Keyword: Water use legislation
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The cost of California |
Spicer, Judd. 2024. Golf Course Industry. September. 36(9): p. 16-22. |
339969 |
That sinking feeling |
Rhodes, Greg. 2024. Pitchcare. July/August. 115: p. 16-18. |
339627 |
Beyond all drought: Improving urban water conservation in the west through integrative water and land use policy |
Longbottom, Benjamin; Gordon, Aley. 2023. Natural Resources Journal. Winter. 63(1): p. 88-123. |
327316 |
Get out in front of water regulations | Whitlark, Brian. 2023. USGA Green Section Record. February 3. 61(2): p. [1-3]. |
325107 |
Future of urban landscapes: A Florida perspective Access Restrictions |
Dukes, Michael D. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 1030-1034. |
321542 |
Application of the Florida-friendly landscaping statute to homeowner disputes regarding violation of restrictive covenants Access Restrictions |
Van Treese, Jeffery W. II; Olexa, Michael T. 2020. The Florida Bar Journal. November/December. 94(6): p. 34-35, 38-41. |
327155 |
Peer effects in residential water conservation: Evidence from migration |
Bollinger, Bryan; Burkhardt, Jesse; Gillingham, Kenneth T. 2020. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. August. 12(3): p. 107-133. |
327346 |
Native grasses and alternative groundcovers for the southwest | Umeda, Kai; Burayu, Worku. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 98-104. |
310833 |
Turfgrass plant water status influence on herbicide phytotoxicity and efficacy | Powers, Jackson; Goss, Ryan M. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122055. |
310320 |
Water efficient landscape design: What does California have to teach us about irrigation practices throughout the United States and beyond? | Menapace, Christine. 2019. Turf. Summer. 32(2): p. 22-25. |
308814 |
[HB 433 and HB 646] Access Restrictions |
Green, Ryan. 2019. New Hampshire Turf Talk. Winter. p. 3-4. |
306340 |
Water less, do more: Irrigation technology is turning the tides on excess water use while still providing results |
Richter, Clara. 2019. Landscape Management. November. 58(11): p. 14-16, 18, 20. |
309608 |
Irrigation and water conservation BMPs |
Althouse, Kristen. 2019. SportsTurf. September. 35(9): p. 28-31. |
308296 |
Water use: Has your club registered?: EU Water Policy Regulations require golf clubs that abstract 25 cubic meters of water on any single day each year to register their water extraction with the Environmental protection Agency |
Kelly, Alan. 2019. Greenside. July. p. 32-33. |
306689 |
On the mend: It's still unclear how contractors will approach their work in states like California and Utah, where droughts have ended - for now |
Rathmell, Lauren; Miller, Jimmy. 2019. Lawn & Landscape. July. 40(7): p. 32-34, 36. |
306983 |
A guide to golf irrigation water supplies in the UK: A brief look at UK water legislation |
Wardle, Giles. 2019. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 54-55. |
305888 |
New Jersey legislative updates: Active time in Trenton |
Lindner, Matt. 2018. Clippings [New Jersey Turfgrass Association]. 97(2): p. 7. |
301089 |
Water conservation benefits of long-term residential irrigation restrictions in southwest Florida Access Restrictions |
Boyer, Mackenzie J.; Dukes, Michael D.; Duerr, Isaac; Bliznyuk, Nikolay. 2018. Journal - American Water Works Association. February. 110(2): p. E2-E17. |
298024 |
How to water plants and lawns when cities limit water use | Utah State University Extension. 2018. The Daily Herald [Utah]. February 4. p. [1-2]. |
294892 |
Well and Storage System Decreases Potable Water Use | Anonymous. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
287471 |
[Being active in industry policy issues] |
MacKenzie, Jack. 2017. Hole Notes. October. 52(9): p. 8-10. |
293151 |
Drought of the blue | Gale, Laurence. 2017. Turf Matters. June/July. p. 16, 18-19. |
288328 |
Expanding your water conservation strategy |
Anonymous. 2017. SportsTurf. May. 3[33](5): p. 36. |
284683 |
