Keyword: Terbucarb
Showing items 1 to 32 of 32.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
In vitro pesticide degradation in soil incubated under open and sealed conditions |
Suzuki, Toshinari; Yaguchi, Kumiko; Suzuki, Sukeji; Suga, Tetsuya. 2001. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 30(1): p. 18-23. |
72100 |
Estimation of leachability and persistence of pesticides at golf courses from point-source monitoring and model to predict pesticide leaching to groundwater Access Restrictions |
Suzuki, Toshinari; Kondo, Harumi; Yaguchi, Kumiko; Maki, Toshio; Suga, Tetsuya. 1998. Environmental Science & Technology. 32(7): p. 920-929. |
66380 |
Degradation of terbutol in soils from turfgrass and drainage basins on golf courses |
Suzuki, T.; Yaguchi, K.; Nishima, T.; Suga, T. 1996. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 44(6): p. 1599-1602. |
109383 |
Comparative cytotoxicity between butylated hydroxytoluene and its methylcarbamate derivative, Terbucarb, on isolated rat hepatocytes Access Restrictions |
Nakagawa, Y.; Yaguchi, K.; Suzuki, T. 1994. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. April. 52(4): p. 511-515. |
85398 |
The use of herbicides during vegetative establishment of bermudagrass |
Green, Robert L. 1985. Oklahoma Turf. Spring/Summer. 3(1): p. 3-5. |
6331 |
Influence of pre-emergence herbicides on root development of Agrostis stolonifera sod Access Restrictions |
Bingham, S. Wayne; Schmidt, Richard E. 1983. Weed Research. December. 23(6): p. 339-346. |
1800 |
Studies on the control of annual bluegrass (Poa annua) in turf |
Takemastu, Tetsuo; Konnai, Makoto; Takeuchi, Yasutomo. 1982. Journal of Japan Turfgrass Research Association. November. 11(2): p. 183-188. |
170769 |
Studies on the movements of herbicides in soil in turf |
Takematsu, Tetsuo; Takeuchi, Yasutomo; Ogasawara, Masaru. 1982. Journal of Japan Turfgrass Research Association. November. 11(2): p. 189-193. |
170770 |
Cellular Responses in Roots of Bentgrass and Bermudagrass to Selected Herbicides |
Seagle, E. D.; Callahan, L. M. 1978. Agronomy Abstracts. December. p. 119. |
15548 |
Performance of activated charcoal and herbicides during establishment of centipedegrass |
Johnson, B. J. 1977. Georgia Agricultural Research Experiment Station Research Report. 243: p. 1-13. |
1285 |
Consecutive herbicide treatment on tall fescue |
Johnson, B. J. 1976. Georgia Agricultural Research Experiment Station Research Report. May. 224: p. 1-13. |
3079 |
Phytotoxicity of herbicides to a tifgreen bermudagrass green Access Restrictions |
Callahan, L. M. 1976. Weed Science. January. 24(1): p. 92-98. |
746 |
Spray vs Granular Formulations of Herbicides for Preemergence Weed Control in Turfgrasses |
Johnson, B. J. 1975. Athens, Georgia: Agricultural Experiment Stations, Department of Agronomy, University of Georgia. 17 pp. |
2336 |
Herbicides for weed control during establishment of warm season turfgrasses |
Johnson, B. J. 1975. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia. 27 pp. |
34953 |
Control of crabgrass and goosegrass with preemergence chemicals in turfgrass | Barrett, L. H.; Jagschitz, J. A. 1975. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 29: p. 359-364. |
701 |
Minimal herbicide treatments on the establishment of four turfgrasses |
Johnson, B. J. 1975. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 67(6): p. 786-789. |
885 |
Dates of herbicide application for weed control in bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Johnson, B. J. 1975. Weed Science. March. 23(2): p. 110-115. |
757 |
Effects of successive applications of preemergence herbicides on turf Access Restrictions |
Turgeon, A. J.; Beard, J. B.; Martin, D. P.; Meggitt, W. F. 1974. Weed Science. July. 22(4): p. 349-352. |
765 |
Pre-emergence herbicides for annual bluegrass control and their effects on the overseeding of four cool-season turfgrasses |
Lewis, W. M. 1973. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society. p. 26. |
3041 |
Influence of selected herbicides on rooting of turfgrass sod Access Restrictions |
Bingham, S. W. 1973. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 27-28. |
269914 |
Effects of several herbicides on shoot and root growth of 'Tifdwarf' bermudagrass | Smith, G. S. 1973. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. 86: p. 434-437. |
2331 |
Control of Crabgrass and Goosegrass in Turfgrass with Herbicides | Jagschitz, John A. 1973. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 27: p. 320-324. |
718 |
Weeds in turfgrass |
Jagschitz, J. A. 1970. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 24: p. 35. |
981 |
Pre and postemergence Poa annua control in common bermudagrass turf |
Lewis, W. M. 1970. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Southern Weed Science Society. 23: p. 121. |
3010 |
Preemergence lawn weed control trials. Nebraska - 1968 |
Furrer, J. D. 1969. Farm, Ranch and Home Quarterly. 209 |
2758 | |
Weed control in dichondra Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Elmore, C. L. 1969. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.Progress Report. 204: p. 5. |
3001 | |
A summary of three years performance for commonly used preemergence lawn weed control herbicides under Nebraska conditions |
Furrer, J. D. 1969. Proceedings: North Central Weed Control Conference. 24: p. 56-57. |
2697 |
Fall and spring use of pre-emergent crabgrass control chemicals in turfgrass | Jagschitz, J. A. 1969. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 23: p. 398-404. |
2783 |
Control of weeds in warm-season turfgrasses with herbicides Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Burt, E. O. 1969. Southern Nurserymen's Association. Ornamental Research. 13: p. 68. |
2636 | |
Merion Kentucky bluegrass response to soil residue of preemergence herbicides |
Engel, R. E.; Callahan, L. M. 1967. Weeds. April. 15(2): p. 128-130. |
29898 |
Weed control in turf | Slife, F. W.; Butler, J. D. 1965. 6th Turfgrass Conference Proceedings [Illinois]. p. [10-12]. |
88267 |
Weed control in turf | Slife, F. W.; Butler, J. D. 1964. 5th Illinois Turfgrass Conference Proceedings. p. 47-49. |
95885 |