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Web URL(s): | https://gsrpdf.lib.msu.edu/?file=/1940s/1941/4103188.pdf#page=2 Last checked: 01/24/2017 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file |
Publication Type:
| Professional |
Content Type: | Q & A |
Corporate Author(s): | USGA Green Section |
Title: | Avoid excessive use of fertilizers |
Section: | Our letter box Other records with the "Our letter box" Section
Source: | Turf Culture [II]. Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1941, p. 189-190. |
Publishing Information: | Washington, DC: United States Golf Association, Green Section |
# of Pages: | 2 |
Question: | "Playing our course one week day in the spring I was so delighted with the freshness and color of our greens that I invited the Chairman of the Green Committee of a nearby club to be my guest over the weekend. On our arrival at the course, however, I found the greens lifeless and almost a slate gray and learned that the greens had been topdressed the day after I had played. Subsequently I noticed that the same thing occurred after each topdressing. Later, in August of the same year, when extremely high temperatures and moisture alternated for several weeks, nearly half of our greens had brown, dead spots (not brownpatch although it was a complication) averaging from 5 to 10 percent of the entire surface. Our fertilizing program for the last several years has been as follows. The first topdressing has been compost reinforced with a liberal quantity of cottonseed meal. Thereafter we have topdressed once a month with compost to which has been added a complete organic fertilizer, 6-8-5, with a tobacco stem base, using 8 to 10 pounds to 1,000 square feet. It has been my feeling that our applications of fertilizer have been excessive, and that consequently the turf has become tender and lacking in resistance. I should appreciate having of your opinions and recommendations on this question of the fertilizing and topdressing of our greens." |
Source of Question: | Pennsylvania |
Answer/Response: | "If your topdressing is a good quality and high fertility and is applied liberally you no doubt are using entirely too much fertilizer. In figuring fertilizer rates, greenkeepers often overlook the amount of nutrients applied in compost. In recent years there has been a tendency to do less and less topdressing, and applications of fertilizers have been increased to compensate for the reduced amounts of nutrients applied in compost. The rates which you have mentioned would be entirely satisfactory on a poor soil, but if your program has been continued over a number of years you no doubt have built up a fairly rich soil which should not require so much fertilizer as you are applying. We regularly advise that the fertilizer be applied much more sparingly during the summer months than in spring or fall." |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Composts; Fertilization program; Fertilization rates; Golf green maintenance; Nutrient management; Recommendations; Topdressing program
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): USGA Green Section. 1941. Avoid excessive use of fertilizers. Turf Culture [II]. 2(3):p. 189-190. |
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| Web URL(s): https://gsrpdf.lib.msu.edu/?file=/1940s/1941/4103188.pdf#page=2 Last checked: 01/24/2017 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file |
| MSU catalog number: SB 433.25 .C66 |
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