Keyword: Transgenic turfgrasses
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Overexpression of the Zoysia japonica ZjABR1/ERF10 regulates plant growth and salt tolerance in transgenic Oryza sativa |
Guo, Tao; Wang, Shumin; Fan, Bo; Zou, Shihui; Chen, Shuang; Liu, Wei; Wang, Sheng; Ai, Lijiao; Han, Liebao. 2023. Environmental and Experimental Botany. February. 206: p. 105171 [1-11]. |
324673 |
An efficient and optimized protocol for tall fescue tissue culture and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation |
Hosseini, Hamid Reza; Salehi, Hassan; Khosh-Khui, Morteza; Chehrazi, Mehrangiz. 2023. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences. January 25. p. 261-272. |
327376 |
Required mowing events of transgenic Kentucky bluegrass cultivars compared with conventional turfgrass cultivar blends and species mixtures Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike; Baldwin, Christian; Koch, Matthew; Freshour, Lucas; Harriman, Bob. 2022. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 8(1): p. e20146 [1-9]. |
326886 |
GMO turfgrass introduction to the market: Acceptance and market simulations for Connecticut consumers |
Campbell, Benjamin L.; Campbell, Julie H.; Berning, Joshua P. 2021. HortScience. July. 56(7): p. 809-815. |
332973 |
Protocol for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tall fescue and future perspective on the application of genome editing |
Takamizo, Tadashi; Sato, Hiroko. 2020. Plant Biotechnology. 37(2): p. 157-161. |
337036 |
AsHSP26.8a, a creeping bentgrass small heat shock protein integrates different signaling pathways to modulate plant abiotic stress response |
Sun, Xinbo; Zhu, Junfei; Li, Xin; Li, Zhigang; Han, Liebao; Luo, Hong. 2020. BMC Plant Biology. 20: p. 184 [1-19]. |
336559 |
Molecular mechanism of carbon dioxide and nitrogen interaction mediated by hormones in regulating leaf growth in tall fescue | Yu, Jingjin; Huang, Bingru. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122235. |
310376 |
FaTB1, a teosinte branched1 ortholog, plays a vital role in regulating tillering in Festuca arundinacea | Zhuang, Lili; Yang, Zhimin. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122296. |
310379 |
Engineered turfgrass: Times are changing | Anonymous. 2019. Carolinas Green. May/June. p. 12-13. |
305995 |
Overexpression of OsmiR393a gene confers drought tolerance in creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Ho, TongSu; Pak, HakSong; Ryom, ChunKyong; Han, MyongHun. 2019. Plant Biotechnology Reports. February. 13(1): p. 85-93. |
306725 |
Genetic engineering of turfgrass for enhanced multi-stress resistance | Luo, Hong. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 8-9. |
304966 |
Improved drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass via biotechnology |
Patel, M.; Milla-Lewis, S.; Zhang, W.; Reynolds, C.; Zuleta, M. C.; Dewey, R. E.; Qu, R. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. November/December. p. 18-21. |
302573 |
Transgenic approaches for improved brown patch resistance |
Zhou, B.; Luo, H.; Bailey, A.; Niblett, C. L.; Qu, R. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. September/October. p. 14-17. |
302364 |
T4 lysozyme transgenic tall fescue plants are highly resistant to gray leaf spot disease |
Dong, S.; Shew, H. D.; Tredway, L.; Lu, J.; Sivamani, E.; Miller, E. S.; Qu, R. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. September/October. p. 18, 20-21. |
302365 |
Heterologous expression of a novel Poa pratensis gibberellin 2-oxidase gene, PpGA20x, caused dwarfism, late flowering, and increased chlorophyll accumulation in Arabidopsis Access Restrictions |
