Full TGIF Record # 137021
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Publication Type:
Author(s):McElroy, J. S.; Lewis, D. F.
Author Affiliation:McElroy: Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama; Lewis: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
Title:Control of troublesome weeds with herbicides during seeded 'Zenith' zoysiagrass establishment
Section:Volunteer presentations
Other records with the "Volunteer presentations" Section
Meeting Info.:19-20 May 2008: Pisa Italy
Source:1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1, May 2008, p. 127-128.
Publishing Information:Pisa, Italy: European Turfgrass Society
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Weed control; Herbicides; Zoysia japonica; Establishment; Eleusine indica; Digitaria ischaemum; Siduron; Fluazifop; Fenoxaprop-ethyl; Triclopyr; Application rates; Application timing; Herbicide trials
Cultivar Names:Zenith
Abstract/Contents:Presents a study conducted "to evaluate the use of siduron, fluazifop, fenoxaprop, and triclopry for weed control...research focused on these select herbicides because of their benefit for grass weed control (siduron, fluazifop, and fenoxaprop), broadleaf weed control (triclopyr), and the potential safening benefit of triclopyr when applied with fluazifop and fenoxaprop." Details methods and materials used in the study, stating that "herbicide treatments were applied at two application timing schemes, 2 weeks after emergence (WAE) single applications or 2 and 6 WAE sequential applications. All herbicides were applied at a single rate." Reports that "regardless of postemergence treatment, siduron applied at zoysiagras seeding improved zoysiagrass turfgrass coverage, and reduced Digitaria ischaemum coverage greater compared to no siduron application. By simply applying siduron at seeding combined with no postemergence treatment, zoysiagrass attained 61% coverage compared to 10% when no siduron was applied." Concludes that "siduron is an effective treatment for Digitaria control when applied at zoysiagrass seeding. If siduron cannot be applied at seeding, sequential applications of fenoxaprop plus triclopry at 2 and 6 WAE will effectively control Digitaria ischaemum and Eleusine indica with minimal zoysiagrass injury and turfgrass coverage reduction."
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
McElroy, J. S., and D. F. Lewis. 2008. Control of troublesome weeds with herbicides during seeded 'Zenith' zoysiagrass establishment. Eur. Turfgrass Soc. Conf. Proc. 1:p. 127-128.
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