Keyword: Tank mix
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Reduced fungicide usage through application optimization | Branham, Bruce. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 269-274. |
336620 |
Pre-snow and post-snow applications of ethephon in winter enhance the suppression of annual bluegrass seedheads |
Van Dyke, Adam. 2023. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 9(1): p. 20197 [1-10]. |
331102 |
Bentgrass cultivar and autumn-applied fungicide timing effects on spring suppression of dollar spot | Murphy, James A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Pingyuan; Groben, Glen. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 295-313. |
328679 |
Effects of spray droplet size on pronamide control of Poa annua Access Restrictions |
Ignes, Martin; Tseng, Te-Ming P.; de Castro, Edicarlos; Wilber, Amy L.; McCurdy, James D. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 1080-1083. |
321556 |
Mesotrione and amicarbazone tank-mixtures for annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in cool-season turfgrass |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Patton, Aaron J.; Thoms, Adam W.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2022. HortScience. January. 57(1): p. 10-16. |
316789 |
Bentgrass cultivar and autumn-applied fungicide timing effects on spring suppression of dollar spot | Murphy, James A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Pingyuan; Groben, Glen. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 284-295. |
317421 |
Postemergence smooth crabgrass control is not influenced by herbicide combinations with trinexapac-ethyl Access Restrictions |
Bearss, Ryan C.; Patton, Aaron J.; Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K. 2021. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 7(1): p. e20082 [1-3]. |
329849 |
Mixing the correct nitrogen source and rate with 2, 4-D increases efficacy in hard and soft water Access Restrictions |
Schortgen, Geoffrey P.; Patton, Aaron J. 2021. Crop Protection. November. 149: p. 105758 [1-9]. |
336467 |
Annual ryegrass control prior to seeding corn with glyphosate plus group 2 herbicides |
Soltani, Nader; Shropshire, Christy; Sikkema, Peter H. 2021. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 113(1): p. 52-60. |
315088 |
Response of St. Augustinegrass cultivars to pinoxaden alone and in combination with select fungicides Access Restrictions |
Peppers, John M.; Harris, James; McElroy, J. Scott. 2020. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6(1): p. [1-7]. |
311120 |
Increasing the efficacy of Primo MAXX and Cutless MEC plant growth regulators with different surfactants on creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Keck, Mark; Kreuser, William; Hitt, Brianna. 2020. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6(1): p. [1-5]. |
314225 |
December ethephon applications in combination with mineral oil improve annual bluegrass seedhead suppression |
Raudenbush, Zane; Elmore, Matthew T.; Nangle, Edward J.; Tuck, Daniel P. 2020. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6(1): p. [1-3]. |
314227 |
Hydroseeding with mesotrione in tankmix for establishment of perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Pease, B. W.; Stier, J. C. 2020. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 112(5): p. 3429-3434. |
313070 |
Control of annual ryegrass with spring-applied herbicides prior to seeding corn Access Restrictions |
Soltani, Nader; Shropshire, Christy; Sikkema, Peter H. 2020. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. August. 100(4): p. 372-379. |
315303 |
Methods to increase safety to pinoxaden on St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) | Peppers, John; McElroy, J. Scott; Harris, Jim. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122869. |
309447 |
Evaluation of azoxystrobin tank-mixes for summer disease control on creeping bentgrass, 2018 | Earlywine, D.; Miller, G. L. 2019. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 13: p. T021 [1]. |
303825 |
Brown area around paved area Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2019. Golf Course Management. November. 87(11): p. 24, 101. |
309491 |
