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Publication Type: | Popular |
Material Type: | Book |
Monograph Title: | The Book of the Links: A Symposium on Golf, 1912. |
Volume Editors: | Sutton, Martin Hubert Foquett |
Publishing Information: | London, England: W.H. Smith & Son |
# of Pages: | 248 |
Collation: | [2], x, 224, xii pp. |
Related Web URL: | Last checked: 11/16/2016 Notes: From Turfgrass History and Literature, 2014 - see Beard Annotation note for context |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Golf course design; Construction; Establishment; Links; History; Seeds; Budgets; Golf greens; Manures Dutch Turfgrass Research Foundation Keywords: 208-C; 408-A; Golf courses; Sward renovation; Fertilizer application; Soil; Maintenance; UK; Monograph |
Abstract/Contents: | Aims to "provide... a compendium of information... on all the points upon which golf secretaries, green committees, and greenkeepers desire instruction." Includes chapters on: Golf course construction; Formation and maintenance of putting greens and tees; Manuring; Grass seeds; Architecture; Caddies; Vegetation and Finances. |
Dutch Turfgrass<br />Research Foundation<br />Abstract<br />(Thanks to DTRF) | In producing this volume it has been the aim to provide in the first instance a compendium of information on all the points upon which golf secretaries, green committees and greenkeepers desire instruction. "It is hoped that there is also much in the book to interst, and possibly to amuse, the ordinary golfer - and who is not a golfer at the present day?" |
Library of Congress Subject Headings: |
Golf courses |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
See Also: | See also 11 chapter records as well as additional records for images and cartoons from this work; search as MCODE=BLINK in Power Search, or: see records related to BLINK |
See Also: | Other items relating to: Classic Reads in Turf Other items relating to: Turf books online Other items relating to: DESIGN |
Note: | Pictures, b/w Tables Line Drawings Includes index; pp. 193-212 |
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard: | "A very rare book that is a must for collectors of historical turfgrass and/or golf books. It is an important early compendium encompassing golf course architecture, construction, turfgrass establishment, and culture under the conditions in the United Kingdom. It includes 40 pages of general information and descriptions of manures in the back. There are unique cartoons by Tom Wilkinson. The section subject titles and contributing authors include the following: - The Construction of New Courses - H.S. Colt, golf course architect - The Formation and Maintenance of Putting Greens and Teeing Grounds - Martin H.F. Sutton. - The Manuring of Golf Greens and Courses - A.D. Hall, former director, Rothamsted Experimental Station - Grasses and Grass Seeds Martin - H.F. Sutton. - Golf Architecture - H.S. Colt - The Influence of Courses Upon Players Style - Bernard Darwin - Caddies - Sir George Riddell - Essay on Some Questions in Greenkeeping - W. Kirkpatrick, greenkeeper, Rye Golf Club - The Vegetation of Golf Links - By a golfing botanist - Finance - Notes on Organic and Artificial Manures - Tables and General Information The section titled Essay on Some Questions in Greenkeeping was authored by the greenkeeper at Rye Golf Course by W. Kirkpatrick. It represents the first published paper written by a practicing golf greenkeeper in the United Kingdom. The costs of individual cultural practices and implements are presented as well as the total budget for course maintenance and a table of wages. The cartoons by Tom Wilkinson are unique. One set is a tongue-in-cheek depiction of sand bunkers on wheels and of golfers riding across the fairways in four-wheeled motorized vehicles. Impossible? Manuring was a term used during the first part of the twentieth century to encompass fertilizers ranging from natural organics to synthetics, with the latter termed artificial fertilizers. There is a presentation concerning various types of natural manures used in English in 1912 and also the use of salt to obtain a fertilizer response: Natural (Organic) Manures In addition to farmyard manure other excreta are sometimes used, such as: Horse Dung, which rapidly decomposes, and therefore its fermentation gives rise to considerable heat, being a hot manure. Pig Dung slowly decomposes, and is a very rich manure. It is best mixed with other animal manures. Sheep Dung requires a little longer time than horse dung for its decomposition. It is rich in solid matter. Cow Dung slowly decomposes, and contains the smallest percentage of solid matter of the four animal manures. It is of far less value as a manurial agent than horse, pig, or sheep manures. The following is given as the composition of the above-named manures: [See table image in Related Web URL] Salt.