Fastlink of all records from this publication (GCMAN) with section name Research
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Fifteen years of findings: What have we learned about spring dead spot since 2009? |
Hutchens, Wendell. 2025. Golf Course Management. February. 93(2): p. 54-59. |
342473 |
Advancing AI-powered weed recognition for turfgrass: Segmentation and semi-supervised learning |
Joseph, Mikerly M.; Gawron, Katarzyna A.; Zhao, Chang; MacDonald, Gregory E.; Schumann, Arnold W.; Boyd, Nathan S.; Petelewicz, Pawel. 2025. Golf Course Management. February. 93(2): p. 60-66. |
342474 |
Truth and science (part 1) |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2025. Golf Course Management. February. 93(2): p. 67. |
342475 |
Age is just a number |
Fidanza, Mike. 2025. Golf Course Management. February. 93(2): p. 68. |
342476 |
Effects of EMS and gamma radiation seed treatment on pollen and seed sterility in zoysiagrass |
Dhillon, Kamalpreet Kaur; Vines, Phillip L.; Biswal, Akshaya Kumar; Schwartz, Brian M. 2025. Golf Course Management. February. 93(2): p. 69. |
342477 |
Optimizing tissue culture protocols in warm-seasn turfgrass species for genetic engineering applications |
Melgar, Esdras Manuel Carbajal; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2025. Golf Course Management. February. 93(2): p. 69. |
342479 |
Influence of nitrogen and fungicide applications on brown patch in tall fescue |
Fry, Jack D.; Chhetri, Manoj; Pease, Ben. 2025. Golf Course Management. January. 93(1): p. 96-99. |
342079 |
Exploring the relationship between thatch and white grub populations in imidacloprid-treated turfgrass |
Huling, Andrew; McGraw, Ben. 2025. Golf Course Management. January. 93(1): p. 100-105. |
342080 |
Seeding rates 'back in the day' |
Fidanza, Mike. 2025. Golf Course Management. January. 93(1): p. 106. |
342081 |
Science and politics |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2024. Golf Course Management. December. 92(12): p. 64. |
341964 |
Cool-season grasses activate stress defenses for drought earlier than we thought |
Itam, Michael; Hall, David; Kramer, David; Merewitz, Emily. 2024. Golf Course Management. December. 92(12): p. 66-68. |
341965 |
Let's get to the root of the matter |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. December. 92(12): p. 76. |
341967 |
Ethofumesate-resistant annual bluegrass (Poa annua) developing on some U.S. golf courses |
Vukovic, Vera; Mattox, Clint M.; Kowalewski, Alec R.; McNally, Brandon C.; McElroy, J. Scott; Patton, Aaron J. 2024. Golf Course Management. November. 92(11): p. 70-75. |
340959 |
Optimizing water use in golf course turfgrass management: Precision irrigation and its adoption |
Yue, Chengyan; Wang, Yang; Watkins, Eric; Straw, Chase. 2024. Golf Course Management. November. 92(11): p. 76-79. |
340960 |
Mole crickets have the subterranean homesick blues |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. November. 92(11): p. 80. |
340961 |
Carbonic Acid - natural pH control |
Moraga, Waldo. 2024. Golf Course Management. November. 92(11): p. 81. |
340962 |
Study offers three tips for improving color and reducing winterkill in hybrid bermudagrass |
Kordsmeier, Nick. 2024. Golf Course Management. November. 92(11): p. 81. |
340963 |
Does bad science ever go away, or does it orbit in cyberspace forever? |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2024. Golf Course Management. October. 92(10): p. 60. |
340311 |
Dose responses of silvery-thread moss (Bryum argenteum) to carfentrazone-ethyl |
Raudenbush, Zane; Keeley, Steven J.; Thompson, Cole; Jugulam, Mithila. 2024. Golf Course Management. October. 92(10): p. 62-65. |
340313 |
Minimum light requirement, shade performance for GA2ox-transformed, conventional Kentucky bluegrass |
Houting, Kirtus; Koch, Matthew; Reed, Cassie; Baldwin, Christian; Gardner, David; Chang, Baoxin; Wherley, Ben; Harriman, Robert. 2024. Golf Course Management. October. 92(10): p. 66-71. |
340316 |
Shine the light on shade |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. October. 92(10): p. 72. |
340322 |
Analysis of fluorescent, colorimetric dyes fro perennial ryegrass organ viability: Visualization and quantification |
Prasad Chalise, Devendra; Merewitz Holm, Emily. 2024. Golf Course Management. October. 92(10): p. 73. |
340325 |
Superintendents' help sought for winterkill research project |
Watkins, Eric. 2024. Golf Course Management. October. 92(10): p. 73. |
340327 |
Will the turfgrass species most tolerant of snow mold, please stand up |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. September. 92(9): p. 84. |
340024 |
Optimizing ethyl methane sulfonate mutagenesis protocols to induce glufosinate herbicide resistance in bahiagrass |
Kyum, Mohammed; Shaheen, Nabeel; Handoyo, Wisnu; Huo, Heqiang; Kenworthy, Kevin. 2024. Golf Course Management. September. 92(9): p. 85. |
