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Full TGIF Record # 70937 Item 1 of 1 |
Publication Type: | Report |
Content Type: | Abstract or Summary only |
Author(s): | Fu, J.; Huang, B. |
Author Affiliation: | Kansas State University |
Title: | Alleviation of heat injury in creeping bentgrass with biostimulants and mineral nutrients |
Section: | Turfgrass science Other records with the "Turfgrass science" Section |
Meeting Info.: | Minneapolis, MN: November 5-9, 2000 |
Source: | 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 2000, p. 153. |
Publishing Information: | [Madison, WI]: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America |
# of Pages: | 1 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Heat stress; Heat injury; Agrostis stolonifera; Biostimulants; Minerals; Nutrients; Chlorophyll; Quality; Root growth; Shoot growth; Enzymes; Heat resistance |
Cultivar Names: | Penncross |
Trade Names: | Cyto Gro |
Abstract/Contents: | "Heat stress is a major factor limiting growth of cool-season grasses during summer. The objective of this study was to investigate whether heat injury in creeping bentgrass could be prevented or suppressed by applying biostimulant and nutrients. 'Penncross' plants were exposed to two day/night temperature regimes: 20/15 C (control) and 35/30 C (heat stress) in growth chambers. Foliar application of 10 ml of CytoGro (a cytokinin-like compound, 5 ppm), CaC12 (10 mM), KH2PO4 (10 mM) and NH4NO3 (124 mM) before and during heat stress increased chlorophyll content, Pn, Fv/Fm, turf quality, root and shoot growth, and affected antioxidant enzyme activities (SOD, CAT, POD, and APX). However, their effectiveness in improving heat tolerance varied, with NH4NO3 having the most pronounced, beneficial effects." |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
See Also: | Other items relating to: Biostimulants |
Note: | This item is an abstract only! |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Fu, J., and B. Huang. 2000. Alleviation of heat injury in creeping bentgrass with biostimulants and mineral nutrients. Annu. Meet. Abstr. p. 153. |
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MSU catalog number: | S 1 .A58 |
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