Water vs. landscape: A false choice | Carraway, Mac. 2017. Florida Turf Digest. March/April. 34(2): p. 12-14. |
285510 |
Lawnscaping Perth: Water supply, gardens, and scarcity, 1890-1925 Access Restrictions |
Gaynor, Andrea. 2017. Journal of Urban History. February. 46(1): p. 63-78. |
338346 |
Embrace brown lawns in winter | Greco, Stacie. 2017. Gainesville Sun. January 31. p. [1-2]. |
282723 |
Drought planning for imposed water restrictions | Neumann, Nathan. 2016. 2016 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-20]. |
270822 |
Managing Low-Quality Irrigation Water | Anonymous. 2016. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
279221 |
Water Planning for the Future |
United States Golf Association. 2016. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 3 pp. |
288999 |
From auditor to consultant: Communicating outdoor water use | Gebhart, John; Alvarado, Rick. 2016. Irrigation Show 2016: Technical Session Proceedings. p. 1-10. |
289779 |
On the horizon: We chat with the Irrigation Association about the state of irrigation regulations and what contractors can expect in 2017 |
Schappacher, Emily. 2016. Landscape Management. December. 55(12): p. 38-39. |
279397 |
SB City Council approves lawn watering ban |
Anonymous. 2016. Edhat Santa Barbara. December 7. p. [1-2]. |
295594 |
Planning for drought | Smith, Russ. 2016. Irrigation & Green Industry. November. 19(11): p. 95-96. |
279275 |
Your lawn in winter | Hobbs, Wayne. 2016. Clay Today. November 9. p. [1-2]. |
282589 |
Study finds loss of WA turf industry if severe water rules rolled-out | Mecham, Liz. 2016. Turf Australia. Autumn. p. 8-9. |
301623 |
Could drought-friendly landscaping be heating things up a little too much? |
Wisniewski, Nicole. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. September. 29(9): p. 9. |
276632 |
Drought conditions impact golf courses throughout Massachusetts; Superintendents faced with managing dwindling water supplies and usage restrictions, with little or no relief in sight |
Anonymous. 2016. The Newsletter [New England]. August. p. 1-2. |
279587 |
City requests staggered lawn watering | Shepard, Linda. 2016. C & G Newspapers. August 3. p. [1-2]. |
274776 |
Facing the challenge |
Lawrence, Adam. 2016. Golf Course Architecture. July. 45: p. 44-47. |
280522 |
The changing landscape of water: Our nation's water resources and the landscape industry |
Michelsen, Anne. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. July. 29(7): p. 20-24, 26, 28. |
274466 |
El Niño helped, but California water worries persist: The green industry's transition to water-conserving landscaping is more than a trend |
Hall, Ronnie. 2016. Turf [North Edition]. July. 29(7): p. 29-30. |
274469 |
Beyond the spirit: A Southern California mega-collaboration demonstrates how water conservation projects are being taken to the next level |
Cipriano, Guy. 2016. Golf Course Industry. July. 28(7): p. 12-14, 16, 18-19. |
273898 |
Fast and affirmed: Management at Saddle Creek Resort see new savings and increased play upon mitigating water during the California drought |
Williams, Patrick. 2016. Golf Course Industry. July. 28(7): p. 22-24. |
273899 |
California reality: It's not a dream anymore. Dry is still the norm in the nation's most populated state |
Williams, Bruce. 2016. Golf Course Industry. July. 28(7): p. 42-44. |
273929 |
Modelling irrigation demand and value of water for golf | Knox, Jerry W.; Rodriguez-Diaz, Juan A.; Rey, Dolores; Calatrava, Javier; Daccache, Andre; Aamlid, Trygve. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 77-78. |
317595 |
Water, water everywhere... Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2016. Golf Course Management. June. 84(6): p. 18. |
272566 |
Drought watch Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. June. 84(6): p. 24. |
272570 |
[The use of ground and surface water] |
Kazmierczak, Dave. 2016. Hole Notes. June. 50(5): p. 6-8. |
273311 |
California drought rules may be altered Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. May. 84(5): p. 28. |
272001 |
Is El Niño a boom or a bust? |
Jackson, Joel. 2016. Golfdom. May. 72(5): p. 14. |
