| |
Publication Type:
| Report |
Author(s): | Voigt, P. W.;
Burson, B. L.;
Young, B. A.;
Tischler, C. R. |
Author Affiliation: | Voigt, Burson, and Young: Research Geneticist; Tischler: Plant Physiologist, USDA-ARS, Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory, Temple, TX |
Title: | Forage grass improvement at the Grassland, Soil, and Water Research Laboratory |
Section: | Research reports Other records with the "Research reports" Section
Meeting Info.: | University Park, Pennsylvania: July 7-8, 1982 |
Source: | Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Grass Breeders Work Planning Conference. 1982, p. 47-48. |
Publishing Information: | Mandan, North Dakota: Northern Great Plains Research Center, USDA, ARS |
# of Pages: | 2 |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Voigt, P. W., B. L. Burson, B. A. Young, and C. R. Tischler. 1982. Forage grass improvement at the Grassland, Soil, and Water Research Laboratory. Proc. N. AM Grass Breeders Conf. p. 47-48. |
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