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Web URL(s): | https://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/its/articles/1974sup24b.pdf Last checked: 03/15/2016 Requires: PDF Reader |
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Publication Type:
| Report |
Content Type: | Abstract or summary only |
Author(s): | Gould, C. J.;
Goss, R. L. |
Author Affiliation: | Western Washington Research and Extension Center, Washington State University |
Title: | Comparison of light-frequent vs. heavy-infrequent applications of fungicides for turfgrass disease control |
Section: | Diseases Other records with the "Diseases" Section
Meeting Info.: | Blacksburg, Virginia: June 19-21, 1973 |
Source: | Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1973, p. 24-25. |
Publishing Information: | Blacksburg, Virginia: [International Turfgrass Society] |
# of Pages: | 2 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Agrostis tenuis; Anilazine; Application frequency; Benomyl; Benzimidazoles; Chlorothalonil; Fungicide evaluation; Fusarium; Mancozeb; Thiophanate-methyl
Cultivar Names: | Highland |
Trade Names: | Fore; Daconil; Dyrene |
Abstract/Contents: | "Several good fungicides are now available for control of most major diseases of turfgrass. Unfortunately, at the usual rates, most of these must be applied at 7 to 14 day intervals for satisfactory control during severe disease outbreaks. Such frequent applications not only require considerable labor, but schedules cannot always be adhered to because of bad weather, illness, tournaments, etc. In our spraying tests since 1967, the new systemic benzimidazoles appeared to provide prolonged protection after repeated applications. Therefore, we applied benzimidazole and other fungicides in single heavy doses compared to the usual repeated fashion, starting 23 September 1971. Twelve repeated applications were made on Highland bentgrass at approximately three-week intervals, in 37.9 liters of water per 92.9 m2. Two severe attacks of Fusarium occurred, in October 1971, and in February 1972, following repeated snowstorms. Excellent control was obtained during both epidemics from benomyl (50% W.P.) applied once at 226.8 grams and at 453.6 grams per 92.9 m2 on 23 September and also with repeated applications of this product in spray (56.7 grams) or dry (28.4 grams) applications. Methyl thiophanate anplied once at 170 grams (50% W.P.) also gave reasonably good prolonged protection. Single heavy applications of Fore, Daconil, and Dyrene were much less effective. Although benomyl controlled Fusarium Patch, the quality of the grass treated with it was inferior to that treated repeatedly with Fore. An alternating program (Tersan 1991 at 56.7 grams and Fore at 226.8 grams produced the best all-round turf. Therefore, we are now testing occasional heavy applications of benzimidazoles, alternating with Fore. This procedure should: provide turf managers with much greater flexibility in their operating schedules, reduce costs by saving on labor and perhaps on materials, and particularly provide much better disease control because of the greater latitutde in timing of treatments." |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | This item is an abstract only! |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Gould, C. J., and R. L. Goss. 1973. Comparison of light-frequent vs. heavy-infrequent applications of fungicides for turfgrass disease control. Int. Turfgrass Soc. Annexe - Tech. Pap. p. 24-25. |
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| Web URL(s): https://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/its/articles/1974sup24b.pdf Last checked: 03/15/2016 Requires: PDF Reader |
| MSU catalog number: b2173100 |
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