Tan, P.-H.; Zhang, L.; Yin, S.-X.; Teng, K. 2018. Biologia Plantarum. September. 62(3): p. [1-9]. |
298079 |
Transcriptional factors for stress signaling, oxidative protection, and protein modification in ipt-transgenic creeping bentgrass exposed to drought stress Access Restrictions |
Xu, Yi; Huang, Bingru. 2017. Environmental and Experimental Botany. December. 144: p. 49-60. |
291437 |
Development of transgenic crops based on photo-biotechnology Access Restrictions |
Ganesan, Markkandan; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Kim, Jeong-Il; Song, Pill-Soon. 2017. Plant, Cell and Environment. November. 40(11): p. 2469-2486. |
286051 |
Structure determination and activity manipulation of the turfgrass ABA receptor FePYR1 |
Ren, Zhizhong; Wang, Zhen; Zhou, X. Edward; Shi, Huazhong; Hong, Yechun; Cao, Minjie; Chan, Zhulong; Lie, Xue; Xu, H. Eric; Zhu, Jian-Kang. 2017. Scientific Reports. October 25. 7: p. 14022 [1-13]. |
298068 |
Benefits of introducing new genetics into your turfgrass stand | Brilman, Leah A. 2017. Heart Beat. September. p. 6-7. |
296856 |
Transgenic centipedegrass (Ermochloa ophiuroides [Munro] Hack.) overexpressing s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC) gene for improved cold tolerance through involvement of H2O2 and NO signaling |
Luo, Jianhao; Liu, Mingxi; Zhang, Chendong; Zhang, Peipei; Chen, Jingjing; Guo, Zhenfei; Lu, Shaoyun. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science. September. 8: p. 1655[1-10]. |
298067 |
Day of the tetraploid |
MacCallum, Scott. 2017. Turf Matters. August/September. p. 36-37. |
289714 |
Pollen-mediated gene flow from transgenic perennial creeping bentgrass and hybridization at the landscape level |
Zapiola, María Luz; Mallory-Smith, Carol Ann. 2017. PloS ONE. March 3. p. e0173308 [1-13]. |
282399 |
Genetically modified pest | Anonymous. 2017. The Register-Guard. January 17. p. [1]. |
280233 |
GMO grass that 'escaped' defies eradication, divides grass seed industry |
Manning, Jeff. 2017. The Oregonian. January 8. p. [1-5]. |
282619 |
Genetic engineering of turfgrass for enhanced multi-stress resistance | Luo, Hong. 2016. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2016 Research Summaries. p. 24-25. |
285103 |
Introduced brown patch disease resistance in transgenic tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Binbin; Bailey, Ana; Niblett, C. L.; Luo, Hong; Qu, Rongda. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 7-8. |
311145 |
Overexpression of a Chimeric gene, OsDST-SRDX, improved salt tolerance of perennial ryegrass |
Cen, Huifang; Ye, Wenxing; Liu, Yanrong; Li, Dayong; Wang, Kexin; Zhang, Wanjun. 2016. Scientific Reports. June 2. 6: p. [27320] 1-13. |
286526 |
Enhancing cytokinin synthesis by overexpressing ipt alleviated drought inhibition of root growth through activating ROS-scavenging systems in Agrostis stolonifera Access Restrictions |
Xu, Yi; Burgess, Patrick; Zhang, Xunzhong; Huang, Bingru. 2016. Journal of Experimental Botany. April. 67(6): p. 1979-1992. |
269642 |
Transgenic turfgrasses expressing hyperactive Ser599Ala phytochrome A mutant exhibit abiotic stress tolerance Access Restrictions |
Gururani, Mayank Anand; Ganesan, Markkandan; Song, In-Ja; Han, Yunjeong; Kim, Jeong-Il; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Song, Pill-Soon. 2016. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. March. 35(1): p. 11-21. |
269113 |
De Novo transcriptome analysis for Kentucky bluegrass dwarf mutants induced by space mutation |
