Fastlink of all records with material type Manuscript
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The Green at St. Andrews Links: An Annotated and Pictorial History Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Beard, James B; Beard, Harriet J.; Forbes, Graeme D.; Beard, James C. 202x. [East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press]. unknown. |
305024 |
Six Interesting Facts about Water |
Gross, Pat. 2018. Liberty Corner, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [1] p. |
299433 |
Coming in Hot! |
Jacobs, Paul. 2018. Liberty Corner, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [2] pp. |
299434 |
Impacto Turístico de La Galiana Golf en el Municipio de Carcaixent ([Tourist Impact of La Galiana Golf in the Municipality of Carcaixent]) |
Palop Soler, Ana. 2018. B.A. Thesis: Universitat Politècnica de València. 50 pp. |
309656 |
How Smart are 'Water Smart Landscapes'? |
Brelsford, Christa; Abbott, Joshua K. 2018. [Washington, D.C.]: [U.S. Government]. 45 pp. |
328215 |
Can a Golf Course Riparian Buffer Zone Reduce Fertilizer, Pesticide and Sediment Runoff into the Brown's Creek Watershed?: Year One - Phase I | Vogel, Max J. [2017]. Lake Elmo, Minnesota: Oak-Land Jr. High School. 21 pp. |
286724 |
Can a Golf Course Riparian Buffer Zone Reduce Fertilizer, Pesticide and Sediment Runoff into the Brown's Creek Watershed?: Year One - Phase I |
Vogel, Max. 2017. Lake Elmo, Minnesota: Oak-Land Jr. High School. 41 pp. |
286745 |
Highlights of Tom Bendelow's Golf Career | [Bendelow, Stuart W.]. 2016. s.l.: s.n. [2] pp. |
306348 |
Highlights of Tom Bendelow's Golf Career | [Bendelow, Stuart W.]. 2014. s.l.: s.n. [2] pp. |
254680 |
Fungicide Alternative Management Practices for Microdochium Patch | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian. [2014]. [Corvallis, Oregon]: Oregon State University. [6] pp. |
266773 |
Reseeding Timing Following Methiozolin ('PoaCure') Application | Johnston, William J.; Golob, Charles T. 2013. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. [8] pp. |
266197 |
Alister Mackenzie's Augusta Greens in Collaboration with Mr. Robert Tyre Jones, Jr. Dated 1933 |
Mackenzie, Alister. 2013. [UK]: [Graham Rowley]. |
312501 |
Benefits of Green Space - Recent Research |
Heinze, John. 2011. Chantilly, Virginia: Environmental Health Research Foundation. 28 pp. |
187833 |
Modalitá di Avvio e di Insediamento di Tappeti Erbosi con Specie Macroterme Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Padovan, Matteo. [2011]. s.l: s.n. Unknown. |
197848 |
Poa annua Control in Bentgrass Greens | Johnston, William; Golob, Charles. 2011. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. [3] pp. |
302649 |
Thomas "Tom" Bendelow: 1868-1936: American Golf Pioneer |
Bendelow, Stuart W. [2010]. s.l.: s.n. [2] pp. |
161944 |
Highlights of Tom Bendelow's Golf Career |
[Bendelow, Stuart W.]. 2010. s.l.: s.n. [2] pp. |
161945 |
Summary of the NYS Ban on Pesticide Use on School Grounds | Grant, Jennifer. 2010. [Ithaca, New York]: Cornell University. 3 pp. |
172042 |
Summary of Sixteen Turfgrass Research Devices Developed and Tested |
Beard, James B. 2009. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University; and Collge Station, Texas: Texas A&M University. [1], 16 pp. |
155936 |
Research Report: Technical Assessment of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Managed Turfgrass in the United States | Sahu, Ranajit (Ron). [200x]. [Old Town Alexandria, Virginia: Outdoor Power Equipment Institute Inc.]. 20 pp. |
147195 |
Survival of Staphylococcus aureus on Synthetic Turf | College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. [2008]. [University Park, Pennsylvania]: College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. 14 pp. |
149293 |
Variazione della Composizione Floristica nei Tappeti Erbosi Trattati con Fitoregolatori di Crescita Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Franchin, Riccardo. [2008]. s.l: s.n. Unknown. |
