Keyword: Water use restrictions
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Water workshop summary: Water restrictions have become the norm in many canadian municipalities | Witherspoon, Rob. 2006. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Summer. 19(2): p. 21-22. |
113598 |
Water conservation action plan |
Paulson, Alan. 2006. SportsField Management. November. 1(9): p. 7-10. |
117095 |
Maintaining the course in lawn and landscape water conservation |
Bartlett, Norman. 2006. Journal of American Water Works Association. October. 98(10): p. 32-37. |
129448 |
Stewards of the Earth: Toro's first symposium rallies the troops for responsible irrigation | Aylward, Larry. 2006. Golfdom. October. 62(10): p. 10-11. |
116693 |
Chateau des Vigiers: Dordogne, France: Steel returns to build a new nine |
Anonymous. 2006. Golf Course Architecture. October. 6: p. 63. |
128186 |
New Mexico: New water rules | Anonymous. 2006. Landscape Superintendent and Maintenance Professional. October. 3(9): p. 57. |
117940 |
On the road: Viva Las Vegas Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Danneberger, Karl. 2006. Buckeye Turf. October 27.10:00. |
135079 |
Water, environment the big issues |
Dowie, Alastair. 2006. Turf Craft International. September/October. 110: p. 4. |
117333 |
Water restrictions revive reuse plans |
Dowie, Alastair. 2006. Turf Craft International. September/October. 110: p. 12-13. |
117335 |
Self sufficiency through water harvesting |
Dowie, Alastair. 2006. Turf Craft International. September/October. 110: p. 20-21. |
117336 |
Water to drive track profiles |
Dowie, Alastair. 2006. Turf Craft International. September/October. 110: p. 23. |
117338 |
Testing times for water |
Robinson, Michael. 2006. Turf Craft International. September/October. 110: p. 30-32. |
117342 |
Drought versus turf: More news of the impact of the drought on the country's turf growers |
Baker, Matthew. 2006. Pitchcare. August/September. 8: p. 16-17. |
145199 |
Zeba crossing over |
Taylor, Simon. 2006. Pitchcare. August/September. 8: p. 18. |
145200 |
The lure of the lawn: Can Westerners get over their romance with turf? | Nijhuis, Michelle. 2006. High Country News. August 21. 38(15): p. 8-10, 12-15. |
114653 |
What is a drought order? | Anonymous. 2006. Greenkeeper International. July. p. Special 3. |
150398 |
What the water companies have to say | Anonymous. 2006. Greenkeeper International. July. p. Special 4. |
150558 |
Drought | Findlay, Bernard; Evans, Steve; Davies, Anthony; Barr, Iain; Wood, David; Scoones, Jonathon; Liddle, Scott Young. 2006. Greenkeeper International. July. p. Special 8-9. |
150562 |
What preventative steps can I take? | Anonymous. 2006. Greenkeeper International. July. p. Special 10. |
150563 |
What would you do? Desperate times call for desperate measures | Anonymous. 2006. Greenkeeper International. July. p. Special 10-11. |
208838 |
Weather permitting: State monitoring station will help superintendent use water more efficiently |
Lednovich, Michael. 2006. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. July 7. 8(12): p. cover, 14-15. |
113457 |
The first drought orders for 11 years have been issued in the south east. How will this affect our golf courses? | Toombs, Melissa. 2006. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 47. |
216452 |
Under pressure | Whyman, Richard. 2006. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 62. |
216454 |
Water tight: Colorado golf courses face complex rules and regulations dating back many years when it comes to irrigation privileges | Pioppi, Anthony. 2006. Golfdom. June. 62(6): p. 32-34, 36. |
112008 |
Water crisis hits sports grounds across south east |
Keepin, Maureen. 2006. The Groundsman. June. 60(6): p. 5. |
112384 |
Drought bites in south east |
Keepin, Maureen. 2006. The Groundsman. June. 60(6): p. 33. |
112388 |
Water hazard!: Imminent water restrictions offer new challenges |
Jaaback, Gordon. 2006. Pitchcare. June/July. 7: p. 8-10. |
145235 |
This water shortage is serious! |
Anonymous. 2006. Pitchcare. June/July. 7: p. 12. |
