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Web URL(s): | http://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/ressum/2010/7.pdf Last checked: 01/23/2017 Requires: PDF Reader |
Publication Type:
| Report |
Author(s): | Gardner, David;
Horgan, Brian;
Frank, Kevin |
Author Affiliation: | Gardner: The Ohio State University; Horgan: University of Minnesota; Frank: Michigan State University |
Title: | Correlation and calibration of the Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test for use as a nitrogen fertility management tool |
Section: | Integrated turfgrass management Other records with the "Integrated turfgrass management" Section
Source: | 2010 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. 2010, p. 7. |
Publishing Information: | Far Hills, NJ: United States Golf Association |
# of Pages: | 1 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Amino sugar nitrogen; Application rates; Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test; Lysimeters; Nitrogen fertility; Nitrogen losses; Nutritional requirements; Soil analysis Dutch Turfgrass Research Foundation Keywords: 408-B; Golf courses; Fertilizer application; Nitrogen; Soil chemistry; Article
Abstract/Contents: | Presents a study conducted during 2010 to "(1) evaluate the production of mineral N [nitrogen] during incubation of soil differing in N fertilizer responsiveness," "(2) refine the critical amino sugar-N levels for turfgrass quality responsiveness," and "(3) determine the impact of long-term fertility management practices on soil amino sugar-N values and nitrate leaching potential." Details materials and methods used during the study, noting that "soils have been collected from North Dakota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota." Reports that "results of these trials suggest turfgrass clipping yield response to added nitrogen may be lower on soil with higher amino sugar-N levels." Concludes that "the ISNT [Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test] may serve as an appropriate test to assist superintendents in reducing nitrate leaching from golf courses." |
Language: | English |
References: | 0 |
Note: | Published as a part of USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online, December 1 2010, Vol. 9, No. 23 Pictures, color |
USGA Summary Points: | Our field studies suggest that the relationship between amino sugar-N and response of turfgrass to added fertilizer nitrogen is not as consistent as what has been reported in production agriculture. Additional studies are being conducted to analyze if a relationship between amino sugar N levels and turfgrass fertility response exists Laboratory experiments are determining if the Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test value can be correlated to a soil's nitrogen mineralization potential. Analysis of soils gathered from lysimeters at Michigan State University from 2000-2010 will determine if the ISNT has any utility for predicting soils with the potential to leach nitrate due to fertilizer nitrogen. |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Gardner, D., B. Horgan, and K. Frank. 2010. Correlation and calibration of the Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test for use as a nitrogen fertility management tool. Turfgrass Environ. Res. Summ. p. 7. |
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| Web URL(s): http://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/ressum/2010/7.pdf Last checked: 01/23/2017 Requires: PDF Reader |
| MSU catalog number: b3609415 |
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