197850 |
Effetto Dell'Impiego di Fitoregolatori di Crescita Sull'Evoluzione della Composizione Floristica di Tappeti Erbosi a Bassa Intensitá di Gestione Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Marin, Alberto. [2008]. s.l.: s.n. Unknown. |
197860 |
Golf Courses Development and the Impact on the Local Economy |
Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma; Ortuño, Armando. 2008. St. Louis, Missouri: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. Unknown. |
309662 |
Changing Homeowner's Lawn Care Behavior to Reduce Nutrient Losses in New England's Urbanizing Watersheds: Social Science Results Summary |
New England Regional Water Program. 200X. USDA CSREES Lawn Project. 30 pp. |
156407 |
Estimating the Required Global Warming Offsets to Achieve a Carbon Neutral Synthetic Field Turf System Installation | Meil, Jamie; Bushi, Lindita. 200X. Merrickville, Ontario, Canada: Athena Institute. 9 pp. |
159774 |
Amenity Grasses for Salt-Affected Parks in Coastal Australia |
Loch, D. S.; Poulter, R. E.; Roche, M. B.; Carson, C. J.; Lees, T. W.; O'Brien, L.; Durant, C. R. 2006. Cleveland, Queensland, Australia: Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Redlands Research Station. [2], 93 pp. |
191529 |
White Paper: Perspective on Creeping Bentgrass, Agrostis stolonifera L. | MacBryde, Bruce. 2006. Riverdale, Maryland: Biotechnology Regulatory Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture. [10], 80 pp. |
279559 |
Diseño del Proceso de Tratamiento Terciario de Ozonización del Agua Salida de una E. D. A. R. Convencional Para su Reutilización en el Riego de Campos de Gol ([Design of the Process of Tertiary Ozonation Treatment of Water from an E. D. A. R. Conventional for Reuse in the Irrigation of Golf Courses]) | Brenes Varo, José Joaquín. 2006. [Cádiz, Spain]: University of Cádiz. 298, [5] pp. |
296582 |
Historian Report of the International Turfgrass Society: Tenth Anniversary: 1965-2005 |
Beard, James B. 2005. [International Turfgrass Society]. [17 pp]. |
105285 |
Hydrophobic Turfgrass |
Andrews, Jaron. 200X. [Socorro, New Mexico: New Mexico Institue of Mining and Technology]. 4 pp. |
115768 |
The Fred V. Grau Turfgrass Science Award | Dernoeden, Peter H. 200X. [College Park, Maryland]: University of Maryland. 3 pp. |
171620 |
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Planned Golf Course Communities and Developmental Impacts on Suburban, Ohio Cities |
Hertlein, Seth Andrew. 2005. Senior Honors Thesis: The Ohio State University. 40 pp. |
125435 |
Golf Course Design Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Howlett, Richard. 2004. Final Project: University of Leeds, School of Computing. iv, 59 pp. |
133634 |
Sistemi Costruttivi e Miscugli Idonei alla Costituzione di Tappeti Erbosi con Funzioni Ricreative e Sportive (2000-2003) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Zorzanello, Davide. [200X]. s.l.: s.n. Unknown. |
197854 |
Solution Culture Research |
Roberts, Eliot C. 2004. Sparta, Tennessee: Rosehall Associates. 7, 23, 31, 14, 9, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7, 13 pp. |
233996 |
Cash for Grass - A Cost Effective Method to Conserve Landscape Water? | Addink, Sylvan. [2004]. [Riverside, California]: [University of California, Riverside]. 14 pp. |
259724 |
Melville Glades Golf Club: Ecological Assessment and Management Recommendations for the Bushland Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Challenger TAFE (W.A.). 2003. [Fremantle, Western Australia]: Challenger TAFE. ii, 47 pp. |
140075 |
Ecological Golf Course Design & Management Program: A Golf Course Architect's Guide to Ecological Golf Course Development Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Newbill, Jon. 2002. Washington State University. 108 pp. |
89882 |
