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Full TGIF Record # 222727 Item 1 of 1 |
Material Type: | Book |
Monographic Author(s): | Musser, H. B. |
Author Affiliation: | Professor Emeritus, Agronomy, The Pennsylvania State University |
Monograph Title: | Turfgrass Course, 1964. |
Publishing Information: | [Dunedin, Florida]: The Professional Golfers' Association of America |
# of Pages: | 72 |
Collation: | [iii], 69 pp. |
Series: | PGA Home Study Course II |
Abstract/Contents: | Includes: Turfgrass Establishment (Initial Planning; Drainage; Irrigation Systems; Soil Tests; Soil Preparation; Rough Grading; Seedbed Preparation; Soil Modifying Materials; Lime; Basic Fertilizer; Insecticides; and Starter Fertilizer); Grasses and Mixtures (Cool Season Grasses; and Warm Season Grasses); Seed Mixtures; Seeding (Time; Seeding Rate; and Seeding Methods); Mulching; Vegetative Planting; Sodding; Conversion to Better Grasses; Preparation of Vegetative Material for Planting; Care of New Grass (Mowing; and Watering); Problem Areas (Terraces and Slopes; and Shaded Areas); Temporary Turfgrass Areas; Winter Turf; Turfgrass Maintenance (Mowing and Verti-Cutting; Control of Thatch and Grain; Aerification; and Aerification Tie-In Chart); Watering Established Turf; Maintenance Fertilization (Time; and Rate and Frequency); Complete Fertilizers; Trace Elements; Practical Application of Fertilizer Principles; Lime for Maintenance; Weed Control (Cultural Practices; and Chemical Control); Turfgrass Diseases and Insects (Diseases; Prevention and Control; and Insects); Analyzing Turfgrass Problems; Visual Symptoms of Poor Soils; Visual Symptoms of Poor Grass Quality; Visual Symptoms of the Mismanagement of Water; Visual Symptoms of Plant Food Deficiencies; and Visual Symptoms of Mismanagement. |
Library of Congress Subject Headings: |
Turf management -- Study and teaching; Golf courses -- Maintenance -- Study and teaching; Pelouses -- Entretien -- Étude et enseignement; Terrains de golf -- Entretien -- Étude et enseignement |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
See Also: | See also later edition, 1974, R=203299.R=203299 |
Note: | Includes "Foreword" by Robert T. Creasey, Executive Director, The Professional Golfers' Association of America; p. [i] Cover: "PGA Home Study Program II" Figures Tables |
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard: | "A simplified, small book designed as part of a training program for golf course superintendents. There are sections on turfgrass selection, establishment, culture, pest control, and problem diagnosis. This book began as a correspondence course for salesman authored by Tom Mascaro." "This is a reprinting of material contained in the West Point Turfgrass Correspondence Course. It is a simplified overview of turfgrass establishment and culture of both cool- and warm-season turfgrasses on golf courses." p. 280, 294 |
Beard Section Heading: | Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Musser, H. B. 1964. Turfgrass Course. [iii], 69 pp. [Dunedin, Florida]: The Professional Golfers' Association of America. |
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WorldCat entry: | Accession number: 1429668065 |
MSU catalog number: | folio.in00006844538 |
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