Full TGIF Record # 137037
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Author(s):Pompeiano, A.; Volterrani, M.; Lulli, F.; Grossi, N.; Magni, S.
Author Affiliation:Centre for Research on Turfgrass for Environment and Sports, University of Pisa, Italy
Title:Zoysiagrass stolon activity during establishment
Section:Volunteer presentations
Other records with the "Volunteer presentations" Section
Meeting Info.:19-20 May 2008: Pisa Italy
Source:1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1, May 2008, p. 149-150.
Publishing Information:Pisa, Italy: European Turfgrass Society
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Zoysia; Stolons; Establishment rate; Soil temperature; Cultivar evaluation; Pot culture
Abstract/Contents:Presents a study conducted to "determine differences in establishment rate of ten cultivars of Zoysia spp. established from single potted plants and to examine the correlation between their stolon growth rate and temperature at soil surface." Details methods and materials used in the study and lists Zoysia species used in the study, including "5 cultivars of Zoysia japonica Steud. (Zj) ('De Anza', 'El Toro', 'Meyer', 'Victoria' and 'Zenith')"; "2 cultivars of Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. (Zm) ('DALZ 0101' and 'Zeon')"; "Zoysia tenuifolia Willd. Ex. Thiele (Zt)"; and "2 interspecific hybrids of Zoysia japonica x Z. pacifica Goudsw. (Zjxp) ('Emerald' and 'HT 210')." Reports that "the highest stolon density was achieved by 'De Anza' and 'Zeon' (21.0 and 22.8 m [meters] m-2 [per square meter] respectively), while lowest stolon density was found for Z. tenuifolia (4.5 m m-2)." Concludes that "for the tested zoysiagrass cultivars, ground cover seemed to be more influenced by stolon number than by stolon length and total stolon length per unit area was more cultivar-specific than species-specific."
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Pompeiano, A., M. Volterrani, F. Lulli, and N. Grossi. 2008. Zoysiagrass stolon activity during establishment. Eur. Turfgrass Soc. Conf. Proc. 1:p. 149-150.
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