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Full TGIF Record # 79054 Item 1 of 1 |
Publication Type: | Report |
Author(s): | Nakamura, Naohiko; Nakamae, Hiroko |
Author Affiliation: | Kobe University |
Title: | Shiba syokubutsu no toukei bunrui ni tsuiteno paper-chromatography teki kenkyu: Zoysia japonica ni tsuite |
Translated Title: | The studies on the taxonomy of grasses by the paper-chromatography: Zoysia japonica |
Article Series: | Identification of turfgrass by paper-chromatography, Part 3 |
Section: | Research articles Other records with the "Research articles" Section |
Source: | Turf Research Bulletin [Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center] [Gurin Kenkyo Hokokushu]. Vol. 24, February 1973, p. 29-37. |
Publishing Information: | Takarazuka, Japan: Kansai Golf Union Green Section Research Center [Kansi Goruhu Renmei Gurin Kenkyujo] |
# of Pages: | 9 |
Abstract/Contents: | "For 12 strains of Z. japonica which grow in various districts of Japan, the phenolic substances contained were speculated by the two-dimensional paper-chromatography. Ellison's index and Fager's index of similarity indicated that 'Rokkosan', 'Hakkodasan', 'Wakakusayama', 'Shirahama' and 'Shionomisaki' were mutually very similar, but there was no relationship between the similarity of growing area and chemotaxonomical similarity. 'Gotoo', 'Kashinozaki' and 'Miyazaki' were diverse from each other and from other nine strains, and they were recognized chemotaxonomically as special strains. All compounds of 'Gotoo' were found in the components of 'Zeniboko', 'Sakata', 'Iki', 'Kashinozaki', 'Rokkosan', 'Hakkodasan', 'Shirahama' and 'Wakakusayama'. And the compounds of Strain No. 18 were common compounds of 'Iki', 'Kashinozaki', 'Rokkosan', 'Hakkodasan', 'Shirahama', 'Wakakusayama' and 'Takarazuka'. These two strains which have only common compounds, therefore, were recognized as the basic strains and other strains were as derivitives. Strain No. 7, No. 13, No. 15, and No. 17 besides 'Gotoo' and No. 18 were recognized as the basic strains. In order to clarify the process of strain derivation, the investigations should cover a wide range. As far as this investigation, it was clarified that the strains of Zoysia japonica were similar morphologically, but that they had various derivations." |
Language: | Japanese |
References: | 15 |
See Also: | See also part 1, August 1970, p. 35-40, R=78298R=78298 See also part 2, February 1972, p. 25-32, R=78894R=78894 See also part 4, February 1974, p. 35-41, R=79094R=79094 |
Note: | English summary appears Pictures, b/w Tables Figures |
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-like – may be incomplete): | Nakamura, N., H. Nakamae, N. Nakamura, and H. Nakamae. 1973. Shiba syokubutsu no toukei bunrui ni tsuiteno paper-chromatography teki kenkyu: Zoysia japonica ni tsuite. (In Japanese) Turf Res. Bull. 24:p. 29-37. |
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MSU catalog number: | SB 433 .G87 |
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