Gan, Lu; Di, Rong; Chao, Yuehui; Han, Liebao; Chen, Xingwu; Wu, Chao; Yin, Shuxia. 2016. PloS ONE. March 24. 11(3): p. e0151768 [1-17]. |
273380 |
Expression of the shrimp antimicrobial peptide penaeidin 4-1 confers resistance against brown patch disease in tall fescue |
Zhou, Binbin; Luo, Hong; Qu, Rongda. 2016. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. February 22. p. [1-5]. |
270305 |
The pirating of licensed and certified grasses Access Restrictions |
Novak, Jim. 2016. Turf News [TPI]. January/February. 40(1): p. 42-46. |
268224 |
Control of brown patch (Rhizoctonia solani) in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) by host induced gene silencing Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Binbin; Bailey, Ana; Niblett, C. L.; Qu, Rongda. 2016. Plant Cell Reports. January 22. p. [1-12]. |
269657 |
Genetic engineering of perennial grasses: Trait modification, transgene containment and gene discovery in turf species | Luo, Hong. 2015. Plant & Animal Genome XXI. p. 15378. |
270461 |
Investigation into effects of transgenic glufosinate-resistant Zoysia grasses with herbicide application on bacterial communities under field conditions Access Restrictions |
Lee, Yong-Eok; Lee, Sun Hwa; Ryu, Gil-Do; Kang, Hong-Gyu; Kwon, Yong-Ik; Sun, Hyeon-Jin; Park, Kee Woong; Lee, Bumkyu; Song, In-Ja; Lim, Pyung-Ok; Lee, Hyo-Yeon. 2015. Journal of Plant Biology. October. 58(5): p. 303-310. |
274703 |
PpCBF3 from cold-tolerant Kentucky bluegrass involved in freezing tolerance associated with up-regulation of cold-related genes in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana |
Zhuang, Lili; Yuan, Xiuyun; Chen, Yu; Xu, Bin; Yang, Zhimin; Huang, Bingru. 2015. PloS ONE. July 15. 10(7): p. e0132928 [1-18]. |
273387 |
In vivo assessment of cold tolerance through Chlorophyll-a fluorescence in transgenic Zoysiagrass expressing mutant Phytochrome A |
Gururani, Mayank Anand; Venkatesh, Jelli; Ganesan, Markkandan; Strasser, Reto Jörg; Han, Yunjeong; Kim, Jeong-Il; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Song, Pill-Soon. 2015. PloS ONE. May 26. 10(5): p. e0127200 [1-17]. |
273385 |
Scotts' GM grass grows free from regulation |
Waltz, Emily. 2015. Nature Biotechnology. March. 33(3): p. 223. |
285782 |
Controlling Poa annua in sports turf | Christians, Nick. 2015. SportsTurf. March. 31(3): p. 14, 16-18. |
256257 |
Genetic engineering of perennial grasses - Trait modification, gene containment and environmental impact assessment | Luo, Hong. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 86484. |
250320 |
Cloning of zoysiagrass CBF gene and validation of cold tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis |
Feng, Xun-wei; Cai, Hong-wei. 2014. Acta Agronomica Sinica. 40(9): p. 1572-1578. |
285835 |
Antisense expression of a staygreen gene (SGR) delays leaf senescence in creeping bentgrass |
Hwang, Ok-Jin; Han, Yun-Jeong; Paek, Nam-Chon; Kim, Jeong-Il. 2014. Rapid Communication in Photoscience. 3(2): p. 28-31. |
269547 |
Are you ready for GMO bluegrass? |
Kurcab, Ross. 2014. SportsField Management. December. 9(12): p. 28. |
258796 |
Environmental monitoring of herbicide tolerant genetically modified zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) around confined field trials |
Lee, Bumkyu; Park, Kee Woong; Kim, Chang-Gi; Kang, Hong-Gyu; Sun, Hyeon-Jin; Kwon, Yong-Ik; Song, In-Ja; Ryu, Tae-Hun; Lee, Hyo-Yeon. 2014. Weed and Turfgrass Science. December. 3(4): p. 305-311. |
265190 |
Development of distinction methods for male-sterile and dwarfism herbicide tolerant Zoysia japonica Steud. |
