Full TGIF Record # 106837
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    Last checked: 06/04/2012
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Willnerd, Sarah
Author Affiliation:Writer, Swanson Russell Associates, Lincoln, Neb.
Title:Building a better green: USGA's changes to 'Recommendations for a Method of Putting Green Construction' make agronomic, economic sense
Source:Golfdom. Vol. 61, No. 8, August 2005, p. 86, 88, 90.
Publishing Information:Cleveland, OH: Advanstar Communications
# of Pages:3
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Cost efficiency; Environmental stewardship; Golf industry trends; History; Maintenance guidelines; USGA recommendations
See Also:See also related article "Specifications for a method of putting green construction" USGA Journal and Turf Management, 13(5) September 1960, p. 24-28, R=18443. R=18443

See also related article "USGA recommendations for a method of putting green construction" USGA World Wide Web Site, 2004, p. [1-12], R=94463. R=94463
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Willnerd, S. 2005. Building a better green: USGA's changes to 'Recommendations for a Method of Putting Green Construction' make agronomic, economic sense. Golfdom. 61(8):p. 86, 88, 90.
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