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Full TGIF Record # 199203 Item 1 of 1 |
DOI: | DOI:_10.1111/j.1365-2494.1978.tb00815.x |
Web URL(s): | Last checked: 03/27/2012 Requires: PDF Reader Access conditions: Item is within a limited-access website |
Publication Type: | Refereed |
Author(s): | Hebblethwaite, P. D.; Ivins, J. D. |
Author Affiliation: | Hebblethwaite: Department of Agriculture and Horticulture, School of Agriculture; Ivins: University of Nottingham School of Agriculture, Sutton Bonington, Loughborough |
Title: | Timing of nitrogen application |
Article Series: | Nitrogen studies in Lolium perenne grown for seed, part 2 |
Source: | Journal of the British Grassland Society. Vol. 33, No. 3, September 1978, p. 159-166. |
Publishing Information: | [Oxford, England, United Kingdom]: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
# of Pages: | 8 |
Related Web URL: | Last checked: 03/27/2012 Notes: Abstract only |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Application timing; Emergence; Growth stages; Lolium perenne; Nitrogen fertilization; Tillers (vegetative); Yield response |
Cultivar Names: | S-23; S-24 |
Abstract/Contents: | "The effects of applying nitrogen at different growth stages to S24 and S23 perennial ryegrass grown for seed were investigated in a series of field experiments from 1971 to 1976. These varieties of ryegrass were found to be insensitive to timing of nitrogen application from apex initiation to the stage when ears first emerged. However, if nitrogen application was delayed until about 30% or more of the ears had emerged, yields were lower compared with earlier applications, this effect being significant when nitrogen was delayed until 70-80% ear emergence because of a decrease in both numbers of fertile tillers and number of seeds per unit area. No advantages were found for splitting nitrogen applications between apex initiation and ear emergence." |
Language: | English |
References: | 21 |
See Also: | See also part 1 "Level of application" Journal of the British Grassland Society, 32(4) December 1977, p. 195-204, R=200485.R=200485 See also part 3 "The effect of nitrogen and water stress" Grass and Forage Science, 34(3) September 1979, p. 221-227, R=200486.R=200486 See also part 4 "Response of amenity types and influence of a growth regulator" Grass and Forage Science, 38(2) June 1983, p. 97-105, R=4352.R=4352 |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Hebblethwaite, P. D., and J. D. Ivins. 1978. Timing of nitrogen application. Grass Forage Sci. 33(3):p. 159-166. |
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DOI: DOI:_10.1111/j.1365-2494.1978.tb00815.x | |
Web URL(s) : | Last checked: 03/27/2012 Requires: PDF Reader Access conditions: Item is within a limited-access website |
MSU catalog number: | b4886304 |
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