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Web URL(s): | Last checked: 05/23/2017 Requires: Adobe Acrobat Notes: Document is within a single large file |
Publication Type: | Report |
Content Type: | Abstract or Summary only |
Author(s): | Altpeter, F.; Xu, J.; Salahuddin, A.; Posselt, U.; Schubert, J. |
Author Affiliation: | Alpeter, Xu and Salahuddin: Institut für Pflanzengenetik and Kulturpflanzenforschung Gatersleben; Posselt: Landessaatzuchtanstalt; Schubert: Institut für Resistenzforschung. |
Title: | Virus resistance in fertile transgenic perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants |
Section: | Abstracts Other records with the "Abstracts" Section |
Meeting Info.: | Toronto, Ontario, Canada: 15-21 July, 2001 |
Source: | IXth International Turfgrass Research Conference. Vol. 9, 2001, p. 65. |
Publishing Information: | [Toronto, Canada]: International Turfgrass Society |
# of Pages: | 1 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Viruses; Resistance; Transgenic turfgrasses; Lolium perenne; Temperate climate; Ribonucleic acid; Genotypes; Mutations |
Abstract/Contents: | "Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is the most important grass species in areas with temperate climate. Ryegrass mosaic virus is a serious yield constraint in perennial ryegrass, drawing attention to RNA-mediated virus resistance strategies. Biolistic gene transfer followed by a modified selection protocol resulted in the rapid and efficient production of fertile transgenic ryegrass plants. In total 66 independent transgenic perennial ryegrass plants were produced. Transformation frequency was highly affected by genotype, explant and selection scheme. In the optimised protocol 1.2 to 3.8 independent transgenic plants per bombardment were produced. Integration of selectable marker gene and coat protein gene of ryegrass mosaik virus were confirmed by PCR. Southern blot confirmed the independent nature of the transgenic lines with the number of integrated transgene copies ranging from two to six in the majority of lines. Fully fertile transgenic ryegrass plants transmitted the transgenes through pollen and zygote after biolistic gene transfer. Virus resistance of primary transformants and sexual progeny is discussed in the context of transgene integration pattern and transcription rates." |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | This item is an abstract only! |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Altpeter, F., J. Xu, A. Salahuddin, U. Posselt, and J. Schubert. 2001. Virus resistance in fertile transgenic perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants. Int. Turfgrass Res. Conf. 9:p. 65. |
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