Full TGIF Record # 120051
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Q & A
Corporate Author(s):USGA Green Section
Title:Air circulation reduces severity of brownpatch
Section:Our letter box
Other records with the "Our letter box" Section
Source:Turf Culture [II]. Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1941, p. 188-189.
Publishing Information:Washington, DC: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:2
Question:"We have been having trouble with brownpatch on our greens each summer in a wooded section of the course. The mercury treatments seem to be less effective there than on the other greens. I should appreciate your suggestions for improving this situation."
Source of Question:Maryland
Answer/Response:"If the greens which are difficult to maintain during the summer months are partly surrounded by large trees, the lowhanging branches may be cutting off the free circulation of air. It has been demonstrated that adequate circulation of air reduces the severity of attacks of brownpatch and other turf ailments. If some of the lower branches could be removed in such a way as to open air channels and permit the wind to blow across the greens, we feel sure that you would have less difficulty in maintaining the turf during the hot sultry periods each summer. Such openings need not detract from the landscaping effect of the trees and would be an advantage from the standopint of playing conditions as well as of the maintenance of nearby turf."
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Air movement; Control methods; Disease control; Mercury (Elemental); Recommendations; Rhizoctonia blight
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
USGA Green Section. 1941. Air circulation reduces severity of brownpatch. Turf Culture [II]. 2(3):p. 188-189.
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