145236 |
Drought v turf: According to the experts the worst drought since 1976 is heading our way. How will this affect turf growers? |
Baker, Matthew. 2006. Pitchcare. June/July. 7: p. 43-45. |
145256 |
So far, so good | Zontek, Stanley J. 2006. USGA World Wide Web Site. June 1. p. [1-2]. |
138856 |
Rid the game of this monkey on our back | MacCallum, Scott. 2006. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 4. |
210482 |
Is there any water in the spring | Whyman, Richard. 2006. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 58. |
210486 |
'Super' voice on council Access Restrictions |
Stachowski, Michael; McKeel, Chava. 2006. Golf Course Management. May. 74(5): p. 32. |
111066 |
Proactive water use for sports turf management |
Anonymous. 2006. Turf & Recreation. April/May. 19(3): p. 34-35. |
111733 |
Reclaimed water users study | Neylan, John. 2006. Australian Turfgrass Management. April/May. 8(2): p. 18-20. |
110593 |
Drought!: Water management is a prime concern for many sporting facilities but the issues affecting them may take on a new level of severity if water companies around the country are granted permission to put proposed water use restrictions into effect |
Wild, Holly. 2006. Pitchcare. April/May. 6: p. 22-23. |
145507 |
Desert golf is no mirage |
Fought, John. 2006. Golf Course Architecture. April. 4: p. 31. |
124533 |
Update on proposed state permit for minor surface-water withdrawals |
Nutter, Liz. 2006. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. March/April. p. 26-27. |
113067 |
Managing the details and making it work: Dave Rulli and Jeffco |
Trusty, Steve; Trusty, Sue. 2006. SportsField Management. March. 1(1): p. 14-18. |
114356 |
New directions in lawn and landscape water conservation |
Vickers, Amy. 2006. Journal of American Water Works Association. February. 98(2): p. 56-62. |
110863 |
Attitude adjustment at altitude Access Restrictions |
Ostmeyer, Terry. 2006. Golf Course Management. February. 74(2): p. 64, 66, 68, 70. |
109645 |
Feast and famine |
Boaz, Brad. 2006. Through the Green [Georgia]. January/February. p. 15. |
296533 |
Xeriscape to the rescue: Converting landscapes for massive water savings |
Dale, Don. 2006. Turf: West. January. 16(1): p. B1-B2, B4, B12. |
120898 |
Influence of irrigation rate on N leaching, turfgrass quality and clipping yield on St. augustinegrass | Park, Dara; Cisar, John; Williams, Karen. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
107706 |
Crop coefficients for estimating turfgrass evapotranspiration in the transition zone | Smeal, Daniel; O'Neill, Michael; Arnold, Richard. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
107707 |
Spectroradiometry analysis of drought and salinity stressed turfgrass | Ikemura, Yoshiaki; Leinauer, Bernd. 2005. 2005 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
107750 |
Institutional issues of irrigation with recycled water |
Rosenblum, Eric. 2005. p. 309-341. In: Lazarova, Valentina; Bahri, Akiça, eds. Water Reuse for Irrigation: Agriculture, Landscapes, and Turf Grass. Boca Raton: CRC Press. |
111879 |
Comparison of actual and predicted water budgets from two contrasting residential landscapes in south Florida |
Park, D. M.; Cisar, J. L.; Snyder, G. H.; Erickson, J. E.; Daroub, S. H.; Williams, K. E. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 885-890. |
105886 |
Water savings with ACA 1848 surfactant applications |
Franklin, Mica. 2005. Proceedings of the Third New Zealand Sports Turf Conference and Trade Show. 3: p. 2-5. |
140906 |
Golf course water use and regulation in California: With more water-use regulation a certainty, determining reasonable water budgets for different climate zones is vital Access Restrictions |
Green, Robert L. 2005. Golf Course Management. October. 73(10): p. 67-72. |
107142 |
Two case studies: State BMPs for water conservation on golf courses: GCSAA chapters in Arizona and Georgia have worked successfully with their state governments to define BMPs for water conservation on golf course turf Access Restrictions |