340025 |
Cultural management and plant growth regulators affect competitiveness of goosegrass ecotypes in turfgrass |
Diehl, Katherine; Elmore, Matthew. 2024. Golf Course Management. September. 92(9): p. 85. |
340026 |
Is fake science a real thing? |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2024. Golf Course Management. August. 92(8): p. 54. |
339336 |
Hard fescue molecular markers, shade tolerance and resistance to gray snow mold |
Bushman, Shaun; Robbins, Matthew; Qiu, Yinjie; Watkins, Eric; Hollman, Andrew; Mihelich, Nicole; Petrella, Dominic; Breullin-Sessoms, Florence; Chou, Ming-Yi; Koch, Paul. 2024. Golf Course Management. August. 92(8): p. 60-63. |
339337 |
Summer patch at the White House |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. August. 92(8): p. 64. |
339338 |
What controls African bermudagrass leaf blade and stem morphology? Access Restrictions |
Yu, Shuhao; Fontanier, Charles H.; Yan, Liuling; Martin, Dennis L.; Moss, Justin Q.; Wu, Yanqi. 2024. Golf Course Management. July. 92(7): p. 62-65. |
338438 |
It's July, so let's talk about snow mold Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. July. 92(7): p. 66. |
338439 |
Late fall topdressing as a practice to reduce winter injury Access Restrictions |
Frank, Kevin; Perkinson, Payton; Galbraith, Eric; Soldat, Doug; Kowalewski, Alec. 2024. Golf Course Management. July. 92(7): p. 67. |
338440 |
New Tif3D turfgrass promises superior putting-green performance Access Restrictions |
Cabrera, Emily. 2024. Golf Course Management. July. 92(7): p. 67. |
338441 |
Mowing height and nitrogen fertility effects on centipedegrass rooting and drought avoidance |
Beasley, Jeffrey; Adams, Mike; Kuehny, Jeff; Watson, Dylan. 2024. Golf Course Management. June. 92(6): p. 52-54. |
338464 |
Surveying Chaetocnema minuta populations in southwestern U.S. golf courses |
Van Dyke, Adam; McGraw, Ben. 2024. Golf Course Management. June. 92(6): p. 55-62. |
338465 |
Rolling, rolling, rolling |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. June. 92(6): p. 64. |
338466 |
Identifying and controlling turfgrass pests with data science |
Kreinberg, Samuel. 2024. Golf Course Management. June. 92(6): p. 65. |
338467 |
Influence of fungicide selection, application timing on take-all root rot management under field, greenhouse conditions |
Stephens, Cameron M.; Gannon, Travis W.; Cubeta, Marc A.; Kerns, James P. 2024. Golf Course Management. May. 92(5): p. 59-63. |
336792 |
Sulfur-reducing bacteria blues |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. May. 92(5): p. 64. |
336800 |
William T. Crow announces release of updated guide for nematodes |
Pehr, Darrell J. 2024. Golf Course Management. May. 92(5): p. 65. |
336803 |
Phosphorus and soil pH effects on immature annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass grown in competition |
McNally, Brandon C.; Elmore, Matthew T.; Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie L. 2024. Golf Course Management. April. 92(4): p. 72-76. |
335625 |
Is the rapid soil mineralization carbon test a valuable tool for guiding fertilization on putting greens? |
Zhou, Qiyu; Soldat, Douglas J.; Ruark, Matthew D. 2024. Golf Course Management. April. 92(4): p. 77-80. |
335627 |
Determining fact from fiction |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2024. Golf Course Management. April. 92(4): p. 81. |
335628 |
Two warms don't make a right |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. April. 92(4): p. 82. |
335629 |
Timing of fraise mowing for overseeding establishment of perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Carpenter, Matthew C.; McCurdy, James D.; Miller, Gerald L.; Stewart, Barry R. 2024. Golf Course Management. March. 92(3): p. 68-74. |
335093 |
Rhizobacteria-regulating plant metabolism to enhance drought tolerance, post-drought recovery for creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Huang, Bingru; Errickson, William. 2024. Golf Course Management. March. 92(3): p. 75-77. |
335094 |
Annual bluegrass perennially tenacious Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. March. 92(3): p. 78. |
335095 |
Fall mowing height influence on annual bluegrass putting green spring recovery Access Restrictions |
Miller, Kailey; Merewitz, Emily B. 2024. Golf Course Management. March. 92(3): p. 79. |
335096 |
Hollow-tine cultivation effect on dollar spot in creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Pingyuan; Murphy, James A. 2024. Golf Course Management. March. 92(3): p. 79. |
335097 |
Does funding dictate results? Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2024. Golf Course Management. February. 92(2): p. 56. |
334551 |
Exploring weed-suppression potential of fine fescues as focus shifts toward sustainable turfgrass management Access Restrictions |
