Keyword: Weather patterns
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Water: Shortages of it or overabundance confounded many well conceived irrigation plans in 1965 Access Restrictions |
Doan, Joe. 1966. The Golf Superintendent. January. 34(1): p. 16-18, 20, 72. |
116598 |
Bermuda on our course - how it survived winter kill |
Hoske, J. Frank. 1964. Summary of Proceedings Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents. p. 4-6. |
141277 |
Escape from winter Access Restrictions |
Nutter, Gene C. 1964. The Golf Course Reporter. April. 32(4): p. 10. |
126951 |
Keeping up with the weather Access Restrictions |
Hosler, Charles L. 1962. Summary of Papers Presented at the 33rd InternationalTurf-Grass Conference. p. 5. |
128659 |
Evapotranspiration rates from bermudagrass and corn at Raleigh, North Carolina |
van Bavel, C. H. M.; Harris, D. G. 1962. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 54: p. 319-322. |
209469 |
Problems and accomplishments in 1959 on the golf course |
Hallowell, Charles K. 1960. Annual Conference of theMid-Atlantic Association of Golf Course Superintendents. p. 124-131. |
150007 |
Disease drought drainage: Northern turf problems Access Restrictions |
Holmes, James L. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. November/December. 27(8): p. 15-16, 18, 20. |
126213 |
Winter 1958---1959: What it did to turf: Northeast Access Restrictions |
Radko, A. M. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 27(4): p. 21-22. |
126156 |
Winter 1958---1959: What it did to turf: Southeast Access Restrictions |
Latham, James H. Jr. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 27(4): p. 22, 24. |
126158 |
Winter 1958---1959: What it did to turf: Midwest Access Restrictions |
Holmes, James L. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 27(4): p. 24. |
126159 |
Winter 1958---1959: What it did to turf: Southwest Access Restrictions |
Ferguson, Marvin H. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 27(4): p. 26. |
126161 |
Winter 1958---1959: What it did to turf: West Access Restrictions |
Bengeyfield, William H. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 27(4): p. 26, 28. |
126163 |
Water management: The 5 day forecast Access Restrictions |
Newman, James E. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 27(4): p. 40-43. |
126169 |
Hillwood Country Club Access Restrictions |
Hubble, Ken. 1958. The Golf Course Reporter. September/October. 26(7): p. 43-44. |
126080 |
Factors affecting yield and quality of dryland grasses |
Stitt, R. E. 1958. Agronomy Journal. March. 50(3): p. 136-138. |
12823 |
Problems of turfgrass management created by excessive rainfall Access Restrictions |
Watson, J. R. Jr. 1957. The Bull Sheet. October. 11(4): p. [1-2]. |
128132 |
Re-making the ring on the Yorkshire Agricultural Society's show ground Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1955. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 30: p. 3-5. |
100808 |
Weather and the golf course superintendent | Anonymous. 1955. The Bull Sheet. June. 8(12): p. [2]. |
127989 |
The importance of timeliness Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1955. Sports Turf Bulletin. January-March. 28: p. [2-3]. |
100771 |
Dry weather ahead | Anonymous. 1954. The Bull Sheet. October. 8(4): p. [3]. |
127943 |
Algae | Anonymous. 1954. Northeastern Turfletter. October. 1(4): p. 2. |
280390 |
Winterkill of turfgrasses | Anonymous. 1954. Northeastern Turfletter. July. 1(2): p. 2. |
280378 |
Timely topics of 1950 |
Noer, O. J. 1951. Mid-Atlantic Turf Conference. p. 68-75. |
135427 |
A lot depends on weather Access Restrictions |
Mitchell, R. L. 1943. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. September/October. 11(5): p. 16. |
120242 |
Unusual weather | Anonymous. 1941. Timely Turf Topics. July. p. 3. |
36678 |
On the greenkeeping front Access Restrictions |
Anderson, Cliff; Pierson, Irving; George, Victor; Thomas, L. A.; Gerber, Ray; Johnson, W. H.; Belknap, Orville. 1941. Greenkeepers' Reporter. May/June. 9(3): p. 28-32. |
119470 |
[Weather prediction] |
Davies, Arthur. 1938. The Agrostologist. Summer. 2(2): p. XV-XVI [15-16]. |
171339 |
Turf watering forum: [Minnesota] Access Restrictions |
Picha, Emil. 1937. Proceedings: Eleventh Annual Conference of The National Association of Greenkeepers of America. 11: p. 75-83. |
112195 |
Turf watering forum: [New England] Access Restrictions |
Wilson, Frank H. 1937. Proceedings: Eleventh Annual Conference of The National Association of Greenkeepers of America. 11: p. 84-87. |
112197 |
Why seed lawns in the fall? | Anonymous. 1936. Lawn Care. August. 9(4): p. 1-2. |
263213 |
Spring in high gear | Anonymous. 1936. The Turf Survey. April. 1(3): p. 4. |
129223 |
Greenkeeping lessons of 1935 | Anonymous. 1936. The Turf Survey. March. 1(2): p. 5-7, 20-21. |
129274 |
News from the South | Zweifel, Merle. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. June. 7(6): p. 15. |
133656 |
New England notes | West, Guy C. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. May. 7(5): p. 9. |
133621 |
Maintenance practices of 1932 | Noer, O. J. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. March. 7(3): p. 11-15. |
133555 |
Pacific Coast gossip | Langton, Arthur. 1932. The National Greenkeeper. September. 6(9): p. 18-19. |
133235 |