Carrow, Robert N.; Wienecke, David; Esoda, Mark; Siple, Frank; Waltz, F. C. Jr.; Duncan, Ron R. 2005. Golf Course Management. September. 73(9): p. 83-86. |
106522 |
Salinity tolerance among modern couchgrass cultivars |
Marcum, Ken. 2005. Australian Turfgrass Management. August/September. 7(4): p. 40-41. |
106927 |
[Water use restriction legislation in Connecticut] Access Restrictions |
Dest, William M. 2005. International Turfgrass Bulletin. July. 229: p. 32. |
105516 |
An efficient plan | Willnerd, Sarah. 2005. Grounds Maintenance. June. 40(6): p. C14-C16. |
111002 |
Water conservation and best management practices: Preparing now for the future |
Staughton, Richard; Waltz, Clint. 2005. Through the Green [Georgia]. May/June. p. 8-9. |
296278 |
Turf and ornamental plant tolerances to endothall in irrigation water II. turf species |
Koschnick, Tyler J.; Haller, William T.; Fox, Alison M. 2005. HortTechnology. April-June. 15(2): p. 324-329. |
152679 |
Protecting paradise Access Restrictions |
McCabe, Barbara. 2005. Golf Course Management. March. 73(3): p. 82, 84. |
102710 |
The total package I. Overall and national public: Tierra Verde Golf Club, Arlington, Texas Access Restrictions |
Ostmeyer, Terry. 2005. Golf Course Management. February. 73(2): p. 52, 54. |
100916 |
Conditions speak for themselves |
Bailey, Mike. 2005. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. February 4. 7(2): p. 20. |
120116 |
Managing saline water impact on soil and turf |
Marcum, Kenneth. 2005. Turf Craft International. January/February. 100: p. 32, 35-36. |
101398 |
Strategies to conserve irrigation water | Horgan, Brian. 2004. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. p. [1-3]. |
94898 |
How Much Water is Enough? Using PET to Develop Water Budgets for Residential Landscapes | White, R.; Havalak, R.; Nations, J.; Thomas, J.; Chalmers, D.; Dewey, D. 2004. College Station, Texas: Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas A&M University. [7] pp. |
217301 |
Surviving the worst drought in 300 years | Pacetti, Donna. 2004. Irrigation Show 2004: Technical Session Proceedings. p. 369-378. |
291084 |
Proposed New Jersey legislation would make odd even watering permanent | Anonymous. 2004. Clippings & Green World. Summer. 55: p. 5. |
141000 |
Green industry monitors water regulations | Anonymous. 2004. Clippings & Green World. Summer. 55: p. 5-6. |
141002 |
Water rights pave way for PGA village |
Bailey, Mike. 2004. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. December 10-24. 6(22): p. 12-13. |
115300 |
Of salmon and superintendents: The issue of water and water rights in western Washington is as hot as any issue out there, and it's not going away anytime soon | Furlong, Ron. 2004. Golfdom. October. 60(10): p. 42-44. |
100349 |
Making every drop count: Dealing with a restricted water supply in the Southwest | Gross, Patrick J. 2004. USGA Green Section Record. September/October. 42(5): p. 9-11. |
97708 |
Turfgrass producers of Texas unite to address San Antonio water-landscape ordinance: [Part 3] Access Restrictions |
Fender, Doug. 2004. TurfNews [TPI]. September/October. 28(5): p. 78-83. |
98907 |
Budget water wisely | Anderson, Ali. 2004. Lawn and Landscape. April. 25(4): p. 122. |
96003 |
Use and effectiveness of municipal water restrictions during drought in Colorado Access Restrictions |
Kenney, Douglas S.; Klein, Roberta A.; Clark, Martyn P. 2004. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. February. 40(1): p. 77-87. |
228062 |
How green is your golf course? | Anonymous. 2004. Australian Turfgrass Management. February/March. 6(1): p. 14-15. |
93103 |
An Act Concerning Water Conservation and Water Supply Management, and Amending and Supplimenting P.L.1981, c.262 (C.58:1A-1 et seq.) and amending P.L.2000, c.107 | Cryan, Joseph; Greenwald, Louis D.; Wisniewski, John S. 2004. 211th Legislature, State of New Jersey. 7 pp. |
93687 |
Turfgrass `critical' to urban environment: Scientist says turf must be protected in spite of challenges to industry |
Jiggens, Mike. 2004. Turf & Recreation. January/February. 17(1): p. 55-57. |