Lee, Bum kyu; Kang, Hong-Gyu; Ra, Nu ri; Sun, Hyeon-Jin; Kwon, Yong-Ik; Song, In-Ja; Kim, Chang-Gi; Ryu, Tae-Hun; Park, Kee Woong; Lee, Hyo-Yeon. 2014. CNU Journal of Agricultural Science. September. 41(3): p. 187-191. |
270286 |
Roundup Ready returns to turf Access Restrictions |
Heineck, Garett. 2014. Golf Course Management. July. 82(7): p. 32. |
247211 |
Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing a grass PpEXP1 gene exhibit enhanced tolerance to heat stress |
Xu, Qian; Xu, Xiao; Shi, Yang; Xu, Jichen; Huang, Bingru. 2014. PloS ONE. July 8. 9(7): p. e100792 [1-9]. |
273389 |
Update on genetically improved turf bermudagrass varieties at OSU |
Wu, Yanqi. 2013. 2013 Turfgrass and Landscape Field Day: Research Summary [Oklahoma State University]. p. [11], [13]. |
231993 |
Identification on the salt tolerance of transgenic turfgrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wei, Rui; Ma, Dong-mei; Xu, Xing. 2013. [Bei Fang Yuan Yi] [Northern Horticulture]. 7: p. Unknown. |
270251 |
Growth performance and field evaluation of herbicide-resistant transgenic creeping bentgrass |
Lee, Ki-Won; Lee, Byung-Hyun; Seo, Bo-Ram; Kim, Jin-Seog; Lee, Sang-Hoon. 2013. Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and ForageScience. September. 33(3): p. 167-170. |
269742 |
Grass is greener on the other side - Biotechnology for turfgrass genetic improvement Access Restrictions |
Luo, Hong. 2013. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology, Animal. June. 49(Supplement 1): p. S16. |
275468 |
Overexpression of Arabidopsis ABF3 gene confers enhanced tolerance to drought and heat stress in creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Choi, Yun-Sung; Kim, Yong-Min; Hwang, Ok-Jin; Han, Yun-Jeong; Kim, Soo Young; Kim, Jeong-Il. 2013. Plant Biotechnology Reports. April. 7(2): p. 165-173. |
269754 |
Constitutive expression of a miR319 gene alters plant development and enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenic creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Man; Li, Dayong; Li, Zhigang; Hu, Qian; Yang, Chunhua; Zhu, Lihuang; Luo, Hong. 2013. Plant Physiology. March. 161(3): p. 1375-1391. |
249020 |
Identification of genes associated with enhanced cytokinin content and drought tolerance in ipt-transgenic creeping bentgrass by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) | Merewitz, Emily; Gianfagna, Thomas; Huang, Bingru. 2012. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 42. |
197263 |
Development of an antibiotic marker-free creeping bentgrass with resistance to two herbicides | Lee, Sang-Hoon. 2012. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. p. 115. |
274926 |
Annual bluegrass suppression through the utilization of phosphorus sensitive SIZ1 transgenic creeping bentgrass | Menchyk, Nicholas; Li, Zhigang; Luo, Hong; Liu, Haibo. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 74262. |
213338 |
Recent advance in genetic transformation of zoysiagrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Liu, Yonghai; Yu, Le; Cui, Tiecheng. 2012. Zhaoqing Xueyuan Xuebao [Journal of Zhaoqing University]. 33(5): p. Unknown. |
285731 |
Illegal gene flow from transgenic creeping bentgrass: the saga continues Access Restrictions |
Snow, Allison A. 2012. Molecular Ecology. October. 21(19): p. 4663-4664. |
272675 |
Crossing the divide: gene flow produces intergeneric hybrid in feral transgenic creeping bentgrass population |
Zapiola, María L.; Mallory-Smith, Carol A. 2012. Molecular Ecology. October. 21(19): p. 4672-4680. |
272628 |
Overexpression of an Arabidopsis β-glucosidase gene enhances drought resistance with dwarf phenotype in creeping bentgrass |
