935-2000: As told by the "oldest sod man" Emory Patton and his daughter Diana Access Restrictions |
Patton, Emory; Patton, Diana. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 24(3): p. 49, 51-52, 55, 60-61. |
66293 |
Market expansion strategies for turfgrass producers in the United States Access Restrictions |
Haydu, John J.; Hodges, Alan W. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 24(2): p. 20, 22-24. |
77129 |
A turf farm reviews netting: The history and outlook for turfgrass sod reinforcement Access Restrictions |
Kelly, Mike. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 24(2): p. 31. |
78856 |
Derek Edwards and his twin sons Steve and Alex review the family's past, present and future with turf production in England Access Restrictions |
Edwards, Derek; Edwards, Steve; Edwards, Alex. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 24(2): p. 32-33. |
78857 |
Our survey on internet practices shows TPI reps are on the cutting edge Access Restrictions |
Heide, Chris. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 24(2): p. 46, 49-51, 53. |
78861 |
Turfgrass 2010: How did we get by in the 20th century? Access Restrictions |
Douglas, Greg. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 24(1): p. 25-26. |
65214 |
Turfgrass production equipment: The role of equipment manufacturers for the future of turfgrass production Access Restrictions |
Ture, Ian. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 24(1): p. 32-33. |
65236 |
Computer hardware and software: Computer outlook 2000: Where can TPI members look for technology to help them? Access Restrictions |
Giacchi, John R. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 24(1): p. 35-36. |
65239 |
Ficticious view of the future (or is it?): A look at a turfgrass sod farm in the year 2007 Access Restrictions |
Harmann, Wayne. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 24(1): p. 36, 39. |
65242 |