93639 |
Water conservation management case studies from southwest golf courses - Horticultural and regulatory challenges | Wienecke, David L. 2003. Irrigation Show 2003: Technical Session Proceedings. p. 208-211. |
291102 |
Climate-based irrigation scheduling for warm season and cool season turfgrasses | Smeal, Dan; Sammis, T. W.; O'Neill, M. O.; Arnold, R. N. 2003. Irrigation Show 2003: Technical Session Proceedings. p. 334-345. |
291111 |
The use of recycled wastewater for turf irrigation |
Neylan, John; Frewin, Peter. 2003. Proceedings of the Second New Zealand Sports Turf Conference and Trade Show. 2: p. 107-113. |
140510 |
Recycled wastewater reuse project - Barwon Heads Golf Club |
Neylan, John. 2003. Australian Turfgrass Management. August/September. 5(4): p. 34-37. |
93149 |
What do we do now? Water managers learned two things last year: Every city and town tried its own variation of water restrictions and the differences confused the public | Kim, Young Hee. 2003. WATERNEWS. April. 22(2): p. 7. |
292489 |
Drought could threaten Colorado courses in '03 | Overbeck, Andrew. 2003. Golf Course News. March. 15(3): p. 6, 8. |
96462 |
Physiological, Morphological, and Spectral Reflectance Characteristics of Kentucky Bluegrass, Texas Bluegrass, and their Hybrids in Response to Water Stress Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Ploense, Mary Rebecca. 2002. Ph.D. Dissertation: Colorado State University. |
101566 |
The art & science of irrigation | Rossi, Frank S. 2002. CUTT. Summer. 13(2): p. 8-9. |
160807 |
McDonough battles water restrictions at Keswick Club | Rice, Derek. 2002. Golf Course News. December. 14(12): p. 7. |
102644 |
Golf's water-use myth stays strong | Jackson, Joel. 2002. Golfdom. November. 58(11): p. 23. |
83757 |
Irrigation system improvements a choice between brown and green | Overbeck, Andrew. 2002. Golf Course News. November. 14(11): p. 4. |
83550 |
Labor Day has come and gone but hard work still remains | Overbeck, Andrew. 2002. Golf Course News [United Publications]. October. 14(10): p. 4. |
230060 |
Guidelines regarding water restrictions and athletic field maintenance |
Bruneau, Art. 2002. TurfFiles: NCSU Web Site. October 2. p. [1]. |
136667 | |
Drought, heat and fire ravaging Mountain West | Ross, Kevin J. 2002. Golf Course News [United Publications]. September. 14(9): p. 6, 10. |
233308 |
Drought persists in East, intensifies out West | Overbeck, Andrew. 2002. Golf Course News [United Publications]. June. 14(6): p. 8, 13. |
219980 |
DE avoids restrictions |
Magro, Carmen. 2002. The Bonnie Greensward. May. p. 1, 12. |
253961 |
NJ braces for summer |
Stewart, Roger A. 2002. The Bonnie Greensward. May. p. 1, 13. |
253962 |
Drought continues for CT golf courses on water use restrictions | Chalifour, Bob. 2002. Connecticut Clippings. May/June. 36[35](2): p. 8. |
91121 |
Rutgers survey to determine size of green industry in N. J. | Overbeck, Andrew. 2002. Golf Course News [United Publications]. May. 14(5): p. 3. |
219780 |
With impending drought crisis in New England it's time to prepare water use - and PR - strategy |
Healey, Bob. 2002. The Newsletter [New England]. April. p. 4. |
278427 |
Could we be headed for the worst drought ever?: How to batten down the hatches for the water-use restrictions ahead |
Alonzi, Joe. 2002. Tee to Green [New York]. March/April. 32(2): p. 8-9. |
92626 |
Spring has sprung? |
Zontek, Stan. 2002. USGA World Wide Web Site. March 14. |
91383 |
Socioeconomic Impacts of Water Conservation |
Beecher, Janice A.; Chesnutt, Thomas W.; Pekelney, David M. 2001. Denver, Colorado: AWWA Research Foundation and American Water Works Association. xxii, 188 pp. |
125433 |
Restrictions defy common sense | Jackson, Joel. 2001. Golfdom. November. 57(11): p. 22. |
76930 |
Predicting and Estimating Landscape Water Use |
The Irrigation Association. 2001. Falls Church, Viriginia: The Irrigation Association. iv, 76 pp. |
118048 |
Florida's water 'disappearing,' governor warns parched state | Joyner, Joel. 2001. Golf Course News. July. 13(7): p. 8, 11. |
75715 |