Full TGIF Record # 130244
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Booklet
Monographic Author(s):Farlie, Walter Edwin
Monograph Title:The Old Golf Course of St. Andrews: Plans with Names of Holes and Bunkers, 1920.
Publishing Information:St. Andrews, Scotland: W.C. Henderson
# of Pages:20
Collation:20 pp.
Keywords:TIC Keywords: History; Bunkers; Course profile; Golf course design; Golf holes
Facility Names:The Old Course at St. Andrews, in St. Andrews, Scotland
Geographic Terms:Scotland
Note:Author indicated as "W. E. F."
"June, 1920"
back of each page is blank.
Quotable quotes"I have, however, abstained from using the very old names of the Holes, as some of them, owing to altered conditions, would appear to have little meaning, and might only be misleading;..." p. [1]
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Farlie, Walter Edwin. 1920. The Old Golf Course of St. Andrews: Plans with Names of Holes and Bunkers. 20 pp. St. Andrews, Scotland: W.C. Henderson.
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