-The general properties of salt from an agricultural point of view are: (a) In small quantities it promotes the decomposition of animal and vegetable matters contained in all cultivated soils. (b) It acts as a direct plant food when used in small proportions. (c) It has the power of destroying noxious insects, slugs, and weeds when applied to fallow land. (d) It possesses stimulating powers on growing plants. (e) It increases the power of certain soils of absorbing moisture from the atmosphere. (f) It has the power of preserving the juices of plants and the soils on which they grow from the effects of sudden fluctuations in the temperature of the atmosphere. Also described are the natural organic and synthetic fertilizers used on golf course turfgrasses in England in 1912. As in many of the writings of that time, the use of potassium fertilizers was discouraged because they tended to encourage legume growth. NOTES ON ORGANIC AND ARTIFICIAL MANURES The following notes on manures (organic and artificial), which have been of use in certain exceptional circumstances, may be of interest. It should, however, be remembered that all artificial fertilisers need applying with discretion and after due consideration of local conditions, and expert advice on the subject should be sought. A feature of artificial manure is that no danger of weed seeds accompanies its use, and, generally speaking, it is best applied in moist weather or watered in. Suttons Grass Manure is a valuable 'complete' manure, which has been prepared in consultation with the highest scientific authorities of the day. When ground is being got ready for seeds it should be harrowed or raked in (at the rate of from four to five pounds per rod or pole of ground) a few days before sowing the seed. For an existing turf it may be used throughout the year either alone (at the rate of two to four pounds per rod or pole) or mixed with fine, dry earth in equal quantity. During the growing period the dressing need not be confined to one application, but may be used as occasion requires to stimulate growth through the spring and summer. Dried Blood is a valuable nitrogenous artifical fertiliser for late winter or early spring use. Its action is gradual. It benefits sandy loam soils, and should be used at the rate of 3 cwt. per acre. Rape Meal is highly esteemed, not only as a top dressing for young grass and newly-sown greens, but also on old turf in early spring, autumn, or winter. It is somewhat quick in action, and the effect of applying it is only temporary. It may be used on all soils at the rate of 8 cwt. per acre. It is nitrogenous in character. Soot is a rapidly-acting nitrogenous manure, which especially encourages the growth of grasses. Its great drawback is that it remains on the grass for a considerable period and stains golf balls. Forty bushels per acre is approximately the correct dressing. Peat Moss Manure of high grade is useful for digging in on light sandy soils to assist in the formation of humus, and may be employed also as a winter top-dressing, but should occasionally be raked about. Its action is lasting. Bone Meal, Dissolved Bones, and Bones (½ in.) are generally looked upon as phosphatic rather than nitrogenous. The first and last named act slowly. Unfortunately there is great risk in their use, as they invariably encourage a growth of clover. Quantity varies from 2 to 6 cwt. per acre. Muriate of Potash is, as its name indicates, a potassic fertiliser, and when applied, especially on light soils, where it is generally most needed, its action is lasting and somewhat slow; 1 cwt. per acre is the utmost that should be used. Sulphate of Potash of high grade contains about 54 percent. of potash, and is a useful manure for applying to land deficient in that constituent. It is, however, very apt to encourage a growth of clover, besides which it is generally too expensive to admit of universal use. Kainit, although frequently employed alone, is, as a rule, best used in conjunction with phosphatic manures. It contains from 12 to 14 per cent. of potash, hence its great tendency to promote a leguminous growth; 2 cwt. per acre is a suitable dressing." p. 355-357 |
Beard Section Heading: | Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture |
Beard Rarity Statement: | Very rare |
Beard Special Note: | Identified by James B Beard in Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf (2014) as being old and rare based on his experience. |
Annotation from Golf Course Design, by Geoffrey S. Cornish and Michael J. Hurdzan: |
"Design, fertilization, vegetation, finance and organic methods are some of the topics covered in this classic." p. 101 |
Cornish & Hurdzan <a href="/cornishhurdzanratings">Ratings</a>: | D4; C3; M3; H5; P2 |
Quotable quotes | "In producing this volume it has been my aim to provide in the first instance a compendium of information, of a more complete character than has before been compressd into a single volume, on all points upon which golf secretaries, green committees, and greenkeepers desire instruction. If the subjects treated appear to cover a rather extensive field, it must be remembered that the secretary and committee of a golf club are practically in the position of managers of a small estate, so that any point connected with estate management will necessarily be of value to them. But it is hoped that there is also much in the book to interest, and possibly to amuse, the ordinary golfer -- and who is not a golfer at the present day? -- while it may help to show him how much is involved in the construction and upkeep of his favourite course." p. v |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | 1912. The Book of the Links: A Symposium on Golf. Sutton, Martin Hubert Foquett (ed.) [2], x, 224, xii pp. London, England: W.H. Smith & Son. |
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WorldCat entry: | Accession number: 2340399 Accession number: 551633134 Note: Internet Accession number: 227802524 Note: Internet Accession number: 504078684 |
MSU catalog number: | b1611483 b7536239 b5657104 |
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