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Publication Type:
| Refereed |
Author(s): | Spring, C. A.;
Baker, S. W. |
Author Affiliation: | Sports Turf Research Institute, Bingley, United Kingdom |
Title: | Evaluation of a new form of fibresand reinforcement for winter games pitches |
Section: | Volunteer presentations Other records with the "Volunteer presentations" Section
Meeting Info.: | 19-20 May 2008: Pisa Italy |
Source: | 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1, May 2008, p. 175-176. |
Publishing Information: | Pisa, Italy: European Turfgrass Society |
# of Pages: | 2 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Evaluations; Protective covers; Winter pitches; Thatch; Root zone; Surface hardness; Traction; Playability; Soccer fields
Abstract/Contents: | Presents a study conducted to "evaluate the inclusion of elastic polyurethane as well as polypropylene fibres [fibers], particularly in relation to hardness and traction properties of turf." Details methods and materials used in the study, stating that "the field trial was conducted on the STRI [Sports Turf Research Institute] experimental ground at Bingley, UK [United Kingdom]. The trial area was constructed during April 2005 on an existing sand carpet construction over slit drains with the upper 100 mm [millimeters] modified with four fibre reinforcement treatments. The first was a control where no fibres were added, whilst the second was the standard fibresand product with polypropylene fibres amended at a rate of 0.3% by weight. The third and fourth treatments comprised the standard fibresand (0.3% polypropylene fibres), which in addition had been amended with either 2% or 4% (by weight) of elastic polypropylene fibres." Reports that "between August and December 2005 grass cover over the trial averaged 80% which decreased to 55% due to winter wear." Concludes that "based on the results of the study, there are a number of advantages to using the combination of polypropylene and polyurethane fibres as a reinforcement system for natural turf pitches." |
ISBN-13: | 9788890207648 |
Language: | English |
References: | 5 |
Note: | Graphs |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Spring, C. A., and S. W. Baker. 2008. Evaluation of a new form of fibresand reinforcement for winter games pitches. Eur. Turfgrass Soc. Conf. Proc. 1:p. 175-176. |
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