Economic Impacts of California's Golf Course Facilities in 2000 | Templeton, Scott R.; Henry, Mark S.; Jin, Bihui; Zilberman, David. 2002. Clemson, South Carolina: Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Clemson University; Berkeley, California: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley. [1], 69 pp. |
218385 |
An Assessment of the Risks Associated With Pesticides Volatilized and Dislodged from Golf Turf: [2002 Final Research Report] | Snyder, George H.; Cisar, John L.; Borgert, Christopher. 2002. [Gainesville, Florida]: University of Florida, IFAS. 12 pp. |
236191 |
The Effects of Compost Tea on Golf Course Greens Turf and Soil: Presidio Golf Course, San Francisco, CA | Conforti, Christa; Blair, Marney; Hutchins, Kevin; Koch, Jean. 200X. [San Francisco, California]: [Presidio Golf Course]. 10 pp. |
279572 |
Report of the Advisory Committee On Potential Best Management Practices For Golf Course Water: Submitted to The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection | Connecticut Institute of Water Resources, The University of Connecticut. 2001. Storrs, Connecticut: Connecticut Institute of Water Resources, University of Connecticut. iv, 75 pp. |
153484 |
Sistemi Costruttivi e Miscugli Idonei alla Costituzioni di Tappeti Erbosi ad Elevata Intensita' di Utilizzazione ([Construction Systems and Constitutions Mixtures Suitable for Lawns, High-Intensity of Use]) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Lucon, Martina. [2001]. s.l: s.n. Unknown. |
197849 |
Proyecto de Riego por Aspersión de 5,6 ha (9 Hoyos) en el "Club de Golf la Cuesta", Llanes, Asturias ([Sprinkler Irrigation Project of 5.6 to (9 Holes) in the "Club de Golf la Cuesta", Llanes, Asturias]) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Méndez, David Amor. 2001. [León, Spain]: Universidad de León. 111, [18] pp. |
296578 |
History of Sod Production over Plastic Sheeting |
Decker, Henry F. 2000. s.l. : Henry F. Decker. [ii], 35 pp. |
65346 |
The Effects of Soil Inclusions on Soil Physical Properties and Athletic Field Playing Surface Quality: Final Report |
McNitt, Andrew S.; Landschoot, Peter J. [2000]. State College, Pensylvania: Pennsylvania State University Department of Agronomy. [1], 45 pp. |
71473 |
Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) Tolerance to Subfreezing Temperatures and Impermeable Covers: Final Report (1997-2000) |
Castonguay, Yves; Rochette, Philippe; Dionne, Julie. 2000. [Quebec, Canada: Soils and Crops Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and AgriFood Canada]. 57 pp. |
71911 |
A New Look at New Problems |
Pass, Carl. [2000]. 4 pp. |
72556 |
Wastewater and Seawater Use for Turfgrasses: Potential Problems and Solutions | Carrow, R. N.; Duncan, R. R. 200x. [Athens, Georgia]: University of Georgia. 6 pp. |
130105 |
Gleneagles Environmental Statement | Gleneagles Hotel. 200X. [Scottish Golf Environment Group (SGEG)]. 24 pp. |
139717 |
Soil Physical and Soil Mechanical Criteria for the Playability of Soccer Fields |
Ottevaere, Davy. 2000. Ghent, Belgium: Ghent University. [26] pp. |
147314 |
Comportamento di Specie e Varieta' di Graminacee in Tappeti Erbosi a Conduzione Intensiva Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Brogliato, Vania. 2000. s.l.: s.n. Unknown. |
197853 |
Condizioni e Gestione dei Tappeti Erbosi ad uso Ricreativo ed Estetico di Alcuni Comuni del Veneto Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Bottaro, Christian. [200X]. s.l.: s.n. Unknown. |
197857 |
Using Cubical Triaxial Testing for Determining the Bulk Mechanical Behavior of Sand for Rootzone Mixtures | Puri, V. M.; Mancino, C. F.; Mittal, B.; Petrunak, D. 2000. University Park, Pennsylvania: PSU-USGA Research Committee Meeting. [8] pp. |
214925 |
Understanding the Hyrology of Modern Putting Green Constuction Methods: Progress Report, November 2000 | McCoy, Ed. 2000. [Columbus, Ohio]: Ohio State University. 10 pp. |
214929 |
Chemical and Physical Stability of Calcareous Sands Used for Putting Green Construction: Executive Summary, November 2010 | Miltner, Eric; Stahnke, Gwen; Grossl, Paul. 2000. [Pullman, Washington]: [Washington State University]; [Logan, Utah]: [Utah State University]. 10 pp. |