Leinauer, Bernd; Hahn, Daniel; Bastiaans, Lammert. 2024. Golf Course Management. February. 92(2): p. 58-62. |
334552 |
The rhizosphere: Watch this space Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. February. 92(2): p. 68. |
334553 |
Particle size characteristics of putting green root-zone and topdressing sands Access Restrictions |
Kahiu, Maureen; Brosnan, James T. 2024. Golf Course Management. February. 92(2): p. 69. |
334554 |
Survey of plant-parasitic nematode populations in Arkansas golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Battaglia, Mike; Hutchens, Wendell J. 2024. Golf Course Management. February. 92(2): p. 69. |
334555 |
Will drought stress affect overwinter ability in turf-type bermudagrass? Access Restrictions |
Wu, Yanqi; Goad, Carla L.; Moss, Justin Q.; Martin, Dennis L.; Fontanier, Charles H.; Yu, Shuhao. 2024. Golf Course Management. January. 92(1): p. 92-96. |
334107 |
Survey of target site resistance alleles conferring resistance in Poa annua Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan; McCurdy, Jay; McCullough, Patrick E.; Gonçalves, Clebson; Gannon, Travis W.; Patton, Aaron J.; McCarty, Lambert B.; Bowling, Rebecca G.; Brosnan, James T.; Hathcoat, Daniel; Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V.; Russell, Eli C.; Askew, Shawn D.; McElroy, Scott; Patel, Jinesh; Hall, Nathan D.; Rutland, Claudia Ann. 2024. Golf Course Management. January. 92(1): p. 97-101. |
334108 |
Pythium to preemergence crabgrass control Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. January. 92(1): p. 102. |
334114 |
Drought tolerance in Danthonia: Understanding its physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms Access Restrictions |
Warnke, Scott E.; Barnaby, Jinyoung Y. 2024. Golf Course Management. January. 92(1): p. 103. |
334116 |
Breeding better zoysiagrass: Harnessing somaclonal variation to enhance seed and pollen sterility through tissue culture Access Restrictions |
Dhillon, Kamalpreet Kaur; Schwartz, Brian M.; Vines, Phillip L. 2024. Golf Course Management. January. 92(1): p. 103. |
334118 |
Nitrogen fertilization requirements to establish seeded bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Powlen, Jada; Bigelow, Cale. 2023. Golf Course Management. December. 91(12): p. 66-69. |
333938 |
Preemergence herbicide effects on St. Augustinegrass establishment Access Restrictions |
Wilber, Amy; McCurdy, Jay; Czarnecki, Joby; Stewart, Barry; Dong, Hongxu. 2023. Golf Course Management. December. 91(12): p. 70-74. |
333975 |
Checks and balances Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2023. Golf Course Management. December. 91(12): p. 75. |
333980 |
Verdure at 100 Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. December. 91(12): p. 76. |
333982 |
Cool-season hybrid bermudagrass: Drought tolerance compared to Kentucky bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Beazer, Ashley; Seely, C. J.; Burgin, H. R.; Hansen, N. C.; Wear, G. A.; Hopkins, B. G. 2023. Golf Course Management. December. 91(12): p. 77. |
333983 |
Exploring the influence of nitrogen fertility on actionable Smith-Kerns dollar spot model thresholds for creeping bentgrass fairway turf Access Restrictions |
Crowell, Chase; Inguagiato, John. 2023. Golf Course Management. December. 91(12): p. 77. |
333996 |
Tennis courts, putting greens are close cousins Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. November. 91(11): p. 68. |
332958 |
WinterTurf data collection project: Help needed for year 3 Access Restrictions |
Pehr, Darrell J. 2023. Golf Course Management. November. 91(11): p. 69. |
332959 |
Fungicide efficacy field trials for Florida turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Wells, Bonnie. 2023. Golf Course Management. November. 91(11): p. 69. |
333135 |
Methods to quantify cover in turfgrass research Access Restrictions |
Kowalewski, Alec; Mattox, Clint; Schmid, Chas; Stover, Cole. 2023. Golf Course Management. October. 91(10): p. 54-59. |
332205 |
Can root-associated microbes be utilized to screen drought-tolerant cultivars of tall fescue? Access Restrictions |
Hu, Jialin; Miller, Grady; Shi, Wei. 2023. Golf Course Management. October. 91(10): p. 60-64. |
332206 |
The scientific method Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2023. Golf Course Management. October. 91(10): p. 65. |
332207 |
The matter of organic matter Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. October. 91(10): p. 66. |
332208 |
Virginia Tech, Purdue partnership focuses on brown patch Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2023. Golf Course Management. October. 91(10): p. 67. |
332209 |
Study looks at fall nitrogen management for bermudagrass fairways Access Restrictions |
Pehr, Darrell J. 2023. Golf Course Management. October. 91(10): p. 67. |
332210 |
Predicting how little water bermudagrass needs to maintain quality: Four bermudagrass cultivars were subjected to intensive water use measuremens Access Restrictions |