Han, Yun-Jeong; Cho, Kyu-Chang; Hwang, Ok-Jin; Choi, Yun-Sung; Shin, Ah-Young; Hwang, Inhwan; Kim, Jeong-Il. 2012. Plant Cell Reports. September. 31(9): p. 1677-1686. |
339032 |
Elevated cytokinin content in ipt transgenic creeping bentgrass promotes drought tolerance through regulating metabolite accumulation Access Restrictions |
Merewitz, Emily B.; Du, Hongmei; Yu, Wenjuan; Liu, Yimin; Gianfagna, Thomas; Huang, Bingru. 2012. Journal of Experimental Botany. February. 63(3): p. 1315-1328. |
209857 |
Overexpression of a chloroplast-localized small heat shock protein OsHSP26 confers enhanced tolerance against oxidative and heat streses in tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Kim, Kyung-Hee; Alam, Iftekhar; Kim, Yong-Goo; Sharmin, Shamima Akhtar; Lee, Ki-Won; Lee, Sang-Hoon; Lee, Byung-Hyun. 2012. Biotechnology Letters. February. 34(2): p. 371-377. |
275566 |
Scarabaeid larvae- and herbicide-resistant transgenic perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) obtained by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of cry8Ca2, cry8Ga and bar genes Access Restrictions |
Wu, Jin-xia; Zhang, Zhi-guo; Zhang, Qian; Lang, Zhi-hong; Sun, Xue-hui. 2012. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. January. 11(1): p. 53-61. |
285863 |
Glyphosate resistant creeping bentgrass: Same song second verse | Mallory-Smith, Carol. 2011. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 64: p. 103. |
195585 |
Advances in genetic transformation of turfgrasses Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wei, Rui; Xu, Xing; Ma, Dongmei. 2011. Nongye Kexue Yanjiu [Journal of Agricultural Sciences]. 32(2): p. 52-55. |
290951 |
Potential effects of development technology in turfgrass transgenic Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Su, Qing-feng. 2011. [Bei Fang Yuan Yi] [Northern Horticulture]. 23: p. Unknown. |
270394 |
Progress in transgenic breeding research of gramineous forage and turfgrass |
Guo, Yang-dong; Li, Wei; Li, Ren; Wu, Xin-xin; Zhao, Bing; Mao, Pei-sheng. 2011. Zhongguo Nongye Kexue [Scientia Agricultura Sinica]. September 15. 44(18): p. 3812-3821. |
282537 |
Expression of a novel antimicrobial peptide penaeidin4-1 in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) enhances plant fungal disease resistance |
Zhou, Man; Hu, Qian; Li, Zhigang; Li, Dayong; Chen, Chin-Fu; Luo, Hong. 2011. PloS ONE. September 12. 6(9): p. e24677 [1-12]. |
272617 |
Resistance to Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2 (IIIB) in creeping bentgrass plants transformed with pepper esterase gene PepEST Access Restrictions |
Cho, K.-C.; Han, Y.-J.; Kim, S.-J.; Lee, S.-S.; Hwang, O.-J.; Song, P.-S.; Kim, Y.-S.; Kim, J.-I. 2011. Plant Pathology. August. 60(4): p. 631-639. |
184965 |
Improve resistance to brown patch and gray leaf spot in tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Binbin; Qu, Rongda. 2011. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology, Animal. June. 47(Supplement 1): p. S50. |
275553 |
Overexpression of rice MicroRNA319 gene enhances drought and salt tolerance in transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Man; Li, Dayong; Li, Zhigang; Hu, Qian; Luo, Hong. 2011. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology, Animal. June. 47(Supplement 1): p. S37. |
275556 |
Simultaneous expression of Spinacia oleracea chloroplast choline monooxygenase (CMO) and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) genes contribute to dwarfism in transgenic Lolium perenne Access Restrictions |
Bao, Yongxia; Zhao, Ru; Li, Feifei; Tang, Wei; Han, Liebao. 2011. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. June. 29(2): p. 379-388. |
