Full TGIF Record # 120400
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Q & A
Corporate Author(s):USGA Green Section
Title:Earthworm control in lawns
Section:Our letter box
Other records with the "Our letter box" Section
Source:Turf Culture [II]. Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1939, p. 92-93.
Publishing Information:Washington, DC: United States Golf Association, Green Section
# of Pages:2
Question:"We have several lawns which are badly infested with earthworms. These Bermuda grass lawns are now almost dormant, and we shall not put in winter ryegrass until about the first of November. Therefore it seems as though there should be little danger of burning by using chemicals during this season. Will you please recommend the best and most economical measures to rid the grass of these pests?"
Source of Question:Georgia
Answer/Response:"You no doubt would find that arsenate of lead would be the most effective chemical to use for the control of earthworms under your conditions. It should serve also to protect the sod against certain insects, including white grubs and mole crickets. For ordinary purposes we recommend 5 pounds of arsenate of lead to 1,000 square feet for the first application. On sandy soils the 3-pound rate is often sufficient, but on heavier soils it is sometimes necessary to increase the dosage to 10 or even 15 pounds before an effective control of earthworms is accomplished. We suggest, therefore, that you try using it on your lawns at the rate of 3 to 5 pounds to 1,000 square feet. If this is not sufficient you can repeat the dosage. However, you should allow at least two or three weeks for the arsenate of lead to control the worms before making the second treatment. Frequently the earthworms do not appear to be affected by the lighter applications for several days after the treatment."
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Application rates; Earthworm control; Lawn turf; Lead arsenate; Recommendations
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
USGA Green Section. 1939. Earthworm control in lawns. Turf Culture [II]. 1(1):p. 92-93.
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