Full TGIF Record # 171552
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    Last checked: 12/23/2010
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Hermann, Jim
Author Affiliation:Total Control Inc. and Director, SFMANJ Board
Title:Selection of topdressing materials
Column Name:Give it what it needs
Other records with the "Give it what it needs" Column
Source:Update [New Jersey]. Vol. 2, No. 11, July/August 2002, p. 5-8.
Publishing Information:Pennsville, NJ: Sports Field Managers Association of New Jersey
# of Pages:4
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Athletic fields; Movement in soil; Coring; Cultivation timing; Drainage improvement; Organic matter; Soil improvement; Soil texture; Topdressings
Abstract/Contents:Focuses on factors that determine topdressing materials for use on athletic fields. Discusses the physical properties of soil, mentioning that there are 12 types of soil textures. Explains how soil textures influence water movement through the soil profile, noting that "water will move from a coarser textured soil to a finer textured soil more readily than the other way around." Suggests methods for increasing drainage through root zone modifications. Mentions the potential benefits of applying organic matter to soils, emphasizing the importance of a quality material. Reports on cultivation practices, including core aerification, that can improve soil properties. Adds that "the most economical means of topdressing a field is through core aerification," and provides tips on efficiently cultivating soil prior to topdressing applications.
Note:Reprint appears in Update, 6(5) September/October 2006, p. 17-18
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Hermann, J. 2002. Selection of topdressing materials. Update [New Jersey]. 2(11):p. 5-8.
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