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Full TGIF Record # 2043 Item 1 of 1 |
DOI: | 10.2134/jeq1976.00472425000500020003x |
Publication Type: | Refereed |
Author(s): | Foresman, C. L.; Ryerson, D. K.; Walejko, R. N.; Paulson, W. H.; Pendleton, J. W. |
Author Affiliation: | Foresman, Ryerson and Walejko: Research Assistants; Paulson: Assistant Professor; Pendleton: Professor, Dep. of Agron. |
Title: | Effect of snowmobile traffic on bluegrass (Poa pratensis) |
Section: | Technical reports Other records with the "Technical reports" Section |
Source: | Journal of Environmental Quality. Vol. 5, No. 2, April-June 1976, p. 129-131. |
Publishing Information: | Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America |
# of Pages: | 3 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Bulk density; Clipping weight; Poa pratensis; Snowmobile damage; Traffic damage; Wear resistance |
Abstract/Contents: | "Varying snowmobile traffic was imposed on established bluegrass (Poa pratensis) areas at Arlington and Lancaster, Wisconsin for three winters. The effect on the stands, recovery, and vigor the following summer was monitored by close observations and the yield of frequent clippings. No reduction in bluegrass stands occurred following snowmobiling. Early spring recovery and growth was slower in snowmobile track areas than in nontract areas. However, by early summer, traffic and nontraffic areas showed no differences in vigor, color, or growth as measured by clipping weights. Soil bulk density determinations did not differ between snowmobile track and nontrack areas." |
Language: | English |
References: | 6 |
Note: | Tables |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Foresman, C. L., D. K. Ryerson, R. N. Walejko, W. H. Paulson, and J. W. Pendleton. 1976. Effect of snowmobile traffic on bluegrass (Poa pratensis). J. Environ. Qual. 5(2):p. 129-131. |
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DOI: 10.2134/jeq1976.00472425000500020003x | |
MSU catalog number: | S 900 .J6 |
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