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Web URL(s): | Last checked: 12/01/2023 |
Publication Type: | Report |
Content Type: | Abstract or Summary only |
Author(s): | Ojeokun, Olayemi; Fry, Jack D.; Todd, Timothy |
Author Affiliation: | Ojeokun: Presenting Author and Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; Fry: Horticulture and Natural Resources, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; Todd: Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS |
Title: | Impact of nitrogen and mowing height at grower on performance of zoysiagrass sod after harvest |
Section: | Turf management and ecology poster (includes student competition) Other records with the "Turf management and ecology poster (includes student competition)" Section C05 turfgrass science Other records with the "C05 turfgrass science" Section 211 Other records with the "211" Section |
Meeting Info.: | St. Louis, Missouri: October 29-November 1, 2023 |
Source: | ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. 2023, p. 148972. |
Publishing Information: | [Madison, Wisconsin]: [American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America] |
# of Pages: | 1 |
Abstract/Contents: | "Sod producers' grow-in cultural practices of zoysiagrass can impact its performance after sod is harvested and then laid. In the experiment from which sod was harvested for this study, treatments were: cultivar [('Meyer', 'Innovation', or DALZ 1808 (experimental genotype)]; annual nitrogen levels (74 kg ha-1 or 220 kg ha-1); and mowing heights (1.9 cm or 3.8 cm). After sprigging in June 2021 at the Olathe Horticulture Research and Extension Center (OHREC), there was full plot coverage by the end of 2022. Sod was then harvested on two separate dates: May 24, 2023 (sodded at OHREC) and June 15, 2023 (sodded at the Rocky Ford Turfgrass Research Center (RFTRC) in Manhattan, KS). At each site, sod was laid in an area where Meyer growing at fairway height had been stripped out. The design was a split plot: whole plot treatments were aerified vs. non-aerified soil prior to sodding; subplots were 3 cultivars from the previous experiment explained above (12 total subplots). The summary of the results is as follows: Aerification prior to sodding reduced the NDVI and quality of DALZ 1808 after it was laid, but Meyer and Innovation were not significantly affected; root length of Meyer was greater than other cultivars 9 days after sodding in Manhattan; low mowing during grow-in resulted in greater root number in all cultivars in Olathe when evaluated 9 days after sodding; after 20 days of being subjected to drought, 'Meyer' exhibited more significant drought stress in OHREC (6.2 rating on a 1 to 9 scale) compared to 'Innovation' (7.1) and DALZ 1808 (7.3). Aerification can have a negative impact on some zoysiagrass genotypes prior to sodding, and cultural practices used by the grower before harvest can also influence sod rooting and turf quality." |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | This item is an abstract only! |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Ojeokun, O., J. D. Fry, and T. Todd. 2023. Impact of nitrogen and mowing height at grower on performance of zoysiagrass sod after harvest. Agron. Abr. p. 148972. |
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