Full TGIF Record # 119421
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Web URL(s):https://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/groot/article/2006nov5.pdf
    Last checked: 05/28/2009
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Stier, John
Author Affiliation:Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title:A great summer for crabgrass
Column Name:Gazing in the grass
Other records with the "Gazing in the grass" Column
Source:The Grass Roots. Vol. 35, No. 6, November/December 2006, p. 5-7.
Publishing Information:Madison, WI: Wisconsin Golf Course Superintendents Association.
# of Pages:3
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Digitaria; Summer maintenance; Weed control; Herbicide application; Preemergence herbicides; Crabgrass control; Preemergence weed control; Temperatures
Abstract/Contents:Discusses possible causes for increased crabgrass growth during the summer of 2006. States that "crabgrass is a warm-season grass and grows best when air temperatures are greater than 75° F [Farenheit]. Being a warm-season grass it is remarkably efficient at photosynthesis during high temperatures...Crabgrass also has lower water requirements than cool-season grasses which allow it to grow and stay green long after...cool-season grasses have become dormant." Also discusses herbicide efficacy issues, stating that "in some cases crabgrass developed in areas that had even been treated with a pre-emergent herbicide." Describes how herbicides affect crabgrasses and states that "most pre-emergent crabgrass products need to be irrigated into the soil before they are effective." Cites "drought in the northern part of [Wisconsin]...[and] in the southern part of Wisconsin frequent and intense rainfall combined with high temperatures" as possible causes of increased crabgrass growth." Concludes that "maintaining good turf density by using the best cultivar or species along with proper mowing, fertility, irrigation and cultivation will also go a long way towards preventing crabgrass infestations."
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Stier, J. 2006. A great summer for crabgrass. Grass Roots. 35(6):p. 5-7.
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