Full TGIF Record # 120101
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Q & A
Corporate Author(s):USGA Green Section
Title:Bagasse cinder in topdressing
Section:Our letter box
Other records with the "Our letter box" Section
Source:Turf Culture [II]. Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1939, p. 90-91.
Publishing Information:Washington, DC: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:2
Question:"At a 9-hole golf course here they use ground bagasse cinder for topdressing greens, particularly during the rainy season. The cinder results from the burning of cane refuse (bagasse) in the sugar mills. It is cheap and plentiful. They have Bermuda grass greens and only a few players. However, the cinders seem to have given them good results over several years. I am sending you a sample and should appreciate your comment on it as a material for topdressing. Might it be substituted in part for the peat which we lack?"
Source of Question:Cuba
Answer/Response:"From the standpoint of soil improvement, this material should be entirely satisfactory as a substitute for part of the sand and humus. There is a danger that there may be too much soluble salt in bagasse cinder to warrant repeated large-scale use. However, tests of your sample show that it has been effectively leached of practically all such harmful material. Therefore, we think you can use this material safely as the heavy rains in your section will undoubtedly take care of any excess of soluble salt. It might be well to set aside a pile somewhere to leach for at least one rainy season before it is used on your turf. The small pieces of charcoal in the bagasse cinder should be effective in improving your soil texture, and we think you could safely use it to the extent of at least one-third of the compost mixture."
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Fertilizer recommendations; Sisal bagasse; Salinity; Topdressings
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
USGA Green Section. 1939. Bagasse cinder in topdressing. Turf Culture [II]. 1(1):p. 90-91.
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