[Delayed spring in Mid-west region] | Tregillus, C. A. 1932. The National Greenkeeper. June. 6(6): p. 18-19. |
133167 |
Weather forecast, not calendar, is pro tip-off to sales | Graffis, Herb. 1932. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. June. 6(6): p. 48, 52. |
179269 |
[Turf damage from topsy-turvy winter] | Tregillus, C. E. 1932. The National Greenkeeper. April. 6(4): p. 30. |
133138 |
L. A. Open and weather calls for greensman's foresight | Langton, Arthur. 1932. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. February. 6(2): p. 20-22. |
177980 |
Survey of 1931 shows golf does well in bad year | Anonymous. 1932. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. January. 6(1): p. 63-64. |
177971 |
Monroe believes in air | Monroe, E. M. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. November. 5(11): p. 8. |
132997 |
Greens grief shows need of revision in architecture | Leach, B. R. 1931. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. November. 5(11): p. 12-15. |
178996 |
[Good efforts pay dividends during tough season] | Evans, J. H. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. November. 5(11): p. 15-16. |
133007 |
Pacific Coast gossip | Langton, Arthur. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. November. 5(11): p. 16-17. |
133011 |
Toronto hit by hot weather | Sansom, William J. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. October. 5(10): p. 8-9. |
132944 |
[Brown patch appears in Canada] | Evans, J. H. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. September. 5(9): p. 20-21. |
132931 |
Pacific Coast gossip | Langton, Arthur. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. September. 5(9): p. 22. |
132933 |
Pacific Coast gossip | Langton, Arthur. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. August. 5(8): p. 31. |
132914 |
Lawns damaged by July heat | Anonymous. 1931. Lawn Care. August. 4(4): p. 1-2. |
262873 |
What about the drouth? | Anonymous. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. June. 5(6): p. 29-30. |
132881 |
Pacific coast gossip | Langton, Arthur. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. January. 5(1): p. 21-22. |
132757 |
[Mississauga chosen to host Canadian open] | Evans, J. H. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. December. 4(12): p. 18-19. |
132138 |
Oakwood has been fortunate | Bain, Christopher. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. November. 4(11): p. 17. |
132106 |
[The effects of drought and winter on courses in Canada] | Evans, J. H. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. November. 4(11): p. 23-24. |
132115 |
[Weather, meetings] | Brandon, A. L. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. November. 4(11): p. 25. |
132118 |
Pacific Coast gossip | Langton, Arthur. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. November. 4(11): p. 26. |
132121 |
How we nursed our golf courses through the past summer's drought: Letters from members of the National Association of Greenkeepers of America describing ways and means of preserving turf under extremely hot and dry conditions. Fairway watering is coming | MacGregor, John. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. October. 4(10): p. 14. |
132059 |
Pacific Coast gossip | Langton, Arthur. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. October. 4(10): p. 22-23. |
132099 |
Fall work and foresight pay clubs big returns | Dickinson, L. S. 1930. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. September. 4(9): p. 17-20. |
181317 |
[Meetings, tournaments, courses, and news] | Brandon, A. L. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. September. 4(9): p. 22. |
132043 |
Irrigation comes to Long Island | Miller, T. H. Riggs. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. September. 4(9): p. 31-32. |
134284 |
Drainage on the golf course | Dearie, Edward B. Jr. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. July. 4(7): p. 11-16, 32. |
132149 |
Gus Graham, meetings, committees | Brandon, A. L. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. July. 4(7): p. 29-30. |
131929 |
Canadians face problems | Evans, J. H. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. June. 4(6): p. 28-29. |
131909 |
Canadian notes | Anonymous. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. May. 4(5): p. 29. |
131895 |
Uses very little fungicide | McWhinnie, Alex. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. November. 3(11): p. 9-10. |
130674 |
Canadian gossip | Evans, J. H. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. October. 3(10): p. 30. |
130661 |
Echoes from Pomonok | Affeldt, Elmer F. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. October. 3(10): p. 30, 34. |
130662 |
What's doing in Ontario | Evans, J. H. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. July. 3(7): p. 29-30. |
130306 |
Rural weather lore is frequently reliable | Anonymous. 1929. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 9(2): p. 36-37. |
35536 |
Winter protection of young grass | USGA Green Section. 1928. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 8(1): p. 18. |
121102 |
[Weather and difficult years] | Sinclaire, R. O. 1916. The Golf Course [New York]. September. 1(9): p. 90. |
137307 |
Autumn sowing and renovation of golf course | Macomber, L. 1916. The Golf Course [New York]. July. 1(7): p. 70-71. |
136749 |