Fastlink of all records with topic (MEBR)
Showing items 1 to 68 of 68.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The GCSAA Foundation update Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2001. Golf Course Management. July. 69(7): p. 44, 47. |
73759 |
Bermudagrass fairway renovation: Why it is being done and the results that have been achieved | Foy, John H. 2001. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 39(4): p. 13-15. |
73824 |
Seedling turf needs an edge against weeds: Planting date, seedbed preparation and herbicide affect seedlings Access Restrictions |
Reicher, Zachary. 2001. Golf Course Management. June. 69(6): p. 61-64. |
73314 |
Seeking alternatives for methyl bromide: Nothing is ready as the ban nears, but some products show promise for fumigating prosepctive turf sites Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan; Brecke, Barry J. 2001. Golf Course Management. March. 69(3): p. 65-72. |
72411 |
GCSAA 2001 legislative/regulatory agenda Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2001. Golf Course Management. March. 69(3): p. 112, 114, 116, 120, 122, 124, 126. |
72428 |
Banned in the U. S. A. | Unruh, J. Bryan. 2001. Grounds Maintenance. January. 36(1): p. 70-73. |
72693 |
Solarization and biofumigation help disinfest soil |
Stapleton, James J.; Elmore, Clyde L.; DeVay, James E. 2000. California Agriculture. November/December. 54(6): p. 42-45. |
71939 |
Defeating nematode attacks |
Finch, Michael. 2000. Turf Craft International. September/October. 74: p. 26-28. |
71674 |
University of Florida turfgrass research projects for Y2K | Anonymous. 2000. The Florida Green. Spring. p. 72-74. |
65000 |
Nematode management | Dunn, Robert A. 1999. p. 21-24. In: Unruh, J. Bryan, ed. 1999 University of Florida's Pest Control Guide for Turfgrass Managers. [Gainesville, Florida]: Cooperative Extension Service, IFAS, University of Florida. |
58802 |
Fumigant alternatives for the potential replacement of methyl bromide in turfgrass situations |
Unruh, J. B.; Brecke, B. J.; Dusky, J. A.; Godbehere, J. S. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 124. |
62872 |
The race to find an alternative: methyl bromide ban looms ahead | Unruh, J. Bryan; Brecke, Barry J. 1999. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 37(6): p. 16-17. |
62499 |
Temperature and moisture effects on fumigant degradation in soil |
Gan, J.; Papiernik, S. K.; Yates, S. R.; Jury, W. A. 1999. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 28(5): p. 1436-1441. |
62233 |
Using compost to control plant diseases Access Restrictions |
De Ceuster, Tom J. J.; Hoitink, Harry A. J. 1999. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. June. 40(6): p. 61-64. |
60671 |
[Methyl bromide phase-out extended to 2005] | Anonymous. 1999. Golf Course News. February. 11(2): p. 3. |
57318 |
Methyl bromide phaseout pushed back | Anonymous. 1999. Landscape Management. January. 38(1): p. 16. |
57004 |
Bacterial populations and diversity within new USGA putting greens | Elliott, M.; Skipper, H.; Guertal, E. 1998. 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 10-12. |
61816 |
Use of herbicides for weed control during turfgrass establishment |
Boyd, J. W. 1998. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 51: p. 83-84. |
56638 |
Prospects for composts and biocontrol agents as substitutes for methyl bromide in biological control of plant diseases Access Restrictions |
De Ceuster, Tom J. J.; Hoitink, Harry A. J. 1998. Compost Science & Utilization. Summer. 7(3): p. 6-15. |
62325 |
Replacing methyl bromide with compost Access Restrictions |
Ingham, Elaine. 1998. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. December. 39(12): p. 80, 82. |
56581 |
Methyl bromide ban is coming soon: The ban of this effective fumigant will have a huge impact on the turfgrass industry Access Restrictions |
Unruh, J. Bryan. 1998. Golf Course Management. November. 66(11): p. 67-70. |
55811 |
Temperature effect on methyl bromide volatilization: Permeability of plastic cover films |
Wang, Dong; Yates, S. R.; Jury, W. A. 1998. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 27(4): p. 821-827. |
53394 |
Permeability of plastic films to methyl bromide: A comparative laboratory study Access Restrictions |
