Full TGIF Record # 203299
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Corporate Author(s):The Professional Golfers' Association of America
Monograph Title:Turfgrass Course, 1974.
Publishing Information:[Palm Beach Gardens, Florida]: The Professional Golfers' Association of America
# of Pages:126
Collation:viii, 118 pp.
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Turfgrass Establishment (Initial Planning; Drainage; Irrigation Systems; Soil Tests; Soil Preparation; Rough Grading; Seedbed Preparation; Soil-Modifying Materials; Lime; Basic Fertilizer; Insecticides; and Starter Fertilizer); Grasses and Mixtures (Cool-Season Grasses (Kentucky Bluegrass; Red Fescue; Bent Grasses; Rough Bluegrass; Tall Fescue; Red Top; and Rye Grasses); and Warm-Season Grasses (Bermuda Grass; Zoysia Grasses; and Other Warm-Season Grasses)); Seed Mixtures; Seeding ((Time; Seeding Rates; and Seeding Methods); Mulching; Vegetative Planting; Sodding; Converting Greens to Hybrid Strains of Bermuda Grass; Plan Ahead; and Preparation of Vegetative Material for Planting); Care of New Grass ((Mowing; and Watering); Problem Areas (Terraces and Slopes; and Shaded Areas); Temporary Turfgrass Areas; and Winter Turf); Turfgrass Maintenance ((Mowing and Verti-Cutting; Control of Thatch and Grain; and Aerification); Key to Aerification Tie-In Chart (Seed; Fungicides; Leaf Grinding; Sand and Peat; Fertilizer, Lime, and Other Soil Amendments; Insecticides; Verti-Cutting; Sprigging; Mowing; Soil Sterilants; Herbicides; and Water)); Watering Established Turf and Maintenance Fertilization (Watering Established Turf; Maintenance Fertilization (Time of Application; and Rate and Frequency of Applications); Complete Fertilizers; Trace Elements; Practical Application of the Principles of Fertilization; and The Use of Lime for Turf Maintenance); Weed Control (Cultural Practices (Preseeding Control; Mowing; Fertilization; and Adapted Grasses); and Chemical Weed Control (Preemergence Chemicals; and Postemergence Chemicals)); Turfgrass Diseases and Insects (Diseases (The Nature of Turfgrass Diseases; and Conditions Favoring Fungus Attacks); Disease Prevention and Control (Cultural Practices; Resistant Grasses; and Chemical Treatments); and Insect Control); and Analyzing Turfgrass Problems (Variation in Soil Texture; Knotweed and Clover; Shallow Root Systems; Hard Soil; Algae or Black Scum; Dry Spots; Plated Soil; Puddles; Layers; Improper Grass; Weeds; Poor Seed Germination; and Disease); (Grain, Thatch, and Mat (Grain; Thatch; and Mat); and Insects, Grubs, and Animals (Excessive Water; Predominance of Bent Grass; Soil Too Wet; High Mineral Content; Contamination; Blue or Mottled Soil Color; Poor Drainage; Seepage; Runoff Water; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Potassium; The Man in Management; Tree Roots; Buried Materials; Improper Use of Machines and Equipment; Poor Equipment Maintenance; Makeshift Equipment; Chemical Injury; Misuse of Turfgrass Areas; and Mowing Practices)).
See Also:See also 1st edition, 1964, R=222727. R=222727
Note:Includes foreword by Gary Wiren, Education Director, PGA of America; p. iii
Includes appendix: "Management guide for your crew and you"; pp. 89-92
Includes appendix: "Golf 1984"; pp. 93-99
Includes appendix: "Turfgrass diseases and their control"; pp. 101-104
Includes appendix: "A golf course maintenance survey"; pp. 106-109
Includes appendix: "How to determine cost data"; pp. 110-111
Includes appendix: "Turfgrass course"; pp. 112-118
"Permission is hereby granted by Hahn, Inc. to the Professional Golfers' Association of America to reproduce any and all of the material contained in the West Point Turfgrass Correspondence course."
Pictures, b/w
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"A simplified, small book designed as part of a training program for the golf professional. Sections encompass turfgrass selection, establishment, culture, pest control, and analysis of turfgrass problems. This book began as a correspondence course for salesmen authored by Tom Mascaro and was revised by Professor Burt Musser and Tom Mascaro for the golf course superintendents. Subsequently, it was revised by Professor Musser for the Professional Golfers Association in 1964 and updated by Warren Bidwell in 1974, including photographs." p. 280
Beard Section Heading:Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
The Professional Golfers' Association of America. 1974. Turfgrass Course. viii, 118 pp. [Palm Beach Gardens, Florida]: The Professional Golfers' Association of America.
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