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Web URL(s): | Last checked: 02/14/2017 Requires: Adobe Flash Notes: Item is within a single large file Last checked: 02/14/2017 Notes: Variant title "A significant refresh at Golfclub Hamburg-Walddörfer; Variant pictures |
Publication Type: | Professional |
Author(s): | Lawrence, Adam |
Author Affiliation: | Editor, Golf Course Architecture |
Title: | A significant refresh |
Column Name: | Golfclub Hamburg-Walddörfer Other records with the "Golfclub Hamburg-Walddörfer" Column |
Section: | On site Other records with the "On site" Section |
Source: | Golf Course Architecture. Vol. 46, October 2016, p. 52-54. |
Publishing Information: | Leicester, England, United Kingdom: Tudor Rose |
# of Pages: | 3 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Course profile; Golf course architects; Golf course design; Golf course renovation |
Facility Names: | Golfclub Hamburg-Walddörfer, in Hamburg, Germany |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | Pictures, color |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Lawrence, A. 2016. A significant refresh. Golf Course Archit. 46:p. 52-54. |
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Web URL(s) : | Last checked: 02/14/2017 Requires: Adobe Flash Notes: Item is within a single large file Last checked: 02/14/2017 Notes: Variant title "A significant refresh at Golfclub Hamburg-Walddörfer; Variant pictures |
MSU catalog number: | b5218124 |
Find from within TIC: | Digitally in TIC by file name: garch2016oct |
InterLibrary Loan: | Request through your local library's inter-library loan service (bring or send a copy of this TGIF record) |
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