Oh where, oh where has the snow mold gone? | Hockemeyer, Kurt. 2019. The Grass Roots. September/October. 48(5): p. 6, 8-9. |
310556 |
Surfactant power: Do's and don'ts for getting the most from wetting agents |
Dowdle, Lauren. 2019. Landscape Management. August. 58(8): p. 50. |
308167 |
Application timing affects tolerance of zoysiagrass to fluazifop-P-butyl and safening effect of triclopyr |
Liu, Wenwen; Unruh, J. Bryan; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; MacDonald, Gregory E.; Trenholm, Laurie E.; Leon, Ramon G. 2019. Crop Science. July/August. 59(4): p. 1789-1798. |
307419 |
Seashore paspalum and bermudagrass response to spray applications of postemergence herbicides |
Lindsey, Alex J.; DeFrank, Joseph; Cheng, Zhiqiang. 2019. HortTechnology. June. 29(3): p. 251-257. |
307382 |
Dollar spot control using urea and iron sulfate |
Hockemeyer, Kurt; Horgan, Brian; Koch, Paul; Soldat, Doug; Straw, Chase. 2019. The Grass Roots. May/June. 48(3): p. 6-9. |
309933 |
Prevention rather than cure: The number of weapons in the turf manager's arsenal is shrinking, so tackling plant health before disease can take hold is becoming ever-more important | Anonymous. 2019. The Groundsman [IOG]. February. p. 31. |
304486 |
[What are wetting agents, how to choose and use them, and what the future holds] |
Anonymous. 2019. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 21(1): p. 30-34. |
304681 |
Stressbuster and Primo Maxx success | Anonymous. 2018. Turf Matters. November/December. p. 11. |
304012 |
Sherriff tank-mixes a 'game-changer' at Sweetwoods Park | Anonymous. 2018. Turf Matters. November/December. p. 71. |
304066 |
Evaluation of a petroleum-derived spray oil for control of Microdochium patch and turfgrass spring performance on nordic golf greens |
Aamlid, Trygve S.; Niemeläinen, Oiva; Paaske, Klaus; Widmark, David; Ruuttunen, Pentti; Kendonperä, Auli. 2018. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 110(6): p. 2189-2197. |
302710 |
Herbicide regimens for creeping bentgrass control in Kentucky bluegrass |
Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Park, Bradley S. 2018. HortScience. November 1. 53(11): p. 1689-1694. |
302853 |
Sir mix-a-lot: Bayer's Zac Reicher, Ph.D., gives the lowdown on the proper mix |
Jones, Seth. 2018. Golfdom. October. 74(10): p. E0P7-E0P8. |
302335 |
[Saving time with a pre-mix tank during course spray operations] |
Rank, Eric. 2018. Course Conditions. Fall. p. 10-11. |
302933 |
Know how fungicides work first: Disease management strategies can be made simpler when understanding what you're facing |
Jiggens, Mike. 2018. Turf & Rec. June. 31(4): p. 15-16, 18-19. |
299720 |
Factors to consider when developing a wetting agent program: A one-size-fits-all approach to developing a wetting agent program is not possible | Jacobs, Paul; Barden, Addison. 2018. USGA Green Section Record. May 4. 56(9): p. 1-6. |
297794 |
Q&A with Lane Tredway: Technical Services Manager for Syngenta |
Anonymous. 2018. Golf Course Industry. April. 30(4): p. 62. |
297683 |
Limiting exposure to chemicals with closed systems |
Westcott, Nancy. 2018. Irrigation & Green Industry. February. 21(2): p. 20-22. |
295956 |
Go or No-Go? |
Dowling, Elliott. 2017. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [3] pp. |
285321 |
Application timing affects tolerance of zoysiagrass toward fluazifop and safening effect of triclopyr | Liu, Wenwen; MacDonald, Greg E.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Trenholm, Laurie E.; Leon, Ramon G. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105209. |
290366 |
Selective preemergence and postemergence control of panic liverseedgrass (Urochloa panicoides) in desert turf | Umeda, Kai. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106724. |
290294 |
Post-emergence control of windmill grass using HPPD herbicides | Liu, Shiliang; Smeda, Reid J.; Xiong, Xi. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 107358. |
290305 |
Evaluation of herbicides and their tank-mixes for suppression of bermudagrass in zoysiagrass |
Patton, Aaron J.; Trappe, Jon M.; Doroh, Mark C.; McElroy, J. Scott. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-7. |
287852 |
