Full TGIF Record # 108115
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Author(s):Hall, M. H.; Gaudreau, J. E.; White, R. H.; Menn, W. G.
Author Affiliation:Hall: Research Associate, Turfgrass Physiology; Gaudreau: (Former) Graduate Student & Res. Techinican II, Turfgrass Management; White: Turfgrass Physiologist; Menn: Lecturer, Turfgrass Science, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A&M University, Texas
Title:St. Augustinegrass cultivar study - 1998
Article Series:Turf-99-1 - Turf-99-12
Section:Cultivar development
Other records with the "Cultivar development" Section
Source:Texas Turfgrass Research - 1999. December 1999, p. [1-6].
Publishing Information:College Station, TX: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
# of Pages:6
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Stenotaphrum secundatum; Cultivars; Genotypes; Disease resistance; Brown patch; Gray leaf spot; Variety trials; Winterkill; Visual evaluation; Spring green-up; Turfgrass quality; Density
Abstract/Contents:"Twenty seven St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum [Walter] Kuntze) cultivars were planted in College Station, Texas on 15 August, 1996. No plots sustained extensive damage from cold weather in 1998, but Floratam suffered more winterkill than S 6-89 175, Winchester, MM 203, or S 80-47. There were no statistical differences between any genotypes in rate of spring greenup in 1998. For the year, NCSA 21, TX 8208, Floratam, S 6-89-194, S 6-89-174, and S 6-89-196 were rated lower in quality than the rest of the genotypes. S 6-89-156, S 6-89-194, CSR, S 89-14, S 6-89-175, S 6-89-174, FX 10, MM 1, and S 6-89-70 were rated in the top statistical group for turf density on all 3 rating dates and overall. The plots were rated for resistance to brownpatch (Rhizoctonia solani) and gray leaf spot (Pyricularia grisea) in late September. Ratings for most genotypes were statisticaly similar, except that Floratam sustained more damage from brownpatch than S 89-6-196, MM 203, TX 8208, Levi, S 89-6-174, and CSR. There were no significant differences between genotypes in gray leaf spot incidence in 1998."
See Also:Other items relating to: WINKIL

Other items relating to: Winterkill
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Hall, M. H., J. E. Gaudreau, R. H. White, and W. G. Menn. 1999. St. Augustinegrass cultivar study - 1998. Tex Turfgrass Res. p. [1-6].
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