Full TGIF Record # 101538
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Tutin, T. G.
Author Affiliation:University of Leicester
Title:A contribution to the experimental taxonomy of Poa annua L.
Section:Part 1
Other records with the "Part 1" Section
Source:Watsonia. Vol. 4, August 1957, p. 1-10.
Publishing Information:Arbroath Scot.
# of Pages:14
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Poa annua; Taxonomy; Cultivar variation; Micromorphological features; Pollen germination; Growth rate; Life cycle; Anthesis; Tetraploidy; Triploids; Poa supina; Poa infirma; Self-pollination; Turfgrass profile; Morphology
See Also:See also interpretive summary "Going back: Poa version" Golf Course Management, 85(2) February 2017, p. 86, R=281046. R=281046
Note:Pictures, b/w
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Tutin, T. G. 1957. A contribution to the experimental taxonomy of Poa annua L.. Watsonia. 4:p. 1-10.
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