Gamliel, Abraham; Grinstein, Avi; Beniches, Marina; Katan, Jaacov; Fritcsh, Jerome; Ducom, Patrick. 1998. Pesticide Science. June. 53(2): p. 141-148. |
63934 |
Rapid consumption of low concentrations of methyl bromide by soil bacteria |
Hines, Mark E.; Crill, Patrick M.; Varner, Ruth K.; Talbot, Robert W.; Shorter, Joanne H.; Kolb, Charles E.; Harriss, Robert C. 1998. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. May. 64(5): p. 1864-1870. |
72272 | |
Fumigant phase-out will have big impact |
Kaapro, Jyri. 1998. Turf Craft International. January/February. 58: p. 8. |
54323 |
IPM Alternatives to Methyl Bromide Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
199x. Berkeley, CA: BIRC. 60 pp. | 39797 | |
Turf nematodes: Products now available and/or under research |
Dunn, Robert A. 1997. Florida Turf Digest. November/December. 14(6): p. 16-19. |
70860 |
Influence of field burning and soil treatments on growth of wheat after Kentucky bluegrass, and effect of Rhizoctonia cerealis on bluegrass emergence and growth |
Mazzola, M.; Johnson, T. E.; Cook, R. J. 1997. Plant Pathology. October. 46(5): p. 708-715. |
43420 |
Agriculture, methyl bromide, and the ozone hole: Can we fill the gaps? |
Ristaino, Jean Beagle; Thomas, William. 1997. Plant Disease. September. 81(9): p. 964-977. |
40759 |
Differences exist among non-selective herbicides | Gover, Art. 1997. Grounds Maintenance. September. 32(9): p. 20, 22, 26. |
58639 |
Temperature effect on methyl bromide volatilization in soil fumigation |
Wang, D.; Yates, S. R.; Gan, J. 1997. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 26(4): p. 1072-1079. |
40612 |
Volatilization and distribution of methyl iodide and methyl bromide after subsoil application |
Gan, J.; Yates, S. R.; Ohr, H. D.; Sims, J. J. 1997. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 26(4): p. 1107-1115. |
40613 |
Soil Fumigation Before Planting Turf, Nematology Pointer No. 44 |
Dunn, Robert A. 1997. [Gainesville]: University of Florida. 4 pp. |
58872 |
Dose response of weeds to methyl iodide and methyl bromide Access Restrictions |
Zhang, W. M.; McGiffen, M. E. Jr.; Becker, J. O.; Ohr, H. D.; Sims, J. J.; Kallenbach, R. L. 1997. Weed Research. June. 37(3): p. 181-189. |
40408 |
Desigining a plan towards methyl bromide alternatives |
Riggs, David. 1997. Seed World. February. 135(2): p. 8-9. |
39552 |
Laboratory-scale measurements and simulations of effect of application methods on soil methyl bromide emission |
Gan, J.; Yates, S. R.; Spencer, W. F.; Yates, M. V.; Jury, W. A. 1997. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 26(1): p. 310- 317. |
39597 |
The Methyl Bromide Issue |
Bell, C. H.; Price, N.; Chakrabarti, B., eds. 1996. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons. xii, 400 pp. |
43111 |
Methyl iodide, an ozone-safe alternative to methyl bromide as a soil fumigant |
Ohr, H. D.; Sims, J. J.; Grech, N. M.; Becker, J. O.; McGiffen, M. E. Jr. 1996. Plant Disease. July. 80(7): p. 731-735. |
38019 |
Methyl bromide emissions from a covered field: I. Experimental conditions and degradation in soil |
Yates, S. R.; Gan, J.; Ernst, F. F.; Mutziger, A.; Yates, M. V. 1996. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 25(1): p. 184-192. |
36857 |
Methyl bromide emissions from a covered field: II. Volatilization |
Yates, S. R.; Ernst, R. F.; Gan, J.; Gao, F.; Yates, M. V. 1996. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 25(1): p. 192-202. |
36845 |
Evaluation of Basamid as a replacement for methyl bromide |
Stowell, Larry; Davies, Raymond; Martinez, John; Swanson, Greg. 1995. PTRI Turfgrass Research Report. p. 25-26. |
44574 |
Controlling annual bluegrass seeds in topsoil with a granular soil sterilant | Calhoun, Ronald N.; Branham, Bruce E. 1995. Proceedings of the 65th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 24: p. 63-64. |
37285 |
Methyl bromide: Risks, benefits and current status in pest control |
Ragsdale, Nancy N.; Wheeler, Willis B. 1995. Reviews in Pesticide Toxicology. 3: p. 21-44. |
35177 |
Turf industry must join methyl bromide issue |
Dunn, Bob. 1995. Florida Turf Digest. November/December. 12(6): p. 6. |
70579 |
