Full TGIF Record # 175738
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    Last checked: 03/01/2011
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Stier, John
Author Affiliation:Dept. of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title:Shared visions and leadership: Reflections on the past and future of the golf course turf industry
Column Name:Gazing in the grass
Other records with the "Gazing in the grass" Column
Source:The Grass Roots. Vol. 40, No. 1, January/February 2011, p. 12-14.
Publishing Information:Madison, WI: Wisconsin Golf Course Superintendents Association.
# of Pages:3
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Conferences; Cultivar evaluation; Cultivar improvement; Futures; GCSAA; Golf course industry; Golf industry trends; United States Golf Association; Wisconsin Golf Turf Symposium
Abstract/Contents:Discusses the potential value of predicting and speculating, stating that "the 2010 Wisconsin Golf Symposium offered us all a chance to reflect on what we'd thought would be the future over the past 25 years." Highlights a United States Golf Association/Golf Course Superintendents Association of America "visioning session" that took place in 1985, reporting that "the group, with representation by many facets of the golf course industry, identified a number of items they felt would position the industry for better success." Mentions that "efforts to develop and have newer grasses adopted to reduce water use were largely successful. Numerous grass species were evaluated by university researchers for their ability to survive with less irrigation and/or irrigation with non-potable water." Concedes that "not all good ideas came to fruition as initially envisioned...We still don't have laser-cutting units on mowers or self-guided mowers on our golf courses." Provides potential problems related to developing Poa annua as a golf course putting green turf, and briefly describes the use of biotechnology "to develop genetically modified grasses for reduced maintenance and enhanced environmental benefits."
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Stier, J. 2011. Shared visions and leadership: Reflections on the past and future of the golf course turf industry. Grass Roots. 40(1):p. 12-14.
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