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Web URL(s): | https://web.archive.org/web/20160211221923/http://www2.turffiles.ncsu.edu/PDFFiles/004041/Turfgrass_Pest_Management_Manual_A_Guide_to_Major_Turfgrass_Pests_and_Turfgrasses.pdf Last checked: 10/25/2019 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a single large file http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/ref/collection/p16062coll9/id/375667 Last checked: 10/25/2019 Requires: PDF Reader Notes: Item is within a si ngle large file |
Publication Type:
| Professional |
Material Type: | Chapter |
Author(s): | Yelverton, Fred H.;
Robinson, Bridget L.;
Bruneau, Arthur H.;
Warren, Leon S.;
Wilkerson, Gail G.;
Reynolds, Casey;
Gannon, Travis |
Author Affiliation: | Yelverton: Professor & Extension Specialist, Crop Science, and Co-Director, Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research & Education; Robinson: Research Assistant, Crop Science; Bruneau: Professor & Extension Specialist, Crop Science; Warren: Research Associate, Crop Science; Reynolds: Research Associate, Crop Science; Gannon: Research Associate, Crop Science; and Wilkerson: Professor, Crop Science |
Title: | Turf & weed descriptions |
Volume Editors: | Bruneau, Arthur H., Wilkerson, Gail G., Robinson, Bridget L., and Erickson, Emily J. |
Monographic Source: | Turfgrass Pest Management Manual: A Guide to Major Turfgrass Pests & Turfgrasses, 2006, p. 15-69. |
Publishing Information: | Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, North Carolina State University |
Edition: | Revised |
# of Pages: | 55 |
Series: | North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service AG-348 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Weeds; Cyperaceae; Broadleaf weeds; Mosses; Identification keys
Abstract/Contents: | Includes: Turf & Weedy Grasses (Weed Management Practices; General Descriptions and Control Practices (Weeds; Summer Annuals; Winter Annuals; Perennials; and Turfgrasses as Perennial Weedy Grasses); Bahiagrass; Barnyardgrass; Bentgrass, Creeping; Bermudagrass; Bluegrass, Annual; Bluegrass, Kentucky; Bluegrass, Rough; Broomsedge; Buffalograss; Carpetgrass; Centipedegrass; Crabgrass; Crabgrass, Large; Crabgrass, Smooth; Crowfootgrass; Dallisgrass; Fescue, Fine; Fescue, Tall; Foxtail, Green; Foxtail, Yellow; Goosegrass; Johnsongrass; Nimblewill; Orchardgrass; Paspalum, Thin (Bull); Ryegrass, Annual (Italian); Ryegrass, Perennial; Sandbur; St.Augustinegrass; Velvetgrass; and Zoysiagrass); Sedges (Weed Management Practices; General Descriptions and Control Practices (Weeds; Summer Annual Sedge Weeds; and Perennial Sedge Weeds (Kyllinga, Green & False Green; Nutsedge, Purple; Nutsedge, Yellow; Sedge, Annual; Sedge, Cylindric; and Sedge, Globe))); Broadleaf Weeds (Weed Management Practices; General Descriptions and Control Practices (Weeds (Winter Annual Broadleaf Weeds (Weed Management Practices); Summer Annual Broadleaf Weeds (Weed Management Practices); Biennial Broadleaf Weeds (Weed Management Practices); Perennial Broadleaf Weeds (Weed Management Practices); (Betony, Florida; Bittercress, Hairy; Blackberry; Burrweed, Lawn (Spurweed); Buttercup, Bulbous; Buttercup, Hairy; Buttercup, Smallflower; Buttonweed, Virginia; Carpetweed; Chickweed, Common; Chickweed, Mouseear; Clover, Large Hop; Clover, Small Hop; Clover, White; Cudweed; Dandelion, Carolina False; Dandelion, Cat's Ear; Dandelion, Common; Deadnettle, Purple; Dichondra; Dock, Curly; Dollarweed (Pennywort); Garlic, Wild; Geranium, Carolina; Greenbriar, Roundleaf; Henbit; Ivy, Ground; Knawel; Knotweed, Prostrate; Lespedeza, Common; Lespedeza, Sericea; Lettuce, Prickly; Mugwort; Pansy, Field (Johnnyjumpup Violet); Parsley-piert; Plantain, Blackseed; Plantain, Broadleaf; Plantain, Buckhorn; Ragweed, Common; Sorrel, Red; Sowthistle, Spiny; Speedwell, Corn; Speedwell, Ivyleaf; Speedwell, Persian (Veronica); Spurge, Spotted (Prostrate); Strawberry, Indian Mock; Toadflax, Oldfield; Vetch, Common; Vetch, Hairy; Violet, Wild; and Woodsorrel, Yellow (Oxalis)); Mosses). |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | "Pictures by Bridget Robinson, Jodie Moffitt, and Leon Warren" Pictures, color Tables |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Yelverton, F. H., B. L. Robinson, A. H. Bruneau, L. S. Warren, G. G. Wilkerson, C. Reynolds, et al. 2006. Turf & weed descriptions. In Bruneau, Arthur H., Wilkerson, Gail G., Robinson, Bridget L., and Erickson, Emily J. (eds.) Turfgrass Pest Management Manual: A Guide to Major Turfgrass Pests & Turfgrasses. Revised ed. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, North Carolina State University. |
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