214936 |
Evaluation of New Technologies in Construction and Maintenance of Golf Course Greens | Bowman, Daniel C.; Bigelow, Cale A.; Rufty, Thomas W.; Cassel, D. Keith; Bruneau, Arthur H.; Cooper, Richard J. [2000]. [Raleigh, North Carolina]: North Carolina State University. [3] pp. |
214943 |
Grow-In and Cultural Impacts on USGA Putting Greens and Their Microbial Communities: End of Year Report (Nov 1, 2000) | Gaussoin, R. E.; Drijber, R.; Powers, W.; Aslan, M.; Schimelfenig, J.; Meyer, C. K.; Wit, L. A. 2000. Mead, Nebraska: J.S. Anderson Turgrass and Ornamental Research Facility. [12] pp. |
214956 |
Cultivar and Traffic Effects on Population Dynamics of Agrostis SPP. And Poa annua Mixtures: [Annual] Progress Report to the United States Golf Association | Murphy, J.; Samaranayake, H.; Honig, J.; Lawson, T. J.; Meyer, W.; Clarke, B. 2000. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Cook College, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. 16 pp. |
214961 |
Assessing Root Zone Mixes for Putting Greens Over Time Under Two Environmental Conditions: [Annual] Progress Report to the United States Golf Course Association | Murphy, J. A.; Honig, J. A.; Samaranayake, H.; Lawson, T. J.; Murphy, S. L.; Clarke, B. B. 2000. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. [10] pp. |
214986 |
Organic Matter Dynamics in the Surface Zone of a USGA Green: Practices to Allieviate Problem: [2000 Annual USGA Report] | Carrow, Robert N. 2000. [Athens, Georgia] University of Georgia. 2, 15 pp. |
214987 |
Results of 1st Exchange 2000 | Miller, Robert O.; Kotuby-Amacher, Janice. 2000. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: USGA-PT. 4, 3 pp. |
214993 |
SHC Study: Project Progress Report October 16, 2000 | Miller, Robert O. 2000. [Fort Collins, Colorado]: Colorado State University. [1], 10 pp. |
214996 |
Effect of Rootzone Material and Depth on Moisture Retention Problems in Undulating USGA Putting Greens: [Annual USGA Report] | Frank, K. W.; Leach, B. E.; Nikolai, T. A.; Crum, J. R.; Leinauer, B. R. [2000]. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University; [Las Cruces, New Mexico]: New Mexico State University. [1], 13 pp. |
214997 |
The Biology and Management of Spring Dead Spot in Burmudagrass: [Annual USGA Report] | Tisserat, Ned; Fry, Jack; Keeley, Steve; Huang, Bingru. [2000]. Manhattan, Kansas: Kansas State University, Department of Plant Pathology, Division of Horticulture. [8] pp. |
215000 |
Increasing the Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Cool-Season Turfgrasses by Regulating Nitrate Metabolism: [Annual USGA Report] | Hull, Richard J.; Jiang, Zhongchun; Ruemmele, Bridget; Bushoven, John T. 2000. [Kingston, Rhode Island]: University of Rhode Island. [13] pp. |
215004 |
A Parasitic Fly That Kills Mole Crickets: Its Use in States North of Florida, October 2000: Annual Report to the U.S. Golf Association | Frank, J. Howard. 2000. [Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida]. [3] pp. |
215018 |
Improved Mole Cricket Management Through the Application of an Enhanced Ecological and Behavioral Data Base: [Annual USGA Report] | Brandenburg, R. L.; Villani, M. G. 2000. [Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association]. [5] pp. |
215036 |
Integrating Natural Enemies, Cultural Control, and Plant Resistance for Sustainable Management of Insect Pests on Golf Courses: [Annual] Progress Report 2000: USGA Turfgrass Research Foundation | Potter, D. A.; López, R.; Powell, A. J. 2000. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky. [9] pp. |
215037 |
Performance and Management of New Dwarf Bermudagrasses: 2000 Annual Research Progress Report | White, Richard H.; Hall, Mark; Hale, Trent. 2000. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. [2], 24 pp. |
215038 |
