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Web URL(s):https://issuu.com/leadingedgepubs/docs/va-turfgrass-2010-may-june/24
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Author(s):Cutulle, Matthew; Derr, Jeffrey E.; Nichols, Adam E.; Horvath, Brandon
Author Affiliation:Cutulle: Graduate Research Assistant; Derr: Professor of Weed Science; Nichols: Research Assistant, Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech; Horvath: Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee
Title:Interaction of mowing height, fertilization and preemergence herbicide application on bermudagrass encroachment and brown patch in tall fescue
Section:Additional research summaries
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Source:Virginia Turfgrass Journal. May/June 2010, p. 24.
Publishing Information:Winter Haven, FL: Harvest Publishing Company
# of Pages:1
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Cutulle, M., J. E. Derr, A. E. Nichols, and B. Horvath. 2010. Interaction of mowing height, fertilization and preemergence herbicide application on bermudagrass encroachment and brown patch in tall fescue. VA Turfgrass J. p. 24.
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