Full TGIF Record # 171871
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Booklet
Monographic Author(s):Dicklow, M. Bess; Ebdon, Scott; Jung, Geunhwa; Lanier, Jason; Owen, Mary C.; Prostak, Randall; Vittum, Patricia; Wick, Robert
Author Affiliation:Dicklow: Extension Plant Pathologist; Ebdon: Turf Agronomist; Jung: Turf Pathologist; Lanier: Extension Turf Technician; Owen: Extension Turf Specialist & Program Coordinator; Prostak: Extension Weed Specialist; Vittum: Turf Entomologist; and Wick: Turf Pathologist
Monograph Title:Professional Guide for IPM in Turf for Massachusetts 2010-2011, 2010.
Volume Editors:Owen, Mary C. and Lanier, Jason
Publishing Information:Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension
# of Pages:103
Collation:v, 98 pp.
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Introduction (Important Notes About Pesticides Referenced in this Guide; and Read and Follow the Pesticide Label); Integrated Pest Management for Turf (Assess Site Conditions and History; Determine Client or Customer Expectations; Determine Response Thresholds; Establish a Monitoring (Scouting) Program; Identify the Pest/Problem; Implement a Management Decision; Keep Accurate Records; and Communicate); Massachusetts Water Issues: Conservation and Quality (Benefits and Misconceptions of Turf and Water Conservation; and Turfgrass Water Conservation Checklists (Checklist for Cultural Management Practices (Follow the One-Third Rule when Scheduling Mowing Events; Maintain Sharp Mower Blades; Raise the Height of Cut (HOC) as Summer Progresses; Apply Fertilizer Nitrogen at Minimal Levels Timed to Specific Needs of Turfgrass; Potassium Must be Applied in Balance with N; Alleviate Root-Related Stresses; Select Turfgrasses that have Scientifically Documented Low Water Requirements; and Eliminate Competition for Plant Available Soil Water); and Checklist for Irrigation Practices and Design (Plan Irrigation Scheduling Based on ET; Know Your Soil Type; Eliminate Waste; Water Deeply and Infrequently; and Identify "Hot Spots"))); Turfgrass Species and Cultivars (How to Use this Section; and Soil Tests); Disease Management (Cultural Practices that Reduce Turf Diseases (Starting Right; and Routine Care (Fertilizers; Herbicides; Liming; Mowing; Watering; Thatch; and Compaction)); Monitoring for Turf Diseases; How to Use this Key (Section I. Cold Weather (32-45° F) Diseases and Disorders; Section II. Cool-to-Warm (45-75° F) Diseases; Section III. Hot Weather (Over 75° F) Diseases; and Section IV. Other Causes of Poor Turf Usually Independent of Temperature); Cultural Management of Turf Diseases; Biological Treatment of Turf Diseases; Characteristics of Turf Fungicides (Fungicide Resistance); Guidelines to Prevent or Delay Resistance to Turf Fungicides; and Fungicide Management of Turf Diseases); Nematode Management (Nematode Population Distribution (Time of Year); Assay Procedure (Collecting a Soil Sample; and Important Note); Threshold Levels (Assessing Damage Caused by Nematodes); and Use of Nematicides (Alternatives to Nematicides)); Insect Management (Insect Damage and Monitoring Techniques (White Grubs; Black Turfgrass Ataenius; Chinch Bugs; Sod Webworms and Cutworms; Annual Bluegrass (Hyperodes) Weevils; Bluegrass Billbugs; Invasive Craneflies; and Ants); Threshold Levels; Biological Management of Turf Insects (Bacillus popillae; Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt); Beauveria bassiana; Entomopathogenic Nematodes; Neem; Spinosad (Conserve); Beneficial Insects in the Turf Setting; and Endophytic Turfgrass Cultivars); Characteristics of Turf Insecticides (Insecticide Resistance); Using Insecticides Preventively in an IPM Program; and Insecticide Management of Turf Insects); Weed Management (Weed Life Cycles (Annual Weeds; Biennial Weeds; and Perennial Weeds); Cultural Practices for Weed Management (Mowing; Fertility; Aeration; Irrigation; and Turf Renovation and Establishment); Scouting and Monitoring for Turf Weeds (Indicator Weeds); Herbicides for Management of Turf Weeds; and Characteristics of Turf Herbicides); and Pesticide Regulations (Licensing and Certification; Notification and Posting for Turf Pesticide Applications to Residential and Public or Private Non-Residential Properties; Record Keeping; The Children and Families Protection Act; and Massachusetts Public Drinking Water Supply Protection Regulations (Turf Pesticides on the Groundwater Protection List (Herbicides; Fungicides; Insecticides; and Nematicides))).
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Turf management -- Massachusetts; Pests -- Integrated control; Turfgrasses -- Diseases and pests -- Control -- Massachusetts
See Also:This publication is issued annually; search as 'MCODE=PTMRE AND YEAR=yyyy to identify a specific year, or to isolate all of them: see records related to PTMRE
See Also:See also earlier edition, Professional Turfgrass Management Recommendations for Massachusetts 1991, 1991, R=26068 R=26068

See also earlier edition, Professional Turfgrass Management Guide for Massachusetts 1992, 1992, R=26097 R=26097

See also earlier edition, Professional Turfgrass Management Guide for Massachusetts 1994, 1994, R=36321 R=36321

See also earlier edition, Professional Turfgrass Management Guide for Massachusetts 1997, 1997, R=171828 R=171828

See also earlier edition, Professional Turf Management Guide for Massachusetts 1998, 1998, R=171829 R=171829

See also earlier edition, Professional Guide for IPM in Turf for Massachusetts, 1999, R=65448 R=65448

See also earlier edition, Professional Guide for IPM in Turf for Massachusetts 2003-2004, 2003, R=171837 R=171837

See also earlier edition, Professional Guide for IPM in Turf for Massachusetts 2006-2007, 2006, R=171867 R=171867
Note:Pictures, b/w
Includes appendix: "Turf pest damage monitoring chart"; pp. 90-92
Includes appendix: "Calendar for cultural practices and related activities"; p. 93
Includes appendix: "Plant diagnostic services"; pp. 94-96
Includes appendix: "Pesticide regulatory agencies in New England, New York and New Jersey"; p. 97
Includes appendix: "Useful information"; p. 98
"Information containted in this guide is current as of 2010."
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Dicklow, M. Bess. 2010. Professional Guide for IPM in Turf for Massachusetts 2010-2011. Owen, Mary C. and Lanier, Jason (eds.) v, 98 pp. Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension.
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