| |
Publication Type:
| Professional |
Author(s): | Ervin, Erik H.;
Zhang, X. |
Author Affiliation: | Turfgrass Physiology, Department of Crop Soil and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech |
Title: | Effect of Primo on cytokinin and carbohydrate status of bentgrass, bluegrass, and bermudagrass |
Section: | Additional research summaries Other records with the "Additional research summaries" Section
Source: | Virginia Turfgrass Journal. January/February 2005, p. 40. |
Publishing Information: | Winter Haven, FL: Harvest Publishing Company |
# of Pages: | 1 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Application timing; Agrostis; Poa; Cynodon; Carbohydrate reserves; Tiller density; Color retention; Herbicide profile
Trade Names: | Primo |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
See Also: | Other items relating to: Biostimulants |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Ervin, E. H., and X. Zhang. 2005. Effect of Primo on cytokinin and carbohydrate status of bentgrass, bluegrass, and bermudagrass. VA Turfgrass J. p. 40. |
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| Choices for finding the above item: |
| MSU catalog number: SB 433.16 .V8 V57 |
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