269837 |
Heterologous expression of the Arabidopsis DREB1A/CBF3 gene enhances drought and freezing tolerance in transgenic Lolium perenne plants Access Restrictions |
Li, Xue; Cheng, Xiaoxia; Liu, Jun; Zeng, Huiming; Han, Liebao; Tang, Wei. 2011. Plant Biotechnology Reports. January. 5(1): p. 61-69. |
270293 |
Proteomic and metabolic analysis of ipt-transgenic creeping bentgrass with improved heat tolerance | Xu, Yan; Gianfagna, Thomas; Huang, Bingru. 2010. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 27. |
159452 |
Current status on the development amd commercialization of GM plants |
Lee, Shin-Woo. 2010. Journal of Plant Biotechnology. 37(3): p. 305-312. |
282432 |
Research on lead uptake and tolerance of tall fescue with foreign DREB1A under lead stress Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Zhao, Ru; Han, Lie-bao; Zeng, Hui-ming. 2010. Zhongguo Caodi Xuebao [Chinese Journal of Grassland]. 32(2): p. 54-60. |
282633 |
Isolation and characterization of the betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene in Ophiopogon japonicus |
Liu, Jun; Zeng, Huiming; Li, Xue; Xu, Lixin; Wang, Yingbo; Tang, Wei; Han, Liebao. 2010. Open Biotechnology Journal. 4: p. 18-25. |
308352 |
An Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system using callus of Zoysia tenuifolia Willd. ex Trin Access Restrictions |
Li, Meiru; Li, Hongqing; Hu, Xiaoying; Pan, Xiaoping; Wu, Guojiang. 2010. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. September. 102(3): p. 321-327. |
273135 |
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of shoot apices of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and production of transgenic plants carrying a betA gene |
Zhang, Kewei; Wang, Juan; Hu, Xiaorui; Yang, Aifang; Zhang, Juren. 2010. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. August. 102(2): p. 135-143. |
276165 |
Effects of SAG12-Ript and HSP18.2-ipt expression on cytokinin production, root growth, and leaf senescence in creeping bentgrass exposed to drought stress |
Merewitz, Emily B.; Gianfagna, Thomas; Huang, Bingru. 2010. Journal of The American Society for Horticultural Science. May. 135(3): p. 230-239. |
165642 |
Assessment of phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) degradation from transgenic zoysiagrass digested with simulated gastric fluid (SGF) Access Restrictions |
Sun, Hyeon-Jin; Kang, Hong-Gyu; Bae, Tae-Woong; Cho, Tae-Gun; Kim, Joonki; Lim, Pyung-Ok; Riu, Key-Zung; Lee, Hyo-Yeon. 2010. Journal of Plant Biology. April. 53(2): p. 113-120. |
287460 |
Constitutive expression of the barley HvWRKY38 transcription factor enhances drought tolerance in turf and forage grass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) |
Xiong, Xi; James, Victoria A.; Zhang, Hangning; Altpeter, Fredy. 2010. Molecular Breeding. March. 25(3): p. 419-432. |
199655 |
Heterologous expression of Arabidopsis H+-pyrophosphatase enhances salt tolerance in transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Access Restrictions |
Li, Zhigang; Baldwin, Christian M.; Hu, Qian; Liu, Haibo; Luo, Hong. 2010. Plant, Cell and Environment. February. 33(2): p. 272-289. |
272622 |
Evaluation of transgenic creeping bentgrass with the IPT gene for cytokinin synthesis under nitrogen or phosphorus deficiency | Zhang, Yan; Liang, Cuiyue; Xu, Yan; Gianfagna, Thomas; Huang, Bingru. 2009. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 14. |
143765 |
Identification of heat tolerance genes in HSP-ipt transgenic dreeping bentgrass | Zhang, Yan; Gianfagna, Thomas; Huang, Bingru. 2009. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 56. |