272022 |
[Cactus & Pine GCSA at Apache Sun] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2016. Golf Course Management. April. 84(4): p. 110. |
271147 |
Spring business and educational meeting | Brandenburg, David. 2016. The Grass Roots. March/April. 45(2): p. 38-40. |
275078 |
Standards and practices: Golf course superintendents in China's north and south regions are navigating the 'new normal' in water use following implementation of government guidelines |
Phillips, Hal. 2016. Golf Course Management China. Spring. p. [8-12], 8-12. |
272072 |
Designs on improving the future of your course... and your career | Crace, Nathan. 2016. Mississippi Turfgrass. Spring. p. 9-13. |
272922 |
2016 in D.C.: A bird's-eye view Access Restrictions |
Helland, Robert. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 36. |
268697 |
Present and accounted for: In the shadow of Monticello, 2016 President's Award for Environmental Stewardship winner Peter McDonough has made some history of his own, proving how much can be accomplished simply by showing up Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2016. Golf Course Management. February. 84(2): p. 44-48, 50, 52, 54. |
268702 |
Governing from afar: New regulations and greater government scrutiny are reshaping the business landscape and the way owners run their courses | Eubanks, Steve. 2016. Golf Business [NGCOA]. February. 22(2): p. 51-53. |
270485 |
EPA violated propaganda law |
Anonymous. 2016. Golfdom. January. 72(1): p. 8. |
268393 |
2015: The good, bad and ugly |
Jackson, Joel. 2016. Golfdom. January. 72(1): p. 14. |
268396 |
Worried about WOTUS?: Our survey found readers split, but our sources consider its threat as real |
Jones, Seth; Gannon, Grant B. 2016. Golfdom. January. 72(1): p. 24. |
268403 |
Water works: California's historic drought has driven one Oakland-area private club to extreme measures to achieve water security Access Restrictions |
Darbyson, Kyle. 2016. Golf Business [NGCOA]. January. 22(1): p. 26-28. |
275309 |
Valley voice: Golf still works to cut valley water use | Schmid, Jim. 2016. The Desert Sun. January 31. p. [1]. |
270637 |
Golf & water | Thayer, Allen. 2015. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Summer. p. 4. |
268530 |
Craig Dargatz of Superior Sod: Dealing with a drought | Thayer, Allen. 2015. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Summer. p. 78-83. |
268535 |
Course conditions |
Conroy, Shane. 2015. Course Conditions. Winter. p. 17. |
270149 |
From the Sunshine State to the Golden State |
Jackson, Joel. 2015. Golfdom. December. 71(12): p. 14. |
267596 |
You've got the right: Restrictions because of drought are capable of leading to legal wrangling over water. Don't let the politics of water catch you by surprise |
Thomas, Rob. 2015. Golf Course Industry. December. 27(12): p. 20-23. |
267788 |
Water, water, everywhere: But with waters of the United States, not a clear answer in sight |
Jones, Seth. 2015. Golfdom. November. 71(11): p. 18-20, 22-24. |
267342 |
[Advocacy] |
MacKenzie, Jack. 2015. Hole Notes. November/December. 49(10): p. 10-12. |
267945 |
In drought-ridden California, the classic lawn loses ground: With help from public rebates, yards are being redefined as grass gives way to less thirsty materials, including decomposed granite | Medina, Jennifer. 2015. The New York Times. October 26. p. [1-11]. |
267282 |
GCSAA regional roundup [Fall 2015] |
Conroy, Shane. 2015. Course Conditions. Fall. p. 17. |
267540 |
WOTUS presents challenges and a chance to step up | Brown, Mike. 2015. Through the Green [Georgia]. September/October. p. 5. |
265743 |
Time to Californize your company?: Whether your market sufferes droughts or not, trends shaping the huge California industry will be shaping yours as well | Hall, Ronnie. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. September. 28(9): p. 22-27. |
266241 |
Saving irrigation water the smart way: How to comply with government mandates | Lovely, Lori. 2015. Water Efficiency: The Journal for Water Resource Management. September/October. 10(6): p. 34-39. |