Pesticide risk, benefit analysis: Evaluating the phase-out of methyl bromide: Since the Clean Air Act and FIFRA have different evaluation criteria, methyl bromide falls into a curious position in the world of pesticide regulation Access Restrictions |
Guillebeau, Paul. 1995. Golf Course Management. October. 63(10): p. 60-64. |
36076 |
Methyl bromide diffusion and emission through soil columns under various management techniques |
Jin, Yan; Jury, William A. 1995. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 24(5): p. 1002-1009. |
35504 |
Aerodynamic measurements of methyl bromide volatilization from tarped and nontarped fields |
Majewski, Michael S.; McChesney, Michael M.; Woodrow, James E.; Prueger, John H.; Seiber, James N. 1995. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 24(4): p. 742-752. |
34720 |
Methyl bromide soil fumigation alters plant element concentrations Access Restrictions |
Ellis, J. R.; Watson, D. M. H.; Varvel, G. E.; Jawson, M. D. 1995. Soil Science Society of America Journal. May/June. 59(3): p. 848-852. |
33792 |
Turf producer sees granular fumigant as alternative to injecting methyl bromide gas Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1995. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 19(2): p. 27, 48. |
60273 |
Compost seen as future replacement for methyl bromide | Anonymous. 1993. Golf Course News. January. 5(1): p. 33. |
48304 |
A weed management overview for Florida golf courses |
McCarty, Lambert B. 1991. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 39: p. 46-89. |
38046 |
Nutsedge (Nutgrass) |
Duble, Richard L. 1990. Texas Turfgrass. Winter. 42(4): p. 25. |
17526 |
Solarization for land preparation |
Patten, Kim. 1990. HortScience. September. 25(9): p. 179. |
20409 |
What's Next for Nematode Control? |
Dunn, Robert A. 1984. Florida Turf-Grass Conference Proceedings. September. 32: p. 85-90. |
11085 |
Renovation of bentgrass greens with fumigation | Bruns, Arnold; Metts, Lewis. 1982. Proceedings of the 20th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 3: p. 46-47. |
30982 |
Annual meadow-grass Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1979. Sports Turf Bulletin. July-September. 126: p. 10-12. |
5768 |
Effects of chloropicrin and steam treatments of peach orchard soil on the growth and mineral content of ryegrass and peach Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
la Massese, C. S.; Juste, C. 1975. Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie d'Agriculture de. 61(17): p. 1096-1107. |
5280 | |
Soil sterilization in relation to turf production and management |
Shildrick, J. P. 1974. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. September. 39(12): p. 1219-1220, 1222, 1225. |
2424 |
A spotting and discoloration condition of dormant bermudagrass | Dale, J. L. 1972. Plant Disease Reporter. April. 56(4): p. 355-357. |
1447 |
Weed control in dichondra Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Elmore, C. L. 1969. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.Progress Report. 204: p. 5. |
3001 | |
Investigations on annual meadow-grass control Access Restrictions |
Escritt, J. R.; Legg, D. C. 1968. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 44: p. 5-18. |
19266 |
The Green Section specifications for a putting green | Ferguson, Marvin H. 1965. USGA Green Section Record. November. 2(4): p. 1-7. |
29901 |
Warm season grass application Access Restrictions |
Nutter, Gene C. 1957. The Golf Course Reporter. Special. 25: p. 42-44. |
70529 |
Soil sterilization practices in turf | Nutter, Gene C. 1957. USGA Journal and Turf Management. June. 10(2): p. 23-30. |
36454 |
Weed seeds in compost destroyed by nitrogenous materials | Anonymous. 1943. Timely Turf Topics. September. p. 4-6. |
36824 |
Soil sterilization: A description of different methods Access Restrictions |
Shorrock, R. W. 1938. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 5(18): p. 201-210. |
50937 |
Treatment of soil by sterilization | DeParlier, M. L. 1930. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. September. 10(9): p. 173-175. |
36550 |
Earthworms, grubs, and rich soil | Anonymous. 1926. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. January 16. 6(1): p. 16. |
43692 |