Evaluation of fungicide tank-mixtures for preventative summer disease control on a creeping bentgrass putting green, 2016 Access Restrictions |
Earlywine, D.; Miller, G. L. 2017. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 11: p. T015. |
282660 |
Putting the pH in pH-ungicide mixology |
Stacy, Trevor; Latin, Rick. 2017. Golfdom. December. 73(12): p. 25. |
293694 |
Weed control knowledge needs updating |
Nickson, David. 2017. TurfCraft International. November/December. 177: p. 42-43. |
293892 |
[pH buffers in tank mixes?] |
Mumford, Colin. 2017. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 21. |
290138 |
Reflections on the turf industry |
Hansell, Karl. 2017. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 38-40. |
290143 |
Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control with methiozolin and nutrient tank-mixtures Access Restrictions |
Flessner, Michael L.; McElroy, J. Scott; McCurdy, James D. 2017. Weed Technology. September/October. 31(5): p. 761-768. |
293714 |
Tall fescue roadside right-of-way mowing reduction from imazapic |
Jeffries, Matthew D.; Gannon, Travis W.; Yelverton, Fred H. 2017. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 109(4): p. 1765-1770. |
281292 |
Investigating selection of demethylation inhibitor fungicide-insensitive Sclerotinia homoeocarpa isolates by boscalid, flurprimidol, and paclobutrazol |
Allan-Perkins, Elisha; Campbell-Nelson, Katie; Popko, James T. Jr.; Sang, Hyunkyu; Jung, Geunhwa. 2017. Crop Science. July/August. 57(Supplement 1): p. S-301-S-309. |
281203 |
Goosegrass and bermudagrass response to rates and tank mixtures of topramezone and triclopyr |
Cox, Michael C.; Rana, Sandeep S.; Brewer, John R.; Askew, Shawn D. 2017. Crop Science. July/August. 57(Supplement 1): p. S-310-S-321. |
281209 |
Soluble solutions: Water-soluble fertilisers have become a key component of many nutritional regimes due to their simplicity of application, cost effiency and rapid agronomic repsonse. However, whilst they can easily be overcome, there are sometimes issues with preparation that can create problems for the uninitiated | Johnson, Wendy. 2017. Greenkeeping. April. 133: p. 6, 8. |
295315 |
Dollar spot must be ID'd correctly: It's the no. 1 disease golf superintendents face each year |
Jiggens, Mike. 2017. Turf & Rec. April/May. 30(3): p. 39-42. |
289608 |
Nitrogen sources vary in their ability to overcome 2,4-D antagonism from hard water | Schortgen, Geoffrey; Patton, Aaron J. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 100191. |
278273 |
Iron source in 2,4-D tank-mixtures influences weed control | Patton, Aaron J.; Weisenberger, Daniel V.; Schortgen, Geoffrey. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 101672. |
278299 |
Dollar spot and brown patch control on creeping bentgrass putting greens with fungicide tank-mixes, 2015 Access Restrictions |
Earlywine, D.; Gilley, M.; Miller, G. L. 2016. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 10: p. T005. |
270859 |
Making the most of... water solubles |
Anonymous. 2016. Turf Matters. August/September. p. 32. |
278810 |
Quality control: Poor water quality can negatively impact the mixing of various pesticides and fertilizers in tanks and reduce their efficacy |
Torsiello, John. 2016. Golf Course Industry. July. 28(7): p. 46-48. |
273930 |
Triclopyr reduces foliar bleaching from mesotrione and enhances efficacy for smooth crabgrass control by altering uptake and translocation Access Restrictions |
Yu, Jialin; McCullough, Patrick E. 2016. Weed Technology. April-June. 30(2): p. 516-523. |
273996 |
Lessen your anthracnose struggles |
Aynardi, Brian; Inguagiato, John; McDonald, Steve; Clarke, Bruce; Uddin, Wakar. 2016. Golfdom. March. 72(3): p. 30-35. |
270390 |
Difficult to manage diseases of bermudagrass putting greens | Harmon, Phil. 2016. Florida Turf Digest. January/February. 33(1): p. 8-11. |
285482 |
Confirming Resistance to Prodiamine and Glyphosate in a Single Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) Biotype from Tennessee | Breeden, Shane Matthew. 2015. M.S. Thesis: University of Tennessee, Knoxville. ix, 43 pp. |
269231 |
Anthracnose severity influenced by seaweed extracts with and without phosphite and fungicides, 2014 | Inguagiato, J.; Miele, K.; Chen, X.; Hyatt, K.; Kalinowski, S.; Vose, S. 2015. 2014 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 12-15. |