The Importance of Carbon Balance and Root Activity in Creeping Bentgrass Tolerance to Summer Stress: Annual Project Report-2000 | Huang, Bingru; Fry, Jack. 2000. [Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association]. iii, [8] pp. |
215042 |
The Basic Biology and Etiology of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, the Casual Agent of the Dollar Spot: [2000 Annual USGA Report] | Harman, Gary E.; Ondik, Kristen L.; Nelson, Eric B. [2000]. [Ithaca, New York]: Cornell University. [8] pp. |
215069 |
Establishment and Management of Seeded Bermudagrass in the Transition Zone: [2000 Annual Report] |
Richardson, Michael D.; Boyd, John W.; Karcher, Douglas. 2000. Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of Arkansas. [6] pp. |
215082 |
Relationship of Environment, Management and Physiology to Bermudagrass Decline: 2000 Progress Report | White, Richard H.; Krausz, Joseph P.; Stanford, Roy; Hall, Mark; Hale, Trent. 2000. [College Station, Texas]: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University System. [1], 11 pp. |
215084 |
Enhancing Biological Control of White Grubs by Native Parasitic Wasps on Golf Courses: 2000 Progress Report | Potter, Daniel A.; Rogers, Michael E. 2000. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky. [6] pp. |
215086 |
Identification and Metabolic Diversity of Rhizobacteria from Bentgrass and Bermudagrass Greens: 2000 Annual Report | Skipper, Horace D.; McInroy, John A.; Kluepfel, Daniel A. 2000. [Clemson, South Carolina: Clemson University]. 7 pp. |
215094 |
Breeding and Evaluation of Turfgrasses at Rutgers University: Progress Report 2000 | Meyer, William A.; Funk, Reed. 2000. [New Brunswick, New Jersey]: Rutgers University. [1], 10 pp. |
215101 |
Seashore Paspalum Ecotype Tolerance to Root Limiting Soil Stresses and Traffic Stresses:; [2000 Annual Report] | Carrow, Robert N. 2000. [Athens, Georgia]: University of Georgia. 1, [14] pp. |
215108 |
Genetic Enhancement of Paspalum for Recreational Turf: Development of Minimal Input Best Management Practicies for Paspalum: November 2000 USGA Annual Report | Duncan, R. R.; Johnson, B. J.; Braman, Kris; Carrow, R. N.; Murphy, Tim; Adriano, Domy; Camberato, Jim; Golden, Jimmy; Huang, Bingru; Shuman, L. M.; Ingram, Keith; Lee, Geungjoo. 2000. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 9, 71-74 pp. |
215117 |
Development of Minimal Input Best Management Practices for Paspalum: Insect Resistance: 2000 Annual Report | Braman, S. Kristine. 2000. [Athens, Georgia]: University of Georgia. [10] pp. |
215120 |
A Multigene-Transfer Strategy to Control Pathogens and Enhance Environmental Stress Tolerance in Creeping Bentgrass: 2000 Annual Report | Sticklen, Mariam; Vargas, Joseph. 2000. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University. [7] pp. |
215141 |
[Determining the Genetic Stability of Triploid Bermudagrass]: USGA 2000 Executive Summary | Goatley, J. M.; Krans, J. V.; Davis, D. W. 2000. [Mississippi State, Mississippi]: Mississippi State University. 3 pp. |
215143 |
Long-Term Preservation of Clonally Propagated Turfgrass Species: [2000 Annual Report] | Hughes, Harrison; Towill, Leigh E. [2000]. [Fort Collins, Colorado]: Colorado State University. [3] pp. |
215147 |
Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) Project Addition - Greenhouse Tests for Relative Salinity and Drought Tolerance: 2000 Annual Report | Marcum, K. B.; Kopec, D. M.; Hughes, H.; Christiansen, D. 2000. [Tucson, Arizona]:University of Arizona; [Fort Collins, Colorado]: Colorado State University. 9 pp. |
215148 |
Field Performance of Selected Mowed Distichlis Clones: Tucson Station, Report #4.: [2000 Annual Report] | Kopec, D. M.; Adams, A.; Bourn, C.; Gilbert, J.; Marcum, K.; Pessarakli, M. [2000]. [Tucson, Arizona]: University of Arizona. 9 pp. |
215150 |
Selection of Turf Type and Seed Production in Inland Saltgrass (Distichlis spicata): [2000] Annual Report | Hughes, Harrison G.; Christianson, Dana; Kopec, David; Marcum, Ken. [2000]. [Tucson, Arizona]: University of Arizona; [Fort Collins, Colorado]: Colorado State University. [2], 9 pp. |