143861 |
Metabolomic responses of transgenic creeping bentgrass overproducing cytokinins to heat stress | Xu, Yan; Huang, Bingru; Du, Hongmei. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 52411. |
159111 |
Obtaining sethoxydim resistance in seashore paspalum | Heckart, Douglas L.; Raymer, Paul L.; Parrott, Wayne A. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 55255. |
159172 |
Development of seashore paspalum turfgrass with herbicide resistance Access Restrictions |
Kim, Kyung-Moon; Song, In Ja; Lee, Hyo-Yeon; Raymer, Paul; Kim, Beom Seok; Kim, Wook. 2009. Hang'uk Jakmul Hakhoe Chi [Korean Journal of Crop Science]. 54(4): p. 427-432. |
239204 |
Embryogenic callus induction of tall fescue and its plant regeneration Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Li, Lan. 2009. Xumu yu Siliao Kexue [Animal Husbandry and Feed Science]. 30(1): p. 58-60. |
282808 |
Development and characterization of transgenic creeping bentgrass transformed with Arabidopsis BAS1 gene Access Restrictions |
Studzinska, Aneta Karolina; Gardner, Dave; Yan, Jia; Nangle, Edward; Danneberger, Karl. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 2): p. 859-869. |
150963 |
Conferred resistance to an acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicide in transgenic tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) |
Sato, Hiroko; Takamizo, Tadashi; Shimizu, Tsutomu; Kawai, Kiyoshi; Kaku, Koichiro. 2009. HortScience. August. 44(5): p. 1254-1257. |
160454 |
Production of purple-colored creeping bentgrass using maize transcription factor genes Pl and Lc through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation |
Han, Yun-Jeong; Kim, Yong-Min; Lee, Jee-Yeon; Kim, Soo Jung; Cho, Kyu-Chang; Chandrasekhar, Thummala; Song, Pill-Soon; Woo, Young-Min; Kim, Jeong-Il. 2009. Plant Cell Reports. March. 28(3): p. 397-406. |
339013 |
Generation, Characterization and Risk Assessment of Transgenic Apomictic Bahiagrass | Sandhu, Sukhpreet. 2008. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Florida. 117 pp. |
172034 |
Physiological responses of drought stressed creeping bentgrass transgenic for an ipt gene controlling cytokinin synthesis | Merewitz, Emily; Huang, Bingru. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 43462. |
145608 |
Gene expression and physiological responses of drought stressed creeping bentgrass transgenic for an ipt gene controlling cytokinin synthesis | Merewitz, Emily; Huang, Bingru. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 43517. |
145613 |
Latest developments in turfgrass research | Shearman, Robert (Bob) C. 2008. XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress: Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World. 2: p. 289-292. |
168535 |
Gene flow in genetically altered crops helps progress transgenic turfgrass | Gealy, David. 2008. TurfGrass TRENDS. July. p. 53-54, 56, 60. |
137747 |
How green is golf? VII: The grass expert |
Barton, John. 2008. Golf Digest. May. 59(5): p. 222, 224, 226, 228. |
136575 |
Escape and establishment of transgenic glyphosate-resistant creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera in Oregon, USA: A 4-year study Access Restrictions |
Zapiola, M. L.; Campbell, C. K.; Butler, M. D.; Mallory-Smith, C. A. 2008. Journal of Applied Ecology. April. 45(2): p. 486-494. |
145196 |
Droughttolerant transgenic perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) obtained via particle bombardment gene transformation of CBF3/DREB1A gene Access Restrictions |
Liebao, H.; Li, Xue; Liu, Jun; Zeng, Huiming. 2008. Acta Horticulturae. February. 783: p. 273-282. |
136412 |