Miller, Grady. 2023. Golf Course Management. September. 91(9): p. 76-80. |
331830 |
Annual bluegrass survival of ice encasement: Research examines various soil moisture conditions during colld acclimation Access Restrictions |
Gendjar, Megan; Merewitz, Emily. 2023. Golf Course Management. September. 91(9): p. 82-85. |
331831 |
Nothing trivial about Poa trivialis Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. September. 91(9): p. 86. |
331832 |
Biochar and compost for nematode control Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2023. Golf Course Management. September. 91(9): p. 87. |
331834 |
Turfgrass research includes field trials of fungicides, herbicides, wetting agents Access Restrictions |
Lovett, John. 2023. Golf Course Management. September. 91(9): p. 87. |
331835 |
The truth about glyphosate Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2023. Golf Course Management. August. 91(8): p. 54. |
331433 |
A continued investigation into turfgrass use on U.S. golf courses Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan; Shaddox, Travis W. 2023. Golf Course Management. August. 91(8): p. 56-68. |
331434 |
Anthracnose can go play in the sand Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. August. 91(8): p. 70. |
331436 |
Assessing freezing damage in perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Vossen, Maicy. 2023. Golf Course Management. August. 91(8): p. 72. |
331438 |
A continued investigation into land use and energy practices on U.S. golf courses Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan; Shaddox, Travis W. 2023. Golf Course Management. July. 91(7): p. 56-68. |
331014 |
Smoke on the water, or is it Pythium? Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. July. 91(7): p. 70. |
331017 |
Multiyear evaluation of bermudagrass control on creeping bentgrass fairways from herbicides and mechanical slicing Access Restrictions |
Godara, Navdeep; Askew, Shawn D.; Brewer, John R.; Peppers, John N. 2023. Golf Course Management. July. 91(7): p. 71. |
331020 |
Colonization stability and efficacy of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria in creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Errickson, William; Jaleel, Kashif; Huang, Bingru. 2023. Golf Course Management. July. 91(7): p. 71. |
331109 |
Won't get fooled again Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2023. Golf Course Management. June. 91(6): p. 58. |
329944 |
The science of assessing turfgrass colors: Assessing a pixel-by-pixel summary of color character can be done accurately and objectively using digital images Access Restrictions |
Berndt, William L. 2023. Golf Course Management. June. 91(6): p. 60-65. |
329946 |
Nothing false about false-green kyllinga Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. June. 91(6): p. 66. |
329947 |
Control of Canada thistle in fine fescue rough: The objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of five herbicides for spring and summer control of Canada thistle in fine fescue rough Access Restrictions |
Landschoot, Peter. 2023. Golf Course Management. May. 91(5): p. 58-63. |
328006 |
Predation in turfgrass: How is it distributed within the canopy?: Many insect predators inhabit turfgrass, but how predation is distributed within turfgrass is unclear Access Restrictions |
Khan, Fawad; Joseph, Shimat V. 2023. Golf Course Management. May. 91(5): p. 64-68. |
328007 |
Spray water pH: It's all good Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. May. 91(5): p. 70. |
328008 |
Optimal timing for fungicide applications to reduce dollar spot Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Pingyuan. 2023. Golf Course Management. May. 91(5): p. 71. |
328009 |
Childhood reality check Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick. 2023. Golf Course Management. April. 91(4): p. 73. |
326723 |
Don't worry, I got you covered Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. April. 91(4): p. 74. |
326725 |
Combined effect of water quality and nitrogen sources on Celebration bermudagrass performance and nitrogen absorption Access Restrictions |
Sierra Augustinus, I. Alejandra; McLoughlin, Patrick; Arevalo Alvarenga, Andrea Fernanda; Schiavon, Marco. 2023. Golf Course Management. April. 91(4): p. 75. |
326728 |
A continued investigation into pest management practices on U.S. golf courses Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan; Shaddox, Travis W. 2023. Golf Course Management. March. 91(3): p. 56-61. |
326721 |
Bermudagrass train out of Georgia Access Restrictions |
Fidanza, Mike. 2023. Golf Course Management. March. 91(3): p. 68. |
326724 |
A novel approach to the use of biologicals in managed turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Pehr, Darrell J. 2023. Golf Course Management. March. 91(3): p. 69. |
326727 |