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Full TGIF Record # 333457 Item 1 of 1 |
Web URL(s): | Last checked: 12/04/2023 |
Publication Type: | Report |
Content Type: | Abstract or Summary only |
Author(s): | Begitschke, Erick; Henry, Gerald M.; Lynall, Robert |
Author Affiliation: | Begitschke: Presenting Author and Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia-Athens, GA; Henry: University of Georgia-Athens, Athens, GA; Lynall: Kinesiology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA |
Title: | Measuring vertical forces experienced by athletes on natural turfgrass systems |
Section: | Turfgrass science oral I (includes student competition) Other records with the "Turfgrass science oral I (includes student competition)" Section C05 turfgrass science Other records with the "C05 turfgrass science" Section |
Meeting Info.: | St. Louis, Missouri: October 29-November 1, 2023 |
Source: | ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. 2023, p. 150360. |
Publishing Information: | [Madison, Wisconsin]: [American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America] |
# of Pages: | 1 |
Abstract/Contents: | "The creation of a portable modular system that can be manipulated to reflect a variety of natural turfgrass scenarios could provide valuable athlete response data that would help identify field conditions that may lead to an increase in non-contact lower extremity injuries. Therefore, the objective of this research was to test the validity of vertical ground reaction force (GRF) data determined by a mobile force plate underneath various surfaces/soil profiles using novel ground reaction platforms (GRPs). Three GRPs were constructed in spring, 2023 containing 7.6 cm United States Golf Association (USGA) sand, 15.2 cm USGA sand, and 15.2 cm native soil. 'IronCutter' hybrid bermudagrass sod was transplanted onto each GRP and allowed to mature for 3 months prior to testing. Data collection occurred June 6, 2023 and involved a healthy 175 cm, 80.7 kg, 20-year-old male fitted with an inertial measurement unit (IMU) on the thigh and shank of the non-dominant leg performing three trials of four athletic activities on the force plate alone (FP) and each GRP. The four activities included a drop landing (DL), counter-movement jump (CMJ), jump landing (JL), and single-leg drop landing (SDL). GRF data from the force plate were normalized based on the measured body mass of the participant on the FP and each GRP prior to analysis. Peak thigh (PTA) and peak shank (PSA) accelerations from the IMUs were significantly different, and therefore, analyzed separately for each activity. No significant differences in GRF data were detected between GRPs and the FP for any activities other than the JL. Significant differences were detected between GRPs and the FP in either PTA or PSA data for every activity other than the CMJ. Therefore, the CMJ can effectively be used across GRP scenarios for reliable GRF and peak acceleration data collection." |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | "225-6" This item is an abstract only! |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Begitschke, E., G. M. Henry, and R. Lynall. 2023. Measuring vertical forces experienced by athletes on natural turfgrass systems. Agron. Abr. p. 150360. |
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