Full TGIF Record # 112811
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Author(s):Boškovič, Petar
Monograph Title:Fudbalski tereni, 1984.
Translated Monographic Title:Football Grounds - Their Construction and Standards of Maintenance
Publishing Information:Belgrad, Yugoslavia: Yugoslav Federation of Physical Culture
# of Pages:80
Collation:80 pp.
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Construction; Establishment; Cultivation; Soccer fields
Geographic Terms:Yugoslavia
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Turf management -- Yugoslavia; Soccer fields -- Yugoslavia -- Design and construction; Soccer fields -- Yugoslavia -- Maintenance and repair; Soccer fields -- Design and construction; Soccer fields -- Maintenance and repair; Turf management
Note:"Printed in 500 copies"
Pictures, b/w
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"A small book on the construction, establishment, and culture of turfgrasses for soccer fields in Yugoslavia. The main focus is on site selection, design, drainage, and construction. The printing totaled 500 copies. Originally published under the title Fudbalski Tereni in the Yugoslav language." p. 180
Beard Section Heading:Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Boškovič, Petar. 1984. Fudbalski tereni. 80 pp. Belgrad, Yugoslavia: Yugoslav Federation of Physical Culture.
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