266503 |
Preventive brown patch control with fungicides and biorationals on a colonial bentgrass fairway turf, 2014 | Miele, K.; Chen, X.; Hyatt, K.; Kalinowski, S.; Vose, S.; Inguagiato, J. 2015. 2014 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 16-19. |
266505 |
Preventive dollar spot control with various fungicide formulations on a creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2014 | Miele, K.; Hyatt, K.; Kalinowski, S.; Vose, S.; Inguagiato, J. 2015. 2014 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 36-43. |
266514 |
Roughstalk bluegrass control in creeping bentgrass and Kentucky bluegrass fairways | Rana, S. S.; Askew, S. D.; Koo, S. 2015. Proceedings of the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 69: p. 55. |
266184 |
Controlling dollar spot on fairway turf with fungicide tank-mixes and experimental products, 2014 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, Brian; Uddin, Wakar. 2015. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 9: p. T007. |
268650 |
Winning tips: From the top sprayer man |
Anonymous. 2015. Pitchcare. December/January. 64: p. 124-125. |
268571 |
Future outlook for fairway conversions could be patchy: [2016: Goosegrass and crabgrass on the golf course] | McCarty, Bert. 2015. Carolinas Green. November/December. p. 12, 14. |
267194 |
How to tank mix chemicals |
Anonymous. 2015. Landscape Management. October. 54(10): p. 14. |
266725 |
Do the math |
Danneberger, Karl. 2015. Golfdom. July. 71(7): p. 42. |
264747 |
Growth regulation and tank mixing associated with a glysphosate-tolerant perennial ryegrass cultivar Access Restrictions |
Baldwin, Christian M.; Brede, A. Douglas; Mayer, Jami J. 2015. HortTechnology. April. 25(2): p. 214-220. |
258859 |
Critical control: The first lawn care applications of the year are designed to stop grassy weed growth before it germinates |
Hampshire, Kristen. 2015. Lawn & Landscape. February. 36(2): p. 70, 72-77. |
262205 |
Indaziflam enhances buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) control from postemergence herbicides Access Restrictions |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Johnston, Christopher R.; Reed, Thomas V.; Yu, Jialin. 2015. Weed Technology. January-March. 29(1): p. 147-153. |
269225 |
Preventive anthracnose control on an annual bluegrass putting green turf, 2013 | Inguagiato, J.; Miele, K.; Brown, E.; Chen, X.; Vose, S. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 1-5. |
243844 |
Preventive dollar spot control on an 'putter' creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2013 | Inguagiato, J.; Miele, K.; Brown, E.; Chen, X.; Vose, S. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 11-20. |
243847 |
Preventive dollar spot control using new and existing fungicide formulations on a creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2013 | Inguagiato, J.; Miele, K.; Brown, E.; Chen, X.; Vose, S. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 21-25. |
243849 |
Curative dollar spot control using new and existing fungicide formulations on a creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2013 | Miele, K.; Chen, X; Vose, S.; Inguagiato, J. 2014. 2013 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 26-27. |
243850 |
Broomsedge release in bermudagrass from plant growth regulator use | McCullough, Patrick E.; Shilling, Donn G.; Singh, Rashmi; Czarnota, Mark; Yu, Jialin. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 89340. |
250188 |
Flazasulfuron tank mixtures with amicarbazone for annual bluegrass control in seashore paspalum |
Johnston, Christopher R.; McCullough, Patrick E. 2014. Applied Turfgrass Science. 11(1): p. 1-6. |
238323 |
Evaluation of adjuvants on flumioxazin efficacy for postemergence annual bluegrass and residual smooth crabgrass control |
Reed, Thomas V.; McCullough, Patrick E.; Grey, Tim. 2014. Applied Turfgrass Science. 11(1): p. 1-6. |
238339 |
Effects of spring applications of various Briskway tank mixtures on quality of a 'Champion' bermudagrass putting green, 2013 Access Restrictions |
