Full TGIF Record # 115874
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Author(s):Brewer, James D.; Anderson, Charlene
Monograph Title:Turf Management Handbook for Professional and Homeowner Use, 1999.
Publishing Information:Floydada, Texas: Soil, The Specialty/and
# of Pages:228
Collation:ii, 226 pp.
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Turf; Weeds; Grasses
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Up Front Information for Athletic Fields; Soil Analysis; Fertilizers & Recommendations; Soil Amendments; Soils in General; Pre-Emergence Weed Control; Post-Emergence Weed Control; Insect Control; Fungus Control; Fungus Identification; Vegetation Control; Athletic Pictures; Weed & Grass Identification; Turfgrass Varieties; Irrigation, Aeration & Mowing; Lawn & Garden Section; and [Dedication].
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Turf management; Weeds -- Identification; Grasses -- Identification; Pelouses -- Entretien; Grasses; Weeds; Turf management -- Handbook; Soil -- Weed control -- Insect control -- Fungus control; Lawns and gardens -- Fertilizer -- Irrigation
Note:Spine title: Turf Management Handbook
Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Brewer, James D. 1999. Turf Management Handbook for Professional and Homeowner Use. ii, 226 pp. Floydada, Texas: Soil, The Specialty/and.
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