Full TGIF Record # 120358
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Q & A
Corporate Author(s):USGA Green Section
Title:Reseeding the lawn
Section:Our letter box
Other records with the "Our letter box" Section
Source:Turf Culture [II]. Vol. 2, No. 4, March 1942, p. 259-260.
Publishing Information:Washington, DC: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:2
Question:"What grass can I seed in spring on a lawn that had a good cover of crabgrass in 1940?"
Source of Question:Maryland
Answer/Response:"Where crabgrass has been abundant there is little use in seeding a permanent lawn grass in spring. The crabgrass will smother the Kentucky bluegrass during the summer. Better wait until fall to reseed. Meanwhile, Italian ryegrass can be seeded to make the lawn look green until the crabgrass starts growth. Sow about 5 to 15 pounds to 1,000 square feet."
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Digitaria; Recommendations; Seeding
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
USGA Green Section. 1942. Reseeding the lawn. Turf Culture [II]. 2(4):p. 259-260.
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