Kerns, J. P.; Soika, M. D.; Butler, E. L.; Roberts, J. A.; Ploetz, J. 2014. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 8: p. T009. |
248449 |
Headland's 20/20/30 approach to help fend off disease: How you can guard against onset of Fusarium Patch by taking a long-term, strategic view of the disease | Anonymous. 2014. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 42-43. |
260921 |
Resisting the resistance: Preventing and managing herbicide resistance in turf |
McCurdy, Jay; McElroy, Scott; Byrd, John Jr. 2014. Golf Course Industry. November. 26(11): p. 39-43. |
251974 |
The benefits of liquid fertilization on fairways - sometimes being mixed up is a good thing | Gilhuly, Larry. 2014. USGA Green Section Record. July 11. 52(14): p. 1-5. |
246349 |
Seashore paspalum growth regulation with flucarbazone-sodium |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Sidhu, Sudeep S.; Singh, Rashmi; Yu, Jialin. 2014. Crop Science. May/June. 54(3): p. 1197-1204. |
242146 |
Defendor (florasulam) research |
Nikolai, Thomas A.; Hathaway, Aaron; Binder, Nick; Fabbo, Joe; Lemanski, Michael. 2014. News Notes [Michigan Turfgrass Foundation]. Spring. 6(1): p. 19-20. |
241201 |
Turf Quality of Creeping Bentgrass Using Foliar Fertilization Tank-Mixed With Sprayable Organic Amendments Access Restrictions |
Berg, Nolan Roy. 2013. M.S. Thesis: North Dakota State University. viii, 42 pp. |
260277 |
Postemergence dallisgrass control with sequential summer and/or fall tank-mix applications | Grubbs, Becky; Hoyle, Jared A.; Straw, Chase M.; Landry, Robin; Tucker, Kevin; Henry, Gerald M. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 79167. |
232237 |
The effects of nitrogen source and spray volume on the colonization of silvery-thread moss | Raudenbush, Zane; Keeley, Steven J. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 82213. |
232256 |
Field efficacy of several curative insecticides against first generation annual bluegrass weevil, golf course fairway, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Vittum, P. J.; Brocklesby, L. J. 2013. Arthropod Management Tests 2013. 38: p. Unknown. |
248137 |
Fungicidal control of dollar spot on a putting green with a mixed stand of creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Uddin, W. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T019. |
217608 |
Management of dollar spot in a creeping bentgrass/annual bluegrass fairway with fungicides, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Uddin, W. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T020. |
217610 |
Chemical control of anthracnose basal rot in a mixed creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Uddin, W. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T021. |
217612 |
Control of Pythium foliar blight in perennial ryegrass using fungicides, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Uddin, W. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T022. |
217619 |
When it comes to snow mold, two fungicides are better than one. But why? | Koch, Paul. 2013. Wisconsin Turfgrass News. Winter. 27(3): p. 6-7. |
248829 |
Changing face of anthracnose |
Mabbett, Terry. 2013. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 28-32. |
238337 |
Heat up the tank |
McCarty, Bert. 2013. Golfdom. October. 69(10): p. 30-31. |
231777 |
Tank-mixing for effective foliar fertilization |
Schlossberg, Max. 2013. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Fall. 2(1): p. 15-16. |
239489 |
Factors affecting foliar nitrogen uptake by creeping bentgrass |
Henning, S. W.; Mulvaney, R. L.; Branham, B. E. 2013. Crop Science. July/August. 53(4): p. 1778-1783. |
225875 |
Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control in creeping bentgrass putting greens with amicarbazone and paclobutrazol Access Restrictions |
Jeffries, Matthew D.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Gannon, Travis W. 2013. Weed Technology. July-September. 27(3): p. 520-526. |
228220 |
Selective weed control Access Restrictions |
Paul, Graham. 2013. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. April. 261: p. 24-27. |
218763 |
Top of the queries 2012 Access Restrictions |
Mann, Ruth. 2013. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. January. 260: p. 31-33. |
214756 |