265712 |
What's trending out west |
Gilhuly, Larry. 2015. United States Golf Association. September 2. p. 1-2. |
266511 |
Best management practices for turf under drought stress and other research in progress at UC Riverside |
Gross, Pat. 2015. United States Golf Association. September 25. p. 1-3. |
266516 |
WOTUS: Defined, but not done Access Restrictions |
McKeel, Chava. 2015. Golf Course Management. August. 83(8): p. 36. |
264470 |
Golf enters the WOTUS era | Gannon, Grant B. 2015. Golfdom. August. 71(8): p. 8. |
264756 |
The woes of WOTUS | Cella, Luke. 2015. On Course [MAGCS]. August. 69(4): p. 24-25. |
266984 |
A change for the better: Southern California courses are finding that improved irrigation distribution uniformity can play a vital role in continued success in the midst of historic drought Access Restrictions |
Hardwick, Nancy. 2015. Golf Course Management. July. 83(7): p. 68-71. |
262857 |
EPA finalizes the Clean Water Act Rule |
Anonymous. 2015. Golfdom. July. 71(7): p. 37. |
264744 |
We can conserve water without ungrassing? | Hall, Ronnie. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. July. 28(7): p. 48. |
265772 |
Dry lessons |
Jones, Pat. 2015. Golf Course Industry. July. 27(7): p. 4. |
263801 |
Pondering golf's water issues |
DeLozier, Henry. 2015. Golf Course Industry. July. 27(7): p. 8. |
263802 |
Turf's up!: Decreasing water availability plus rebate programs make turf removal a reality. We tell you how to correctly approach one |
Cipriano, Guy. 2015. Golf Course Industry. July. 27(7): p. 16-18, 20, 22. |
263803 |
Jump into action: Don't sit on water issues. Instead, get in front of the wave of questions and speculations about how water is being managed on your course and keep yourself - and your career - from sinking |
Torsiello, John. 2015. Golf Course Industry. July. 27(7): p. 26, 28, 30, 32. |
263805 |
Knee-jerk reactions |
Vinchesi, Brian. 2015. Golf Course Industry. July. 27(7): p. 44. |
263809 |
State of the dry state: A mandate, political jousting and little precipitation. How the golf industry is coping with California's drought |
Cipriano, Guy. 2015. Golf Course Industry. July. 27(7): p. 56, 58-59. |
263813 |
H2O my!: The complex landscape of water supply and demand | Dahl, Mike. 2015. Landscape Contractor Design Build Maintain Supply. July. 18(7): p. 28-30. |
263833 |
Water reductions: 8%...15%...25%...40%??? |
Abate, Jim. 2015. Thru the Green [Northern California]. June/July. p. 3. |
265019 |
[On the topic of water there are three initiatives on my radar] |
Connerly, Marc. 2015. Thru the Green [Northern California]. June/July. p. 5, 15. |
265020 |
Advocacy for a day and all year-round Access Restrictions |
Evans, J. Rhett. 2015. Golf Course Management. June. 83(6): p. 18. |
260860 |
Maps help detail impact of WOTUS Access Restrictions |
McKeel, Chava. 2015. Golf Course Management. June. 83(6): p. 38. |
260872 |
The drought in California: Recent history, legislation and regulation, and the effects on golf courses: Drought is a recurring problem in California, but numerous factors have combined to make the current situation especially worrisome Access Restrictions |
McCullough, Mike. 2015. Golf Course Management. June. 83(6): p. 88-95. |
260881 |
Conservation is key: Drought or not, we need to be good stewards of our water |
Zampini, Maria. 2015. Nursery Management. June. 31(6): p. 74. |
262442 |
The ironies of drought |
Kurcab, Ross. 2015. SportsField Management. June. 10(6): p. 28. |
266345 |
In face of drought, golf tries to reduce water use | Gammon, Katharine. 2015. Inside Science. June 18. p. [1-4]. |
262526 |
California courses adjusting to water emergency Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2015. Golf Course Management. May. 83(5): p. 24, 26. |
259331 |
California drought forces water restrictions, effects hit golf courses Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Marc. 2015. GreenMaster. May/June. 50(3): p. 11. |
260912 |
Drought pinches posh enclaves Access Restrictions |
Carlton, Jim. 2015. The Wall Street Journal. May 6. p. A1. |
258850 |