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Web URL(s): | Last checked: 04/15/2008 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file |
Publication Type: | Report |
Author(s): | Kaminski, J. E. |
Author Affiliation: | Department of Plant Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut |
Title: | Curative control of early season anthracnose with various fungicides |
Section: | Turfgrass pathology Other records with the "Turfgrass pathology" Section |
Source: | 2007 Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. 2008, p. 20-21. |
Publishing Information: | Storrs, CT: Department of Plant Science, University of Connecticut |
# of Pages: | 2 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Anthracnose; Colletotrichum graminicola; Fungicides; Fungicide trials; Injuries; Disease control; Fungicide application |
Abstract/Contents: | Presents a study conducted to "determine which fungicides and fungicide classes will be effective for controlling the early season anthracnose basal rot typical at The Stanwich Club [Greenwich, Connecticut]." Explains that "anthracnose levels became severe in mid to late May [2007]. During the period of severe disease pressure, fungicides providing the greatest level of control included those within the sterol inhibiting (Trinity and Lynx) and QoI (Disarm, Insignia and Tartan) class of fungicides as well as the tank mix of lower rates of Daconil (1.8 oz [ounce]) + Lynx (1.0 oz)." Concludes that "as more fungicide evaluations are conducted at individual golf courses, it is becoming more apparent that fungicide programs must be fine-tuned and recommendations will likely vary on a course by course basis." |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | "Do not duplicate, reprint, or publish information within this report without the expressed written consent of the author(s)" Pictures, color Tables Graphs |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Kaminski, J. E. 2008. Curative control of early season anthracnose with various fungicides. 2007 Turfgrass Res. Rep. [CT]. p. 20-21. |
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Web URL(s) : | Last checked: 04/15/2008 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file |
MSU catalog number: | b5428823 |
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