215153 |
Hybrid Bermudagrass Improvement by Genetic Transformation: 2000 Annual Report to United States Golf Association | Li, Liangcai; Qu, Rongda; Davis, Eric; Schubert, Karel. 2000. [Raleigh, North Carolina]: Department of Crop Science, North Carolina State University. 6, [5] pp. |
215154 |
Breeding Seed - and Vegetatively - Propagated Turf Bermudagrass for Golf Courses: Annual Progress Report | Taliaferro, C. M.; Martin, D. L.; Bell, G. E.; Anderson, J. A.; Anderson, M. P.; Guenzi, A. C. 2000. [Stillwater, Oklahoma]: Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Oklahoma Sate University. 15 pp. |
215158 |
Development of Improved Bentgrass Cultivars with Herbicide Resistance, Enhanced Disease Resistance and Abiotic Stress Tolerance Through Biotechology: November 2000 Annual Report | Belanger, Faith C.; Day, Peter. 2000. [Newark, New Jersey: Rutgers University]. 3, [1], 1, [1], 5 pp. |
215159 |
Identification of Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) Cultivars Using Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs): [2000] Progress Report | Meyer, William A.; Kubik, Christine. 2000. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University, Department of Plant Science. [16] pp. |
215160 |
Development of Gray Leaf Spot Resistant Perennial Ryegrass through Breeding and Biotechnological Approaches: Progress Report: Fall, 2000 | Farman, Mark; Phillips, Tim; Williams, David. 2000. [Lexington, Kentucky]: University of Kentucky. [7] pp. |
215161 |
Development of a Layered Model to Predict Pesticide Transport in Turfgrass Thatch: 2000 Annual Report | Carroll, Mark J.; Hill, Robert L. 2000. [College Park, Maryland]: University of Maryland, Department of Natural Resource Sciences & Landscape Architecture. [7] pp. |
215162 |
Bermudagrass Cold Hardiness: Characterization of Plants for Freeze Tolerance and Characterization of Low Temperature-Induced Genes: Annual Report | Taliaferro, C. M.; Anderson, Jeffrey A.; Anderson, Michael P.; Tudor, Veronica A.; Martin, Dennis L.; Bell, Gregory E. [2000]. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association; [Stillwater, Oklahoma]: Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University. [1], 11, [4]. |
215163 |
Determining the Heritability of Salt Gland Density: A Salinity Tolerance Mechanism of Chloridoid Warm Season Turfgrasses: USGA Annual Report | Marcum, K. B.; Ray, D. T.; Engelke, M. C.; Wess, G. 2000. [Tucson, Arizona]: University of Arizona; [College Station, Texas]: Texas A&M University. 8, [7] pp. |
215164 |
Establish a Regional Center to Identify Genetic Insect & Mite Pest Resistance: Third Year Annual Report | Reinert, James A.; Taliaferro, Charles; Engelke, M. C.; Read, James C.; White, Richard; Hale, Trent; Dudeck, A. E.; Wiseman, B. R.; Hanna, Wayne; Burton, Glenn; Riordan, Terry; Duncan, Ronnie. 2000. Dallas, Texas: Texas A&M System Research and Extension Center. 11 pp. |
215166 |
Cultivar Development of Greens-Type Poa annua: USGA Progress Report: November 2000 | Huff, David R. 2000. University Park, Pennsylvania: Department of Agronomy, Pennsylvania State University. [2] pp. |
215177 |
Transformation of Bermudagrass for Improved Fungal Tolerance: USGA Green Section Annual Report | Anderson, Michael P.; Guenzi, Arron C.; Taliaferro, Charles M. 2000. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University. 10 pp. |
215183 |
On-Site Testing of Grasses for Overseeding of Bermudagrass Fairways: Year-End Report - USGA Research | Morris, Kevin N.; Kenna, Michael. 2000. [Beltsville, Maryland]: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. [8] pp. |
215186 |
The Effects of Turfgrass Root Architecture on Nitrate Leaching and N Use Efficiency: [2000 Annual Report] | Bowman, Daniel C.; Liu, Chunhua; Rufty, Thomas W. Jr. [2000]. [Raleigh, North Carolina]: North Carolina State University. [5] pp. |
215194 |